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Everything posted by PRDATR

  1. You'd be surprised. There are still a few honest people out there, some of which are CWT members.
  2. If you're 1/100th of this guy you're alright on my book. Among many things he was one heck of a hunter too back in the day when men were men and didn't make excuses about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basil_Rathbone

    Swarovski Doubler

    You should read the reviews on them before you purchase one. Great idea in theory but they get horrible reviews and I have never heard of anyone keeping one very long.

    Any handgunning plans?

    Didn't seem like the sound was right. Biggest thing I've owned was a 480 Ruger and that was what I would call reasonable to shoot. Worse I shot was a TC in 45-70, mostly because it belonged to someone else and he wanted me to shoot it with one hand on the grip and one hand on the barrel. I have shot a few Casulls and they have a sharp recoil in the Freedom Arms six shooter and still a bit more than my PD329. Most people usually shoot those guns mentioned once and walk away.

    Any handgunning plans?

    So do you just sneak up on them and club it to death? LOL
  6. I'll take it. Sent you a PM.

    Dry Winter

    I wouldn't dwell on it still plenty of time for precipitation and antler growth is based 95% on genetics.

    Any handgunning plans?

    Easier target acquisition and even though they were both pistol scope from Thompson I felt the 1.5 had better eye relief. Both were on TC's with 14" 223 barrels.

    Any handgunning plans?

    My first Contender had a 1.5X Thompson scope and that was perfect. My last one had a 2x7 which I didn't care for as much.
  10. PRDATR

    Regs are out

    I have 7 points for Elk. With that said is there a website I can go to that I can input that and have it sort the % for every rifle or archery hunt?
  11. PRDATR

    10 X 14 Kodiak Canvas Tent, SOLD

    As pictured, with side windows? Where are you located.
  12. PRDATR

    Removable Brake question

    I have a break on my rifle that was put on 24 years ago. The POI is the same with it on or off, 7 REM MAG. Way louder with it on.
  13. PRDATR

    Got it done opening day.

    Always carry 36" bolt cutters.
  14. PRDATR

    Hunting license

    Every year I go to Walmart in Cut Off LA and give them my name and they pull up my info in the computer and I get my fishing licenses. It would be great if AZ did this. Those licenses we get at retailers are for the most part illegible, a PIA and time consuming, subject to too much human error.
  15. As said the meat is easily kept I certainly wouldn't give it away. Not a big fan of venison (just too dry) but I'd welcome the Javelina. You can expect about 50 pounds from the deer and 15 pounds of meat from the Javelina boned out.
  16. PRDATR

    That Buck

    Cool story. Congrats Chris.
  17. PRDATR

    20 Ga Load Question

    I was looking at those, too, and wondering. I need to make the switch to nonlead, anyway, so this might be the driver. Its strange, though. I've never heard of a minimum fps to cycle a semiauto. But then I've always shot 1100s (almost all 12s), and haven't dabbled in new upland bird semiauto guns in a long time. I'm not a fan of 870s, so that wasn't really an option from the start. Thanks! Steel works great for doves. Go to Shotgunworld and post a question about that gun over there. http://www.shotgunworld.com/bbs/
  18. PRDATR

    CZ Woodcock o/u 20

    He is in Buckeye.
  19. PRDATR


    What Growth Zone are they for? What varietys?
  20. PRDATR

    20 Ga Load Question

    That stinks since most game loads are 1250.
  21. PRDATR

    Lets talk Prime Rib Cooking

    This is what I am leaning toward since my open doesn't seal very well, but I am going to smoke it for about 30 minutes first and used Chefs rub putting it on last night. Only I added some red pepper flakes and since thins is a 6# bone in I am going to put some rosemary sprigs between the meat and the bone. Also making some blackeyed peas for my son and I.
  22. PRDATR

    CZ P-01

    Dude this post is almost six years old.