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Everything posted by PRDATR


    2017 elk videos and pics

    Loved it!


    Fantastic pics, thanks for sharing.

    Canyon cooler 22

    I will be passing through Payson on Friday on my way to go turkey hunting from Mesa and can bring it back to the valley for the buyer if need be.

    Honda generator

    I live in Mesa and have a construction/remodel going on at KRMC and will be up there either the end of next week or the week after so I can pick it up and bring it back to the valley.

    7E Bull

    You all worked your tails off for that one. Great job. Did you recover the bullet?

    7W Archery Bull

    Cool looking bull.

    Wyo goat

    Very nice, congrats. I love seeing all the pictures from Wyoming.


    Happy Birthday Bill and thanks for sharing your wisdom and stories with us.

    7E Bull

    Which ones? The bull or the ones with you and the midget? B4555059-B66D-477E-84AC-1FF42698420D.jpeg She's outta your league.
  10. PRDATR

    7E Bull

    Well that's not funny, congrats though.
  11. PRDATR

    6a Help

    I have hunted that area and only saw one Coues. Not saying the're not in there but if you do decide to go buy a lion tag.
  12. PRDATR

    delete found thanks all

    Check Pawn shops and ask Healys to keep an eye out. My nephew lucked into one for 6 Bills back in NY that wasn't shot much.
  13. PRDATR

    6.5 Creedmoor Build

    So if the action is pillar beaded why do anything more?
  14. PRDATR

    6.5 Creedmoor Build

    Is that compound used for bedding the action?
  15. PRDATR

    Unit 33 Road Conditions?

    If it's the road I'm thinking of you won't be able to get a trailer up it.
  16. Asking for a friend. LOL Seriously though, should I clean them right away instead of a couple of hours later? My son asked me this last week, said he loves eating them but they seem to be a pain to clean and get the skin off.
  17. PRDATR

    Rem 700 .243

    And I was just headed to the Credit Union. I have one too many 243's anyway.
  18. PRDATR


    Nice meeting you Sir.
  19. PRDATR


    I'll take it and I'm in Mesa so maybe we can meet up tomorrow. PM Me
  20. PRDATR

    Rem 700 .243

    Looks to be very well cared for. This would make a great coyote gun.
  21. PRDATR

    Taking a Knee...

    It has existed since the beginning of time (not JJ's Nip LOL) and will be here long after millenia of our prodigy are fossilized. It's human nature, familiarity brings composure and acceptance. But that is on a personal level. Hollywood Sci Fi would have us believe that it is inevitable we evolve past being judgemental. Will people always blame their short comings on others of different ethnicities? Some will, if they get comfort in it and can get some attention. Nobody is exempt from these feelings but if you can find it withing yourself to come to terms with it and take the extra step to walk a mile in someoneelses shoes then that is a start. America is racially divided, and probably will always be for those who aren't white. The struggle is very real. For a white parent there is only the discussion with your kids about the usual stuff. Don't argue with the police and be respectful and it may go well. If you are black or brown it's a whole different talk. You hear it from the time you learn to walk, what to do because you are immediately looked upon as a risk/potential threat. Public Enemy No 1. Just the reality of where we are at today. Is it getting better for them, yup. I am 65 years old and have seen a lot of things we take for granted unfold. Rosa Parks, MLK, The Little Rock9, Freedom Riders. I have a huge problem with the way people are treated. Eric Garner, choked to death for selling cigarettes. Choke hold that was already departmental banned. 12 year old kid playing with a toy gun darn near run down then shot to death in a playground. It goes on and on. NFL players taking a knee "during" the NA as far as I'm concerned isn't the stage to make a point. But I can feel their frustration as America doesn't seem to be paying attention under Bush, Obama or Trump. I don't have any answers. They brought it to the forefront and hit a nerve, words and ideals have been exchanged. Maybe something positive will come out of it in the long run but people are choosing sides and digging in their heals which is counter productive.
  22. PRDATR

    WTB Used Camaro

    LOL. I looked at the title fast and read Used Camo.
  23. PRDATR

    Cell phone signal boosters

    Which one would you recommend for a vehicle and how hard is the setup? Does it need to be married to cell provider or will it work with anyone and is there a monthly fee associated with them?
  24. PRDATR

    Bear location question

    When I used to hunt in 29, late december, I would see the same bear on a ledge outside of camp every year.
  25. PRDATR

    Drones for locating downed/lost game

    I found this pretty entertaining. http://forums.outdoorsdirectory.com/showthread.php/155129-Harassed-by-drone-off-Denali-hwy