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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Lets talk battery operated led lanterns


    Anyone buy glasses from Eye Glass World?

    I'm not a member. I was in the 90's but we would end up buying too much stuff.

    Federal TSS

    Does anyone use these? I'm always looking for a little tighter pattern in my ancient Mossberg 500.

    R Lee Emrey - RIP

    I had my first shot last year and get the followup one in 8 months. Hard to believe he is gone.

    Anyone selling any golf clubs?

    Great game, lots of fun.

    Are the birds talking for the youth hunt

    While maybe not ideal the wind in the forest close to the ground will be less. I wouldn't let it get you down, birds will still be out and about you just won't be able to hear gobbles much past 150 yards.

    400amp Electrical Service Panel

    Bottom or top feed? Any breakers other than the main?

    Federal TSS

    I don't. They were out everywhere when I was looking for them and just happened upon them doing a search.

    Federal TSS

    1200fps https://www.federalpremium.com/ammunition/shotshell/family/heavyweight-tss/heavyweight-tss/
  10. PRDATR

    Federal TSS

    I bought them from Cabelas about a month ago.
  11. PRDATR

    2002 ford excursion 7.3 diesel

    Edit your original post then use the Full Edit option and use Attach File
  12. PRDATR

    Federal TSS

    Well I finished up my Oklahoma hunt today Three birds in two days. They were 18, 30 and 38 yards. All dropped on the spot.
  13. PRDATR

    Day one in Oklahoma

    Got another one this morning at 7AM
  14. PRDATR

    Day one in Oklahoma

    Got my first Rio. Well there isn't a lot of public land where I was (Waurika) so at 4PM we stopped at a spot my friend Tanner knew of. The wind had been blowing steady 15 - 25 MPH when I left Amarillo for the four hour drive to Duncan. After I checked in I went to Wally World and got my license and tags. Met up With Tanner whom I had only casually met on FB last year when a local guy passed in a fatality in an ATV accident and left a wife and 5 kids and he wasn't even close to 30. Very sad. The local folks did what they could to raise money and one of those things was a turkey hunt. I contacted them to see what species and then explained that although I couldn't come then if they were good with it I would match the high bidder and send her the money now if they would let me come out in 2018. They must have thought I was crazy but it was agreed upon so Wednesday morning I headed to OK and spent the night in Amarillo. I got up early this morning, loaded up and headed out to Duncan four hours away. God must love simple minded people because armed with six hours sleep and a full cup of decaff I was off. It was great, very few cars on the road and my F150 rental hummed along well past the limit of 75. I love exploring America and this drive was not disapointment. I hit Duncan and checked into Hampton Inn then went to Walmart and blew $162 on a license and two tags. Tanner met me there and we rondevoued back at the motel so I could drop off my truck. We stopped for lunch at a local burrito shop then headed south. We spent a few hours looking in some local spots before ending up at a public access spot. We hiked into a 40 acre wheat field, saw some hog tracks but no turkey tracks. We had about 100 yards behind us and while Tanner made a few calls on the way into the woods we decided to head back. I was just enjoying being in new country and seeing so many cattle ranches. So Tanner let out a few soft calls and a Tom responded from about 150 feet. OH Crap!. We hustled to get into position and before I could bet my face mask and gloves on he let out a few soft calls and chirps. Maybe a minutes later here I see this dark, almost black bird pop up from the creek bottom about 40 yards away. Even though Tanner was a few feet away he couldn't see him when I said here he comes. He started coming and went about 5 yards, then stopped and strutted. Tanner called and the tom stretched his neck and bobbed his head back and forth. Then he just started coming to us, I mean ME! I slowly raised my gun and looked down the barrel and realized it was kinda sideways and wasn't even against my shoulder. Clam down Chris I said to my seld and repositioned it. There was a downed sapling about 20 yards in front of me which was partially blocking a decent shot, and he was still coming. I stated thinking to myself, is this really happening? The Tom went a few more yards and I managed to right the gun and let one off and he piled up. So 4PM, 80+ degrees on public land, just doesn't get much better than that. And I have two more tags to fill. LOL And there are hogs so let's see if I can get one tomorrow with a Winchester 95 in 375 Winchester with open sights. Temps are supposed to drop 20 degrees tonight as a front moves in and will bring some rain about 4AM. We will hit the woods about 5, even though sunrise isn't until 7. Loving it.
  15. PRDATR

    MATRIX 6.5 mm 160 grain hunting vld bullets for sale

    I wouldn't go any slower than 1-7.5
  16. PRDATR

    noisy in the woods today

    I don't think they are so smart.
  17. PRDATR

    Glock 21

    Yeah, that's a great price.
  18. PRDATR

    San Carlos success

    Congrats that's a nice looking bird, spurs even. None of the ones I have shot in the past had anything much past 1/2". Maybe I need to look into hunting SC instead of driving through it to my usual spot.
  19. PRDATR

    AR-15 build?

    Or a 6720 if you can find one.
  20. PRDATR

    Hott morning

    And I think you have to put in two years ahead of time.
  21. PRDATR

    How many Decades ?

    I like it. Took my first deer on my 4th hunt in 1975, deer taken with 30-06 SPFD 03 built between the wars (WWI &WWII) Lyman 4X scope was 10 years older than I was. 8 tracks were pretty new at the time of my first hunt. I remember 8 Tracks back in 65, sure you're not thinking of casettes?
  22. PRDATR

    Out of state hunts

    Where'd you go? How much meat is on a cow vs a bull? I'd love to kill a buffalo. Bulls can weigh twice the weight of a cow which usually max out about 1100 to 1200 pounds.
  23. I'd say that's being innovative.
  24. PRDATR

    New neighbors

    That is because of the way their feathers are designed so they can be "silent". Ravens are possibly the noisiest, I has a falcon pass within 10' of me after diving down from about a 300 yard perch chasing some quail. Seconds before it reached me I could hear it cutting through the air, sounded like a jet. He was horizontal in fill tuck.
  25. PRDATR

    AR-15 build?

    I would look at a Colt LE6920, a bit higher than your budget but they retain their valve and will pretty much shoot any ammo reliably including inexpensive Wolf and aren't finicky about magazines.