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Everything posted by PRDATR

  1. I had one back in the 80's great shotgun which came in a lot a variations and chokes including vent ribs. I would say this is a Field Model with a modified choke and 2 3/4 only. I have been looking to replace a 20 ga but after buying a shotgun earlier this year on here that was a semi 28 ga and paying top dollar I am leery of buying another used semi because it won't shoot more that a few shells without breaking down. Lesson Learned.

    Ruger single six revolver in 22 caliber

    Only the Security Six and Convertible models came with a 22 Mag cylinder.

    In Need of Home Electrical Advice and Help

    The power can be wired a few ways to the outlet. 1. Power in and out wired together under a wire nut with a third wire the outlet. This the preferred way. 2. Power in and out wired directly to the two screws with one on each screw or into the holes on the back. This is bad a causes the load from all of the outlets downstream to go through it and when it fails you loose the remaining outlets.
  4. Usually you will need to apply heat to loosen up the red.

    Recent finds

    And just an average one.

    Went out with a bang and a Coues!

    Way to stick it out.

    Unit 10 muzzleloader

    You might want to get on of these. http://www.lowes.com/pd_429037-347-SCO501CN_0__?k_clickID=682aa157-70db-4586-8578-305bd90c9066&store_code=3000&productId=4075206&selectedLocalStoreBeanArray=%5Bcom.lowes.commerce.storelocator.beans.LocatorStoreBean%4069f969f9%5D&storeNumber=3000&kpid=4075206&cm_mmc=SCE_PLA-_-ToolsAndHardware-_-Smoke-_-4075206%3AFirst_Alert&CAWELAID=&CAWELAID=1706975536

    They're everywhere

    I think everybody who lives in Safford hunts.

    Unit 10 muzzleloader

    Good luck. Hope you have a warm place to stay, with this front moving in temps will be 10 degrees cooler. I've seen them in the low teens at night there this time of year.
  10. PRDATR

    Looking for a machinist

    Where do you live?
  11. PRDATR

    shooting the wrong species

    Seems fair to me. Sometimes mistakes happen.
  12. PRDATR

    First one for my boy

    Good times. That's great that you are teaching him how to use a call. Not too many people want to take the time to do that anymore.
  13. A little late to the part but I add my two cent in too David. Def blue after using some 90% rubbing alcohol on the screws and hole followed by blowing out the excess with a can of air. See what the mfgr recommends but about 10-15" pounds works or just snug them up and let site 24 hours.
  14. PRDATR

    Scope lapping bars

    I think Big Browns has some.
  15. PRDATR

    30a Second Chance Solo Hunt

    Every deer I have killed with one exception was done solo. 30A is a tough unit, congrats. Nice first post.
  16. PRDATR

    Congrats to all!

    Bob, Did you already have your AZ Elk hunt?
  17. Prices are outrageous compared to europe, my Verizon bill runs just over 80 a month.
  18. It seems like almost all the towers in the Tempe area have had someone working on them most of the week.
  19. PRDATR

    Is it just me?

    Rain, Rain, Rain (and social media).
  20. That's good to hear since I am a Verizon user.
  21. PRDATR

    How far would you go/ Ethics ?

    Everyone wants to be the only one in an area. My bucket list is pretty small and only lacks a lion and an antelope. I can count all the deer I have killed on one hand in 30 years. Passed on a lot more. Guess I should have been a vegetarian. LOL If I hike into an area and come up on another hunter I stop and talk. SOmetimes I leave because that's just me. I really like being the only one for as far as I can see. I spent the weekend in 16A and only saw a single group of four guys glassing from their UTV on the way in. Never saw another hunter the rest of the weekend but I hiked into a wilderness area that I only know of another hunter who goes into it. Apparently the deer must not be using it this time of year but I'm going back to see if I can find the lone brute I saw last winter which was the only deer I have seen in there in three years. Everyone has their own take on hunting. I like to be successful but won't do it at the expense of other hunters experience.
  22. Yeah, it's existing sites that I'm seeing activity at.
  23. PRDATR

    Lost backpack in 20a?

    No takers yet, he has been posting it on a few FB pages. I would have GPS'ed it and left it there.
  24. PRDATR


    I had a Weaver T16 I used for Silhouette shooting for a few years a couple of times a month and had it set to a 200 yard zero. During each match I would adjust it to 300, 400 and 500 yards and it never failed to return to zero.
  25. PRDATR

    STOLEN Polaris

    Hopefully they can dust it for prints.