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Everything posted by PRDATR


    WTB Lab Radar

    GOOGLE it

    Live MeatEater Podcast at the Improv in Tempe

    Do you put out on the first date? With a two drink minimum most likely. Haha Yes, two drink minimum applies per the website. So probably close to $60. Trophyhunter how many lap dances is that?

    Tree expert?

    Twice a year. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Arizona-s-Best-5-lb-Tree-Food/3654070?cm_mmc=SCE_PLA-_-LawnGarden-_-PlantFood-_-3654070:Arizona%27s_Best&CAWELAID=&kpid=3654070&CAGPSPN=pla&store_code=3000&k_clickID=e4902476-44f1-4e39-993d-0e7251995dde&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3PHkubnl2gIVDcpkCh0WIQ_xEAQYAyABEgJSJfD_BwE

    Looking for a ruger model 77 30-06

    Avatar says Cornville

    Spring Browns

    It's a tough job, but somebody has got to do it. I invite people all the time, but nobody wants to wake up and hit the road a 3:00 am. Biglake, not Crowley and not North. same here. i tell 'em to be in the driveway at quarter till 4 and nobody shows up......... lee That's because not too many people appreciate the solitude and peacefulness of the hour before the sunrises.

    The tinder fire

    There has been a lot of thinning going on since 2015 but there are only so many people available to do it.
  7. Check the Celebrity Website. Pretty sure they went on sale a couple of weeks ago.

    A/C guy needed in East valley

    RSD has an office in Gilbert if you decide to do that.

    A/C guy needed in East valley

    Mine quit last September. Im thinking of calling someone but it just hasnt been hot enough here lol. Usually cheaper to fix in the off season.
  10. PRDATR

    Any 22 magnums for sale?

  11. PRDATR

    Any 22 magnums for sale?

    What are you wanting to hunt that you need to move up from a 22LR to a Magnum?
  12. PRDATR

    A Wing It Operation

    Great story, glad to see it all come together after putting in so much hard work.
  13. PRDATR

    Spring Browns

    Beautiful water
  14. PRDATR

    The tinder fire

    What is ICP?
  15. PRDATR

    Tree expert?

    Blame it on the lack of rain. The temps were there but with no moisture the typical spring growth was delayed almost a month.
  16. Commercial, residential? What do you need done?
  17. PRDATR

    PSA-Kinetic Bullet Pullers

    Put a cotton ball in the bottom so the bullet doesn't hit the plastic and get deformed. Lance PM me you address and I send you a box of Depends for the next time you do this. I've used the ones from RCBS and Dillon. Knock on wood I've never had a mishap. Lance next time hit it on an anvil or on concrete. Always wear safety glasses. Glad it worked out ok, a little toothpaste will hide that indention in the ceiling.
  18. PRDATR


    I have 20x80 Steiners. Lots of power but the FOV stinks.
  19. PRDATR

    Need Rio Feathers

    The season goes for another week in OK, I can ask my buddy for some.
  20. PRDATR

    Kaibab - early vs. late hunt?

    More north
  21. PRDATR

    Tree expert?

    my nectarine has no growth. sad. It should have set flowers in early February if you are in the valley. We had fewer chill hours this year but if you bought the tree locally it should be of a variety that doesn't need a lot of chill hours. Really important to fertilize. Use a fertilizer that is for our desert soil conditions and pH. Overnight watering really helps. The soil maintains the moisture for about 12 hours after you stop and a long seep lets the calcium and salt wash down past the roots and not accumulate in the first foot or two of the soil and then harden, or worse building up a crust on the roots. You can make the soil less compacted and more loamy by adding gypsum but if I remember you should also add some lime and sulphur.
  22. PRDATR

    Tree expert?

    You might want to move the bubbler further from the trunk or even change it to a sprinkler head or to multiple drip emitters closer the the canopy edge as the roots are probably spread out further to the edge of the canopy. Close to the trunk it is possible the much of the water in just going down right along the trunk and not getting to all of the roots.
  23. PRDATR

    Kaibab - early vs. late hunt?

    I have a non-resident who wants to put in with me for Hunt 1101. I have 4BP's.
  24. PRDATR

    Tree expert?

    Peach Trees? I wouldn't trim them back until later in the summer, or until after the leaves drop in the fall and then only dead wood. You would be surprised at how resilient they can be. I would use 10-10-10.