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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Swarovski service

    That stinks. I put in a few of my business cards to make sure they sent them back to the right address.

    Outer Limits 2 day Aug 4-6

    That was cool. I have only caught Albacore, maybe next year but that's what I said last year too.

    4 days on the Yellowstone

    Beautiful pictures, bucket list trip for me.

    Toyota Tundra

    Is there a chip/tune out that can increase the mileage? Really no need for so many horses all the time. Since we have gotten used to $3-$4 a gallon gas the manufacturers are in a race to jack up the HP and torque to ridiculous levels when the focus should really be on fuel efficiency. There are plenty of innovative companies finding ways to get the increased performance if someone really wants or needs it.

    must be dinner time

    I'm waiting for my sister in Colorado to post up a picture like that. Should move to some acreage out in the stix and has posted some pictures of bears. She's is no dummy but I keep telling her to keep an eye out and get some bear spray.

    Any traffic lawyer on cw?

    If you're lucky you won't get sent to Florence. LOL That is crazy that you would get a ticket for dust, not so much for speeding if you were are a State Road as I believe the speed limit when there isn't one posted is 25mph. I know that Scottsdale PD were writing tickets to some parents across from a school when they parked there to pick up their kids for dust. I really don't see how they can do that especially in the construction industry you do not have to get a dust control permit or whatever it is call, if the site is under two acres.

    Invalid tag

    I would have gone hunting.

    NIB Remington 700 Classic

    Is this a walnut stock?

    Toyota Tundra

    Car manufacturers react to consumers crying for more horsepower which comes at the expense of mileage. The BTU properties of gasoline doesn't change and it all comes down to CC's.
  10. PRDATR

    Toyota Tundra

    A little for the market to take a huge hit, seems to always happen on October, at least when it does.
  11. PRDATR

    Swarovski service

    Bill, Here is a link. Go in a register then you can create a repair ticket and they will contact you. If you have any problems let me know and I'll send you the email address for the woman who was answering my questions in the repair department. https://repairservice.swarovskioptik.us/home They just sent me an email with a tracking number and a list of what they did. There are 8.5 EL's and were about 10 years old. Items Quantity (Binocular Repair) 1 (678-936A HINGE COVER - (Replaces 659-984A)) 1 (SENKKOPFSCHR, POLYSEAL) 1 (EYE CUP TWIST IN EL 8.5x42 & SLC 10x50) 2 (PLASTIC ARM) 2 (GEWINDERING) 1 (NEW COAT RIGHT 8.5X42) 1 (NEW COAT LEFT 8.5X42) 1 (659-978 BINOCULAR LOOP) 2 (659-954 ADHESIVE TAPE) 1 (HOUSING COVER RIGHT) 1 (HOUSING COVER LEFT) 1 (ADHESIVE STRIP) 1 (659-943 SWAROVSKI LOGO) 1 (659-947 HAWK) 1 (FOCUS HOUSING) 1 (FOCUS KNOB) 1 (659-940A RUBBER RING) 1 (OBJECTIVE SPRING - EL) 4 (RIGHT FOCUS LENS MOUNT) 1 (LEFT FOCUS) 1
  12. PRDATR

    Brand new hunter

    I wouldn't be at all concerned about the disparity between the two types of ammo, very common. Move the target to 100 yards and see which bullets group tighter. Then move to 200 yards and make that your zero. After that if you can go to 300 do it just to see how low it is, probably 4". Then shoot a shot at 50 and one at 100 and note where it is. Which scope do you have?
  13. PRDATR

    Swarovski service

    Got an email today that they are done and shipping back to me today. They have had them almost 5 weeks.
  14. Bill, What caliber were you using for Silhouette?
  15. PRDATR

    Cell service help...

    Which one? How close to it do you need to be?
  16. I mounted a scope on a Savage 110 a couple of years ago and used the Burris Zee Rings and it worked great and I would use them again.
  17. PRDATR

    Buying half a cow

    Ask him if he can put you in touch with a few former customers so you can talk to them about the taste and quality of what he sold them. Does the time of year affect what they get fed, city boy question.
  18. PRDATR

    Staying cool in a hot blind

    Are blinds vented at the top to let hot air out? If you think you may be sweating a lot I would wear some Under Armour to absorb it.
  19. PRDATR

    Hillary the comedian

    Christie is the pot calling the kettle black and should be in prison watching Deliverence. Clinton is out, she won't make the cut.
  20. I have never heard of anyone hunting on the Gila Reservation. Your best bet is to hunt San Carlos Reservation.
  21. Weaver. So old that it has the flathead screws. I think that is on my 788.
  22. Take the old scope out and lay the new one in and see if you need higher rings. What rings and bases are on there now?
  23. PRDATR

    New Ruger LC9S 9mm $300

    You have to use an FFL to ship it to another FFL unless you are shipping it to the manufacturer and in which case you need to sent it FEDX. Just an FYi.
  24. PRDATR

    Portable 7'x14'hunting cabin $2000 OBO

    Is his last name Clampet?