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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Over the Counter Elk Tags

    Excellent. Living down in the valley and not know the area much at all I have never even considered having the opportunity to chase them or where to begin. Congrats.
  2. I'd like to get a new shotgun and see the 391 looks like it isn't made anymore, or maybe I just can't find a new one. Not too sure on the blue 400 receiver or the foregrip shape. I want one with nice wood not camp or syn in 12g for hunting. Might be time to retire my old Model 12 and go to an auto.

    Youth Application Age - The Unanswerable Question

    Have to be 10 before the start of the hunt. So if the hunt starts on say the 25th and the kid is 10 on the 25th it's a no go. At least that is how it has been explained to me. You are correct, I confirmed this with multiple individuals at AZGFD. We were bummed at first because my daughter had to miss the youth hunts by 1 day. But it ended up working out for the better, much better, as she was rewarded with a 3C deer tag for two weeks after her birthday. It will be a pretty great first hunt for her. That's awesome bud.

    Youth Application Age - The Unanswerable Question

    Have to be 10 before the start of the hunt. So if the hunt starts on say the 25th and the kid is 10 on the 25th it's a no go. At least that is how it has been explained to me.

    Game and Fish screw up

    They still get delivered and sorted with the rest. There have been a few people posting elsewhere who did that and received a tag.

    Need a Good Gunsmith

    Fajen stock most likely. Break it down.

    Beretta 391 vs A400 anyone shot both?

    I tried the same thing. Can not seem to break the habit of wanting to pull the pump back after every shot. Ended up going back to a model 12. This one is an early 50's model, vent rib etc. Just want something newer, have a Franchi 28g so looking to get a 12g, mostly for dove.

    6.5 WSM or 6.5 SAUM?

    Because animals just faint at the mere mention of whizz bang.

    6.5 WSM or 6.5 SAUM?

    Ernesto I would figure out what the max OAL is for the magazine then work with that to determine how far off/into the lands the rifle likes.
  10. PRDATR

    30-06 load

    I used to use W760.
  11. PRDATR

    Storms a comin

    I awoke to thunder and looked at my phone app only to see the the storm front way south of me. It was impressive though stretching well over 100 miles from east to west. On the bright side I don't have to wash the truck again. creed, that's an ominous cloud. How was the catching?
  12. PRDATR

    Vortex Kaibab HD 18x vs 20x thoughts

    I have 20x80 Steiners and love the power but the FOV is much smaller than 15x56's.
  13. PRDATR

    Leftover results

    So did you pick a hunt down south?
  14. PRDATR

    Mexico deer tags

    Read the previous posts.
  15. PRDATR


    Were you shooting it at Usery last weekend?
  16. All links are still working for me. WW I don't think they finance or do Lay-A-Way.
  17. PRDATR

    Question for Auto Mechanics

    Voltmeter will give an accurate reading of the volts but it can't load test the battery. A good load tester is very expensive so best to take it to an auto place.
  18. PRDATR

    Mountain Goat on Kaibab

    Maybe a ewe?. Either way I'd smoke it.
  19. PRDATR

    Question for Auto Mechanics

    Good news. Chilton is ok for most stuff but Hanes have wiring diagrams. Way back in 2000 when I bought my truck I also had them include the factory shop manuals.
  20. PRDATR

    Storms a comin

    I went to Hereford yesterday to work at an elementary school and on the way back to the Valley I could see that storm headed toward Tucson.
  21. PRDATR


    686 is a great gun. But target sights on a snubby? Good luck with the sale Dan.
  22. PRDATR

    still have hope

    Why Knot! We are not super busy but I would like to give the boss 2 week notice before I take off. We are in a full moon now so how does the moon affect the pattern. Not having to bring tackle is a plus for me. Thoughts on travel? I live in Tempe/Mesa, maybe we can do a car pool. Lodging, drive the day before and spend the night and drive home after we return to dock? Sunday or Monday works for me.
  23. PRDATR

    Hunting w/Non-Lead

    https://www.anglersmail.co.uk/news/angling-trade-association-warns-against-illegal-lead-fishing-weights-16431 http://www.mikethrussell.com/blog/potential-lead-ban-for-uk-fishing/
  24. PRDATR

    Leftover results

    Especially in some calibers but my 25yo 700 in 7RM is at 1MOA with factory ammo. I haven't reloaded in years but will probably start again.