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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Badlands Stealth Pack $59 Today Only!

    I received it today, I should have paid closer attention and thought it was 2900cu so if anyone missed out I'll let it go for the sale price and keep looking for another pack. PM me

    Jerky Recipe?

    Well, no deer this year since I could never get away from work. But, my son wants to make some and I am looking for recipes and what cuts of beef to use. I'm thinking maybe London Broil or Top Sirloin. I had a recipe years ago I think was from maybe Handloader Magazine or Field & Stream that used Worschetshire and a little Bourbon but lost it.
  3. Yesterday afternoon just after 4PM, missing drivers mudflap. LOL

    Opinions on coolers

    If you are going on a week or 10 day hunt and need ice to cool down game if you tag out and don't plan on putting food in the cooler.

    Trigger weight ?

    3 pounds for me on a hunting rifle is where I like it. I had the trigger set to about 4 pounds on my AR but it strikes some commercial ammo too light to ignite the primer.

    In search of Hunting Friend

    What unit is your tag for?
  7. Bought it used about 10 years ago only had it out once. Just taking up space. It has TC 2X7 scope and an Uncle Mikes shoulder holster. It is prone to the usual misfire that TC's have due to head space issues but it is accurate and like new. $350 First PM/Message has dibs.

    In search of Hunting Friend

    This is what this site is famous for.


  10. PRDATR

    Henry US Survival 22

    I bought this from a fellow member maybe 5 years ago. It was shot a few time by him and never by me. $150?
  11. PRDATR

    Henry US Survival 22

    Sold to My Rights, pending meet up tomorrow.
  12. PRDATR

    Nebraska Whitetail

    He's waiting for 4/1/17.
  13. There was just a recent post on the Arizona Hunting Today Facebook page selling 100 new Winchester cases and 60 loaded rounds of 95 gr for $250.
  14. PRDATR

    Well I Never

    I remember seeing a picture years ago of one about 40' up in a Cottonwood.
  15. PRDATR

    The coolest fire pit ever built???

    Cool stuff
  16. That's the first Coues I have seen like that but I did see a Muley Doe a few years ago that was pretty close to that. I am lucky enough to have seen an all white Coues Buck while hunting with a buddy many, many years ago but it was probably 1000 yards away. The locals knew of it but as far as I know it was never taken and may have been the same white deer that G&F had a picture of in their office on the wall that was with a bunch of Doe's but that one didn't have antlers but it could have already shed them. Maybe he can work something out with the taxi.
  17. https://www.lobstergram.com/live-lobsters?medium=cpc&gclid=CPSfgIXx7NACFQ5xfgoduZMNlA
  18. PRDATR

    WTB Pistol

    Aren't most PD trade in's G22's?
  19. PRDATR

    Who is hunting tomorrow?

    Is it OTC?
  20. PRDATR

    Some Days??

    Or maybe a little more teaching before hand and student evaluation. Sorry but unless the kid is really remedial or challenged there is not reason for that to happen in a wood working class. I took "shop" every year (mandatory) from 7th grade through 12th. Everything from metal casting to welding to printing and sheetmetal/iron working class. But my love was wood working and in my senior year I had two classes, one was cabinet making and the other was boat building. I built a hydroplane and my friend built a 16' runabout, way back in 1970. We averaged 15-20 kids per class, maybe your class is larger but there is no reason for that to have progressed to the point that the project became such a failure and resource was wasted.
  21. PRDATR


    Had it happen on an AR after a trigger job with 3# springs but only on some PPU and SSA ammo. Must have thicker primers. Also had it happen on a Contender but that is because of headspace issues with them and only once in a while. Never on a bolt action and my goto rifle is a 25 years old 700 in 7mm Rem Mag. Never had a problem with my handloads or any factory loads. The bolt has never been apart, all original. I took it to a gunsmith in Mesa a few years ago just to have it taken apart and inspected (for piece of mind) and he refused to do it, looked like a simple job but oh well.
  22. PRDATR

    Pig sticker.

    From the side.
  23. PRDATR

    REI and Free Victim Zones

    The Tempe store was broken into after hours and they lost some high dollar stuff a couple of months ago. Monitoring company never caught it until hours later. Probably ADT (Always Done Twice).