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Everything posted by PRDATR


    cz 452 american 22 mag w/leupold 2x7 SPF

    UPS will also want a signed copy of the FFL you send it to.

    Local raw honey. South Chandler

    Right, me too.

    OTC Colorado Elk

    Good luck guys.

    Road Hunting, Still Illegal

    In the early 80's I bought my first compound bow and would practice in the backyard and eventually started to shoot at longer distances out at the familys cotton farm and eventually bought sites too which helped past 40 yards. Lucky me drew an elk tag and called G&F (no internet back then) and asked them if I could talk to the warden for the area. We he was in the field so I left my number and go a call back a few days later after dinner. I told him where I was going to camp and he asked me what my strategy was going to be. I told him I would hunt on foot from camp and leave camp before light and listen for bugles, then stalk them and try that in the morning then later come back to camp if I was unsuccessful and maybe drive to a different area. We talked some more about tactics and gear then he asked me where my bow would be while I was driving. I told him it would be in the bed of my truck which had a camper shell on it. He said that would be ok as long as it was cased. Problem was I was only making about $7.50 an hour and couldn't afford a case yet. I told him I didn't own one and he said if he stopped me and the bow wasn't cased he would cite me for road hunting. Well I disagreed with him on that and said what about having a gun in the window rack, would he consider that road hunting too? Anyway the bow would be in the camper, he didn't budge on his stance. Well I still couldn't afford a bow case so I made one out of an old dufflebag and went hunting. I never did run into him. 12B probably had the most road hunters I ever saw. My son and I hunted it for three days and we never saw another hunter on foot and we hiked quite a bit each day. Everyone we saw were driving around. We saw a group of deer about 500 yards away across a field on the edge of some trees. We backtracked a bit and found a draw that let us make it across the field out of their sight. When we got close the were gone so we went into the strip of trees and popped out the other side to an equally big field. The was a draw so I told my son that they were probably in there and had him go solo in that direction. It was just after sunrise and as he went down the hill I saw the headlights of a truck slowly come around a bend about 500 yards away headed in our direction. My son bumped the deer and they ran out into the open about 50 yards in from of them. The truck was now about 250 yards close and when they saw the deer they stopped and the drives and passenger jumped out with their rifles. My son took a shot but missed and the passenger who had his rifle shouldered was flagged off by the driver. Sure go a little hairy there for a second but it worked out even though he didn't get another chance at a shot.

    26 nosler

    Usually the person who has spent the most $$$$. But we do have some pretty knowledgable/experienced people here.

    Ruger #1 RSI

    I hope you get it figured out. I've always wanted one in 375H&H.

    New Hunter

    Good advice, but don't shoot any cactus or you could get a summons. 7-08 is fine and I have probably shot 3000+ rounds when I used to shoot competition and 120gr will work great. Go out and shoot some jackrabbits for practice. Chris

    Road Hunting, Still Illegal

    Same here. But I don't drive along at 2 mph with an uncased loaded gun looking for game.

    Oh the lows

    Way to stick with it, good luck.
  10. PRDATR

    More BEETLES

  11. Seems to get worse every year with some people setting up 50 feet away and not so much as a hello or a look your way then proceed to take every shot they can dropping some birds in spots they know they can't be retrieved and then want to stay for hours.
  12. PRDATR

    Nothern Part U10 Mid Rifle Cow Hunt

    More open than the southern part, which is where i have hunted in the past.
  13. PRDATR

    More BEETLES

    Leaf footed bugs. That subtype you have photos of are also known as Giant Mesquite Bug, Thasus neocalifornicus Cool looking, http://arizonabeetlesbugsbirdsandmore.blogspot.com/2010/06/life-cycle-of-giant-mesquite-bug-thasus.html
  14. It's an older Winchester Model 12, probably 1920's. The action feels like it is sluggish, maybe gummed up. I'd like to have it to have as a backup for new shooters this dove season. I had an old manual that showed how to take it apart and actually did my father-in-laws dads gun about 20 years ago and I seem to remember a wishbone spring in there somewhere.
  15. PRDATR

    Ruger #1 RSI

    I don't but a friend has a #1 in 25.06 and even with a lot of throat erosion if shot well. Tell us more about it, how long have you had it and what loads have you tried. Not to be a jerk but have you let someone else shoot it?
  16. PRDATR

    New Hunter

    I'll even bring along a shotgun you can use, shells will be on me. You just need to buy a Migratory Bird Stamp to affix to the back of your hunting license. Walmart has them they are $5.
  17. PRDATR

    Let's talk tires

    That is usually an indication of worn out shocks but you may just need a shock more suited to your vehicle.
  18. PRDATR

    Help with first archery deer

    If you want to hunt from a tree in the mid to lower elevations then look for canyon bottoms that have occassional water and look for sycamore, cottonwood etc.
  19. PRDATR

    Block Ice & Cheap Diesel

    Use Gasbuddy.com
  20. PRDATR

    What Kind of trail?

    Critter corridor. Def not caused by rain, for a lot of reasons.
  21. PRDATR

    Slow Down ATV'ers

    Yeah, you need to turn off on the road that crosses the wash, only way in to Rogers. First time I have been there in about 15 years.
  22. PRDATR

    Slow Down ATV'ers

    I took a drive into the Superstitions today from Queen Valley up toward Rogers Trough just to kill some time. A few miles in I rounded a bent and came across three guys using a 2WD ATV with a tow strap tied to a bright yellow SXS that was up ended on the passenger side. I asked if they were ok and they were and they thanked me for stopping and asked if I would help. I asked them if they wanted me to help push it over and they said they had been trying that but the other ATV didn't have enough power to pull it back over so I had them disconnect the tow strap from it and I moved my truck into position and used it to right the SXS onto it's wheels. They said it was new, just seven miles. The area was pretty flat and had a few abandon campfire rings so I guess they were doing broadies and lost it. Sure glad I didn't come across bodies instead. I went on bout my way further in and about 90 minuted later on my way back down they came past me on their way up. Funday Sunday. I guess it's officially broken in now.
  23. PRDATR


    They were looking for piles of corn?
  24. PRDATR

    Slow Down ATV'ers

    There was a group of maybe 10 or 12 SXS's out there to tearing it up. I stopped a few times to let them pass.
  25. PRDATR

    Getting It- Life

    That's a really long run. I know as my wife grandmother made it to 101, she came to Arizona from Texas as a little girl in a covered wagon and the family lived in tents for sometime, picking cotton. You have my condolences Sir.