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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Monsoon report

    Getting a little bit in north mesa.

    San Carlos oct bear

    That's not a hike, that's a journey.

    2018 antler growth

    Couple of porkers, good luck if you have a tag.

    Where to retire?

    Nothing grows very fast at that elevation.

    Big Lake Fishing Report?

    Yep, he was a good one. Didn't measure, but thinking he was 18ish.... Nice to know there are some good sized (and VERY tasty) hold-overs to be had in that lake. Never caught a trout bigger than 14" in AZ.you might be fishing the wrong lakes I usually fish the rim lakes and only fished Big Lake once.

    Big Lake Fishing Report?

    Yep, he was a good one. Didn't measure, but thinking he was 18ish.... Nice to know there are some good sized (and VERY tasty) hold-overs to be had in that lake. Never caught a trout bigger than 14" in AZ.

    Big Lake Fishing Report?

    Nice sized fish.

    6.5-06 head stamped brass

    Didn't know that, I've never had them ask to look at the ammo.
  9. I have the next hunt, it was my 5th choice and have never been in the unit. Definately interested in scouting and sharing some info about the unit once the weather cools down a bit. Chris
  10. PRDATR

    What is your dream/bucket list hunt?

    That might trip your meter.
  11. PRDATR

    Unattended Fire

    Well most "campers" just take stuff for S'mores and something to burn. Doubt any of them always have a shovel, bucket and axe.
  12. PRDATR

    Franchi 48L 28 Gauge for sale

    There is one in 45LC in the classifieds.
  13. PRDATR

    Elk drawing

    He is very talented and does a variety of topics on various media including woodburning portraits. He also does stuff on commission. Highly recommend him.
  14. PRDATR

    Tattoo artist

    So how much do these newer tat's cost on average?
  15. PRDATR

    Electrician needed

    How many outlets do you think are on this breaker, assume it's a 20 amp breaker. Having most of the kitchen outlets, not counting the fridge is common. The garage should be on it's own breaker. Sounds like you are overloading the circuit. How many watts or amps is the Keurig and the griddle? Watts divides by volts equals amps.
  16. PRDATR

    offshore gets going under a full moon

    Went on an overnight trip once about 20 years ago and on the way back the crew poured straight bleach all over the deck to scrub it down. Enough so that all of us sleeping below deck scrambled to get get above deck gasping for air. That was messed up, probably still happens. Skippers think the ocean is their cesspool.
  17. PRDATR

    Archery Hunting within 1/4 mile of a building

    Huntin is huntin, whether it's waiting with a pellet gun gun in the backyard for a mouse to come out from under the shed or hiking in miles away all by your lonesome. My guess is we hunterfolk are maybe 2-3% of the population, at least here in AZ. The ole 1/4 mile was initiated around the travel distance of shotgun, although some States have a 100yd rule for hunting near a residence.
  18. 1. Responsible Agency: United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management 2. Type of Action: Administrative (X) Legislative ( ) 3. Document Status: Draft (X) Final ( ) 4. Abstract: This Draft Resource Management Plan (RMP) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) describes and analyzes four alternatives for managing 55,990 surface acres on the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area (SPRNCA) in southeastern Arizona. The SPRNCA, located in Cochise County, is administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and includes approximately 47 miles of the San Pedro River. The BLM is the lead agency for the SPRNCA RMP/EIS with five cooperating agencies initially participating with the plan development: US Army Fort Huachuca; Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD); Arizona Department of Transportation (AZDOT); Cochise County; and City of Sierra Vista. In January 2018, AZDOT withdrew from the project. The plan alternatives are as follows: Alternative A, the “no action” alternative, which continues the management decisions of the Safford District RMP and San Pedro River Riparian Management Plan; Alternative B, which emphasizes opportunities for increased public access and livestock grazing over the entirety of the SPRNCA, while focusing on active resource management to mitigate impacts from increased use; Alternative C, the preferred alternative, which balances resource protection and public use by authorizing livestock grazing in areas compatible with the conservation values and providing a diverse mix of recreational opportunities, while utilizing active resource management to minimize impacts and for ecosystem restoration; and Alternative D, which emphasizes resource protection and conservation by eliminating livestock grazing and limiting recreational opportunities, while focusing on natural processes and passive resource management for restoration. Planning issues addressed are soil and water resources, wildland fire, visual resources, cultural resources, lands with wilderness characteristics, livestock grazing, recreation management, lands and realty, wildlife and fish, transportation management, and social and economic conditions. The draft alternatives also address designating areas of critical environmental concern and wild and scenic river suitability findings. 5. Review Period: The review period on the SPRNCA Draft RMP/EIS is 90 calendar days. The review period began when the Environmental Protection Agency published a Notice of Availability in the Federal Register. 6. For further information contact: Ms. Amy Markstein 3201 East Universal Way Tucson, AZ 85756 (520) 258-7231 Email: amarkstein@blm.gov ePlanning website: https://go.usa.gov/xnTuM https://eplanning.blm.gov/epl-front-office/projects/lup/36503/149559/183610/SPRNCA_DRMP_Vol1_508.pdf https://eplanning.blm.gov/epl-front-office/projects/lup/36503/149560/183611/SPRNCA_DRMP_Vol2_508.pdf
  19. PRDATR

    Calf Killer Down

    I would probably have a rug made. I have heard many times the meat is excellent. I have only seen one when I was scouting in 6A. I was up on a small mountain when I saw a female just sitting there about half a mile away be Clear Creek. All I had was a pistol and a call so off I went but the sun set before I could get all the way there.
  20. PRDATR

    Monsoon report

    We got a dust storm last night in Mesa for the second time this week and again no rain.
  21. PRDATR

    Youth first hunt 35a

    Temps in that area are quite a bit lower than Phoenix or even Tucson and since it is an early hunt the deer should be fairly active. I wouldn't overlook open sunny areas.
  22. PRDATR

    Coyote problem

    Summer desert dogs have very little fur. Still, go wack them.
  23. PRDATR

    Turquoise jewelry or mineral

    I have a friend in Tucson who has been selling her own jewerly for 20 years plus. Some of it is fossil coral and she can make you anything you want and is a vendor at the Gem Show every year. She is no kid and in her 70's but a real hoot.
  24. PRDATR

    Find It

    It's at 1:00 from the base of the tree about 10'.