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Everything posted by PRDATR


    20% off at Kuiu

    Guess I'll have to look again but I thought I covered everything.

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    After gazing into my crystal ball I see it will be on February 5th. My prediction is I will rise early, get bait and head out into the Louisiana marsh in search of Redfish. In the afternoon we will do a crawfish boil and bar-b-que, drink a few cases of beer and have lots of people over. The game will get turned on and a few people will actually watch part of it. If halftime is good it may stay on if not it may still stay on with the usual boo's and hisses. I also predict two teams will play and one will win. If we are lucky we may actually have a camera man with a heart and pan to the cheerleaders more than just once or twice. Really, that's what football is really all about, CHEERLEADERS.
  3. They need to work on a lightweight ADL model.

    20% off at Kuiu

    When will the new Verde 2.0 be available?

    Tonto Pass

    Walmart on McKellips and Greenfield has them in the sportingoods dept.

    "Official Ballot"

    Got mine yesterday. Choices are, McCain Meluskey Van Steenwyk Ward

    Pollitical Correctness and Thin Skin

    Lonesome Beaver Court.

    Prayer Request for My Mom

    Sorry to hear that guess the lord thinks it's her time. He called my Mom home earlier this year and a few weeks later my sister-in law.

    Pollitical Correctness and Thin Skin

    Maybe she should lobby the State of Arizona to change the name of Wet Beaver Creek while she's at it.
  10. PRDATR

    Zeiss HD5?

    I'm really tempted. I don't care for the bigger objectives though.
  11. PRDATR

    Zeiss HD5?

    Is this a in store only sale or online?
  12. PRDATR

    Zeiss HD5?

    That is a great price. I have a 3-15 HD and it is a great scope that I got from Camera Land a few years ago.
  13. Good shooting. Did you mean 24.5 grains?
  14. PRDATR

    Heat's 2016 Kaibab Cow Bison Hunt

    Great story, felt like I was there.
  15. PRDATR

    After the trigger is pulled

    Knifemerchant.com has some really good prices too but it would be great if there were sheaths available for them. What is a 2 sided steel? All I have seen are the long skinny ones.
  16. PRDATR

    Help picking 2 way radios

    Do a search, this has come up a time or two before. You should find plenty of info. I can't be of much help as I don't use them.
  17. PRDATR

    Rhondas Butcher Shop in Flagstaff

    Lots of reviews on here regarding them.
  18. PRDATR

    Best price on Ruger ar556 in Arizona?

    Missed that one.
  19. PRDATR

    Hot water heater

    Handyman special.
  20. PRDATR

    New Camo???

    I wear my old kings t-shirts as undershirts. Our shop is 85-95 degrees inside in the summer. It wicks the monsoon sweat just fine. Have you tried under armour shirts or the new carhardt force t-shirts?
  21. PRDATR

    Hot water heater

    Just a few more steps. LOL ya never know how many hacks replaced one before and didn't make sure it was bonded. So many people just use what ever nipples they can find that fit with no regard for the material. I have seen everything from electrical to galvanized to cheap plated ones with no pipe dope and beyond.
  22. PRDATR

    New Camo???

    Much of my stuff is Kings Camo and the patterns are perfect but the material isn't suited for temps of 75 and above.
  23. PRDATR

    New Camo???

    Do they ever have clearance sales?
  24. PRDATR

    Hot water heater

    say what? I never did when I lived in Mesa. oops Neither did I but the ex said she they told her she needed to do so with the last one. Only time I ever pulled permits was when I did a electric service changeout on my house and then for a friend. Oh, and when I added an AC unit to the house after we moved in and the wife got pregnant with our first kid and I decided that just having a swamp cooler wasn't going to cut it anymore so I got a refurbished unit from a friend and had another one measure up the ductwork and we welded up a frame from some old angle iron and installed it after I changed out the 100amp fuse panel for a 200 amp breaker panel. I did all that work myself including the hot work. The city inspector did the initial inspection and a couple of years later SRP came around upgrading the feeders and biatched up a storm to the wife because I didn't call them. Yeah oops.
  25. PRDATR

    Hot water heater

    I know in Mesa you need to pull a permit too.