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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Unit 29

    Yes, I have hunted it a few times from the 15th to the 23rd and the rut was barely starting when I left. This was Horshoe Canyon/Mexican Camp area.

    Wanting to learn to tan hides

    There are places online to buy what is needed, checkout taxidermist supplies.

    AGFD Wolf Announcement

    How about Listo, Fuego.
  4. Beautiful buck and obviously well earned.
  5. Surely someone has a trailer that will just be sitting around unused. I'll offer up $100 for your trouble.

    Whole Bunch of 22LR Ammo FS

    Prices haven't changed much. My guess is he is liquidating a stash that was aquired few years back, still not a bad price and I doubt it will get rolled back much on the retail end or we would see Black Friday sales galore.
  7. A few years ago my niece turned 39 and with both of her kids in HS she got pregnant. After 10 years into her second marriage. My former Branch Manager and his wife couldn't make it happen after 10 years so they adopted three kids from Panama. Two years later she came up pregnant. There is always a chance, stars sometimes just have to align.

    New Bar display

  9. Wow Mike that is fantastic, truly a miracle and hope this may be a start of a bigger family for you and God willing a few more. God Bless you, your wife and family.
  10. PRDATR

    Calling out the poacher in unit 33

    Hey! Some of us like work our small game, look at Uncle Sy! Feathers and all, LOL. CWT.COM is a great place and is a mixture of Hunters and Gathers. And some scatteres too it appears. Small Game, Big Game if you need this as an edge you have no game but I have not problem with it if you hunt to feed your family.
  11. PRDATR

    Taylor Takes Her 1st Muley

    Congratulations Taylor all that practice paid off in a huge way, helps to have a model dad too.
  12. PRDATR

    22 South Lodging

    Here is a list of motels in Payson. http://www.booking.com/searchresults.html?aid=375826;label=city-payson-_awZch6b_xidCNdKZX_lXAS148897740622%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap1t1%3Aneg%3Afi%3Atikwd-581492792%3Alp9030087%3Ali%3Adec%3Adm;sid=5cb1a28aae415a343a7fbe931ae7a5d5;city=20006869;radius=20;src=theme_landing#map_closed
  13. PRDATR

    8 1/2 months prego, Am I crazy????

    I also say go hunt, Just take a big cork and some denture grip in case her water breaks. LOL
  14. PRDATR

    Best deals on AR's

    Along the same lines, I was at Usery last year and a couple of older gentlemen were having a problem getting the bolt open on their rifle. It was a wood stocked bolt action chambered in 223 and they were shooting 5.56 in it. The rifle was a very nice looking one but I don't remember the make. I explained the difference between the two rounds to them at the time.
  15. PRDATR

    Need Advice

    Be patient, they will eventually show up. The time of day isn't critical and I imagine the temps are fairly cool. Call for 15 to 20 minutes.
  16. PRDATR

    Tire Suggestions

    I only got about 45K out of the older style BFG on my F250. Switched to E Rated Nittos and was getting about 55K. Switched to Toyo's last year and like them. They seem to have a harder rubber than the Nittos. I rotate them every 5K and have maybe 10K on them as I only drive the truck on the weekends.
  17. PRDATR

    REMINGTON 1903

    Interesting article on them. https://www.americanrifleman.org/articles/2016/6/8/the-remington-m1903-rifles/
  18. PRDATR

    REMINGTON 1903

    You might want to bring it to Derrick Martin at Accuracy Speaks over at Usery. He is a former militery armourer. http://www.accuracyspeaks.com/index.html
  19. I have noticed that it seems to happen to at least 50% of pictures posted over the last 6 months or so and is very random.
  20. Great footage. I would have thought the cub would have been staying closer to momma. Made me think twice now about taking the first available shot. I did notice she was thinner than the bear in the first video which made me think the video was in late spring and the bear was just out of hibernation.
  21. PRDATR

    WTB a Glock 19 Gen 4

    Go to Healey Arms and support a sponser.
  22. PRDATR

    The Horseshoe Buck of 36A

    Nice story. Haven't heard of a gain twist barrel since the 60's. Congratulations on the horse shoe. It looks a bit like one I came across with another hunter on this site during his wifes hunt.
  23. PRDATR

    Portal Account results are up!

    Why? Are you having NatureBob choose for you?
  24. PRDATR

    Rifle for 10 Year Old

    My son won a RMEF 700 Youth in 243 a long time ago and it has been a great rifle, in fact I have used it a couple of times on Javelina hunts because it is so handy and light.
  25. PRDATR

    36A buck

    Great write up and kudos to you and your dad. I tagged along on a hunt in the same unit earlier this year and it looks like you covered some of the same ground, kicked my butt too. Work prevented me from making it back down for my hunt last week but that's the way it goes sometimes.