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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Should you get a tag if you can't read English?

    I was beginning to wonder why we had some vacant street corners off the 202 lately. I thought maybe they migrated over to San Diego for the winter.
  2. The black bear I shot was about 200 yards away and weighed about 200 pounds, maybe a little less. It was feeding and facing away when I shot. The bullet hit in the back just off of the spine and below the shoulder, it went about 10 feet and died. The bullet was a 120gr Barnes original X Bullet out of a 7 Rem Mag going about 3350. The only other bear I have seen shot was a young grizz that was maybe 500-600 #'s. It was hit broadside just behind the shoulder at about 150 yards from a 338 Winchester Mag as it fed on the bank of a river on some discarded salmon. When it was hit it jumped into the river then spun around and went into the willows. We gave it an hour and crossed over and it was laying just barely ten feet from shore.

    Culture or clueless

    Casey, I have a place I camp at (when I'm lucky enough to get a tag) which is at the end of a road. Two years ago every morning about an hour before sunrise there would be a steady stream of trucks and ATV's pull into my camp and head out, pretty frustrating but it all worked out.

    Outdoor Edge or Havalon?

    I know the Havalon has a loyal following but the blades seem small and tricky to replace.

    Bear in the Pines

    Very cool bear and great story.

    Outdoor Edge or Havalon?

    I ended up getting the Edge Pro and gave it to my son for his birthday on Sunday. Everyone had to hold it and he was pretty happy so thanks everyone for the input.

    Outdoor Edge or Havalon?

    I had a Havalon and donated it to the other AZ hunter website about 4 years ago.

    To age or not to age

    The age old question; http://www.wyomingextension.org/agpubs/pubs/B513Rpdf.pdf

    Stiener or Nightforce

    I'd like to hear how the Athlon compares to the other scopes. I had not even heard of them until about four months ago.
  10. PRDATR

    To age or not to age

    I brine Javelina and age it in the refrigerator for about a week, once you get past about 8-9 days it starts to go downhill.
  11. PRDATR

    Happy Birthday Amanda

    Happy Birthday Amanda.
  12. PRDATR

    Hanging in an area with no trees?

    Critters got to eat too.
  13. PRDATR

    Wyoming Hunt Complete

    Sounds like an adventure, which reminds me I need to buy another bonus point soon.
  14. PRDATR

    5 for 5 on the Jr Kaibab hunt

    Awesome, Awesome, Awesome.
  15. PRDATR

    New been to forum

    Welcome Rudy. With a Champ permit I would think you would be ok but hold me to it. http://www.arizonahoal.org/ might be able to point you in the right direction.
  16. I read about it last weekend, glad they caught the perps.
  17. PRDATR

    Lost JVC digital camcorder in 12AW

    That stinks, did you have a name and phone number on it?
  18. PRDATR

    Smoked T-Bones...

    Bashas had London Broil yesterday for $2.99 lb if you get the two pack.
  19. PRDATR

    MF'ing bugs

    LOL, you look like Abduls bride.
  20. PRDATR

    Ground Elk Recipes

    That sounds good, minus the veggies and thankfully no beans.
  21. PRDATR

    Cabelas sold? How did I miss this?

    You mean Redhead, aka China/use once/ throw away stuff?
  22. PRDATR

    Employment Opportunity

    Pay scale is way too low for someone with those skillsets by $10 an hour.
  23. PRDATR

    bedding a rifle

    They always had good reviews and came highly recommended by quite a few people. Then earlier this year there was a posted by someone who was disgruntled, and it sounded justified. Then a few people piled on. I personally have had not them do any work on my guns. Since I'm a poor working stiff.
  24. PRDATR

    Logan Got It Done

  25. PRDATR

    What a weekend in 17b

    Very cool, is that an old Remington Semi?