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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Looking For A RattleSnake Guide

    You can drive backroads or walk washes after dark, especially after a good thunderstorm. Also walking washes in the first hour or two in the morning and looking in shady spots under bushes works too but in August the morning temps will be in the high 80's or low 90's

    24B behind pinto valley mine

    That really stinks, at least it didn't happen back in there. What do you think it is, head gasket? I know of a good ford mechanic if you can't do it yourself. He had a shop on Center/Southern.


    Huge difference in FOV from 12 to 20 power.

    Cc hits?

    I think she was blowing smoke.

    Spring Draw

    I bank at Desert Schools and nothing yet but they are always a couple of days late to post G&F.

    Bass Pro buying out Cabelas???


    Bulldog ATV Rack

    How do you get it up there?


    Wait until January or February when the hunts are done and Christmas present bills start hitting CC's. Used optics will be flooding the Classifieds.

    Bass Pro buying out Cabelas???

    Pretty much a done deal. I agree that it sucks, China Pro.
  10. PRDATR

    What's this world coming to?

    Must have been a Boy Scout or a Sailor judging from all those knots. LOL
  11. I bought my first bonus point this year but it may be another year before I apply for a tag.
  12. PRDATR

    What's this world coming to?

    Maybe they tied it up as bait in hopes that a lion would eat on it. Lord knows there are a bunch of them in there.
  13. PRDATR

    WTB 7mm

  14. PRDATR

    24B behind pinto valley mine

    So I'll be a Tuesday Night Keyboard Commando First Coues Was 110.
  15. PRDATR

    turd furgeson at work

    Change departments? Over the years have you met and made connections with people working for you competitors? Sometimes in corporate America d-bags get dirt on people up the food chain and use that to move up.
  16. PRDATR

    Mearn's Display

    Everytime I have been that close I just about had a heart attack. Reps to the Taxi.
  17. PRDATR

    27 Late Rifle crowds

    A few miles in on foot will feel like an eternity packing out. I have only hunted it for gobblers but good luck. I would offer to help out but a family emergency has me headed out of town for the holiday. Dam cancer.
  18. PRDATR


    Only hunted it a couple of times. Great unit, way to fill the tag.
  19. PRDATR

    24B behind pinto valley mine

    I hunted it about 12 years ago when my son had an any antlered tag but haven't been in there since. Let me know if I can answer any of your questions. There are both Mule Deer and Coues in there.
  20. You might just want to google the heck out of it and see what pops up.
  21. PRDATR


    That is a mess of good looking fish. Definitely jealous.
  22. Maybe I'm getting oldtimers but wasn't it possible to purchase a license only if you were drawn when putting in for big game tags? The nice people at G&F said this was never the case. A on-resident friend was going to put in for the spring hunts but decided not to because he didn't want to purchase a license if he wasn't going to be drawn. Si if there are leftovers and he does purchase a license can I go down when the first come first serve tags go onsale and using his license info purchase a tag OTC?
  23. I like more open terrain with scrub for coyotes like what you see on the Gila Rez out by Firebird. For foxes I like shallow canyons and rocky out croppings like what you see on the Beeline just past Four Peaks turnoff.
  24. PRDATR

    Couse Mad cow disease

    Report it.