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Everything posted by PRDATR

  1. My understanding is it is just replacing the start capacitor with a more powerful one, in laymans terms.

    Yamaha Kodiak ATV | $2,200

    I have been looking for one so thanks for posting. I spoke with our dad and have a meet up set for tomorrow. My son will be Happy, Happy.
  3. It means g and f officers will have plenty of cameras to put on all the waters we paid for I know there are some G&F Drinkers out there but there are also a heck of a lot of tanks put in by and maintained by ranchers. One in particular I know of which is in an area that is now a wilderness area, was originally built by a rancher in 1961. The area has about a dozen head of cattle in there and it still is maintained. It is quite a ways back in and had one lone camera on it.

    Events with vendors in Payson

    Give some business cards to Home Inspectors.

    - SOLD

    Says Phoenix

    Events with vendors in Payson

    Contact Bojangles, he has a business up there and should have some good insight. Stand Up guy.

    Taxes and Trump

    When it comes right down to it the whole plan was a big looser in the long run since people like you and me take it in the shorts. No free lunch. Seniors who really needed a step up got a smack down.

    Federal TSS

    Thanks for your input, the only shot restriction where I will be (Oklahoma) is nothing larger than BB.

    McMillan A5 stock

    3#'s 10oz
  10. PRDATR

    Rim Lakes

    Latest report; CHEVELON LAKE – Fishing is fair for rainbows and wild brown trout. The lake is ice free but is only accessible from the north. Forest Roads 300 and 169 (south of 169B) are closed due to deep snow. The lake level is still down about 6 feet. Chevelon Lake is a hike-in lake with a two trout limit and artificial fly/lure only regulations.
  11. PRDATR

    Taxes and Trump

    When did you all start seeing a difference in your paycheck?
  12. PRDATR

    Federal TSS

    I always pattern each load.
  13. PRDATR

    Trustworthy diesel shop

    All good choices. Chris Rollins has done all my major work on my 2000 since I bought it new. He can get you a crate motor and works directly with Ford so you get a factory warranty. He is in South Central Mesa in the same building as Caswells. Only shop I have been in where the mechanics open carry.
  14. PRDATR

    Federal TSS

    It has screw in chokes. Originally it had a 28" modified barrel when I bought it in the 70's. About 15 years later I bought a 26" VR Barrel with chokes and it eventually became my coyote gun. I bought a .660 Turkey choke (Primos Tightwad ?) last year but it didn't give me the pattern I'd hoped for at 40 yards which is what my last two kills were at.
  15. PRDATR

    Box Call or Pot Call?

    I have box calls but am thinking about getting a pot call but don't know anything about the differences/benefits of the different surfaces.
  16. PRDATR

    Box Call or Pot Call?

    Thanks Ammon. I hit the road on the 11th, I have a lot of faith in the box call I bought from you.
  17. PRDATR

    Box Call or Pot Call?

    I have one of his box calls I got in 2014. I tried out a few he had with him during a seminar and like the sound of this one. I have called in one Merriams and a Goulds with it and I am going to Oklahoma next month to hunt Rio's and wanted another call to try.
  18. PRDATR

    Out of State Success Unit 32

    That was a great write up, congrats.
  19. PRDATR

    New Mexico Audad 29&30

    Looks like some rugged country, congrats on getting it done.
  20. PRDATR

    Kaibab - early vs. late hunt?

    Lance would be a good one to chime in.
  21. PRDATR

    1 Day!!!

    Mid Month
  22. PRDATR

    1 Day!!!

    Go see Junior at Timber Mesa in Queen Creek.
  23. Those thing definitely happen. A friend mistook 338 Federal for 338 Win.
  24. PRDATR

    From field to the kitchen!

    Very cool, you know if you grew a big mustache the two of you could pass for father/son.
  25. PRDATR


    Almost as popular today today as it was 30 years ago. https://ads.midwayusa.com/product/643582/sweets-762-bore-cleaning-solvent-200-ml-liquid?utm_medium=shopping&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Shooting+-+Gun+Cleaning&utm_content=643582&cm_mmc=pf_ci_google-_-Shooting+-+Gun+Cleaning-_-Sweet%27s-_-643582&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIr4WNobzM2QIVB49pCh2OwA22EAQYASABEgKlNfD_BwE