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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Leftover results

    Doesn't count the almost $1900 I just put into my rifle.

    Leftover results

    Checked all day and just checked again (5:30) and drew a 30A WT tag 1104 which was my 5th choice. Never set foot in there and I know it is a tough unit for access but at least I got a tag. I figure "if" I'm lucky enough to get a deer after all the scouting trips (live in Mesa) meat will probably be close to $20 a pound LOL YIPPEE!

    Foot operation done!

    Jeeze, I hope it all works out for you Bud.
  4. Yes indeed. Very special person. http://www.usashooting.org/news/2017/12/14/1007-lones-wigger-legend-lost

    Big Lake Fishing Report?


    2018: What’s ur bull goal this year?

    Which tag did he draw?
  7. I don't what's more impressive, this or the .2" @ 600 yards.

    Tamron Lens for Nikon

    Tamron stuff is great.

    Muzzle break 300 rum

    I have a Fox River Brake that Gander Mountain install 25 years ago so I may order one on these to see how it matches up.
  10. PRDATR

    Lake Mary/Ashurst what’s are they biting on?

    Same as Power Eggs. 4-6# test, #8 hook with a single split shot about 18" from the hook.
  11. PRDATR

    “Big” flat screen TVs

  12. PRDATR

    Hunting w/Non-Lead

    21 years ago i volunteered with G&F wildlife center after military to decompress a bit. I stayed at G&F building in Flag for bowhunter happening i was working and they brought a condor in that was sick and it was a big hush hush dont tell anyone so yes literally hiding the fact that the project was failing so they wouldnt lose peoples support. Now maybe that was lead i dont know but i will always remember the lecture about public perception blah blah blah. It's a hot button for sure but remember, extinction is forever.
  13. Looking to replace the one my son borrowed. Something quick would be best.
  14. PRDATR

    Gutsy...Can you find it.

    Yep. 2 minutes ago I just spotted some big lizard in the same area. He had to be at least 18-24" long. I watched him though the 15x binos for a couple min before he went back to the bushes. Chuckwalla most likely
  15. PRDATR

    Youth rifle for my daughter

    Does she have a tag? What has she shot so far?
  16. PRDATR


    Good deals
  17. PRDATR

    still have hope

    An overnight on his boat, split six ways, is the same cost as a 1.5 day on the party boats, but with 30 less people and a much quieter approach. If someone wants to put a trip together, I'm in. So what are we looking at per person? I'm tackle challenged for anything over 50#'s currently but that could change if the need existed.
  18. PRDATR

    Hunting w/Non-Lead

    No need to get ruffled, I started this thread to allow discussion on the topic. It was surprising to me how polarizing this issue was. I know before you mentioned that there was conflicting data on this? You mentioned some statistics there, can you share your sources? I really do want to understand the topic better and do my part as a hunter to conserve our ecosystems. It seems that sources like huntfortruth.org think that this research was put forth by econazis intent on banning hunting. Thats why the podcast with Newberg was so enlightening. I would have otherwise never guessed that the Peregrine Fund was established by hunters and was a partner organization to AES, MDF, etc. I have learned a lot in the past few weeks and I am happy to say that endeavor started here. We can use CWT to facilitate conservation if we can just stop griping with each other. So no more hunting or shooting lead .22 or shot shells for you? I dont know about no more, but I certainly will change some habits. With our first rifle Kaibab hunt in the family coming up this year I will definitely either shoot copper or commit to taking the carcass out whole. Its a doe hunt, so pack out isnt as big of a concern. When I shoot gophers in MT I wont leave them out on logs for birds to eat. In all of this I havent read or heard anything about target shooting, so probably wont change that. As far as other big game, I dont do a lot of rifle hunting but when I do, I will consider alternatives to lead. My son had a 12 b tag and his grand father had given him his custom springfield 1903 3006 spr. right before he passed away. That rifle will not shoot copper bullets, but it loves 150 gr accubonds so we brought heavy contractor bags and I put the entire gut pile in it and hauled it off, we didnt leave anything for the condors. What did you eventually do with it?
  19. Groups of 3 or 5? What's the 6th group going to tell you that the first group didn't?
  20. Shootins one thing, killing shot is another. I tend to agree, most people I have met couldn't hit the same target twice with a benchrest gun, on a good day. People seem to have visons of grandeur because they can put two shots in a dime at the range but get flustered and shake like a leaf when the time comes to do the deed and look around for a rest.
  21. PRDATR

    still have hope

  22. PRDATR

    Introduction Jim Cloninger

    Welcome Jim. I concur with Metau.
  23. PRDATR

    Wanted - Junior dove hunt location

    Check with Game and Fish. They sponser a Junior Dove Hunt every year. http://www.azgfd.gov/pdfs/h_f/gamecamp/Robbins%20Butte%20Juniors%20Dove%20Hunt%202009.pdf