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Everything posted by PRDATR


    AZ Unit 23 Archery Deer

    You might want to get a turkey tag too. They are all over the unit.
  2. Bought from Doug at CameralandNY 3 years ago. Has the Rapid Z 800 reticle.
  3. I'd be willing to pay 25 cents a bird.




    Friday Bump

    Early Ballot

    Seems like we have some newcomers on the ballot specifically McSally, Ward and Bennett. Don't really know anything about them so if anyone can share some background it would be appreciated.


    New price.

    Early Ballot

    I have heard that also and it has in the past been done with the reasoning that a spouse would be a fair choice as that person would have some working knowledge of what the politician does being a spouse. I'm not a big fan of our current senator and his wife seems to have the same discontent for the POTUS.

    AZ Unit 23 Archery Deer

    Literally the whole unit holds deer so I would pick an elevation and hunt it. You can sit water or just off a trail and do well. if you are in the pines a pair of pocket sized 10x25's will serve you well and whether you are in pines, junipers or desert spot and stalk is a lot of fun.
  10. PRDATR

    Forum software upgrade

    I also had the pinkish color but chose the white background with gray text which is fine for me.
  11. PRDATR

    6.5-06 head stamped brass

    That was a very different way to cook it, just a little salt and pepper. A most enjoyable trip, at least for me. Loved the solitude. Wheels can fall off anywhere if you travel enough. As Jack London said, The function of man is to live, not to exist.
  12. PRDATR

    Forum software upgrade

    Change is the only constant. I digress, I prefer folding money to change.
  13. PRDATR

    6.5-06 head stamped brass

    The outfitter now needs to meet you at the border and accompany you to the ranch is what we were told when we went down last January. I guess it was always a rule but is now being enforced.
  14. PRDATR

    General OTC Bear

    It made it more popular, people posting pics etc. You can get more info using GOOGLE on an afternoon than people got first hand over a decade.
  15. PRDATR


    I have the same rifle and it shoots 3/4 MOA with factory ammo. Ya they shoot as well as most people can pull the trigger, I picked up a few of them for the kids to drag around. My daughter dropped a few animals with this then she went to college and turned Vegan !! Should have sent her to Trade School. LOL
  16. PRDATR

    Monsoon report

    Buck or Bull rub?
  17. PRDATR


    So, not stick huh? LOL Congrats on the 35 years. Wife and I would be married 36 next month but 15 years ago she got a wild hair and had me move out. Our kids were 15 and 16 at the time and I was working my butt off. Never saw it coming. Daughter passed away two years later from a heart attack. House was going to be paid off in two years and I fast tracked our mortgage and did without so we could be debt free and pay for the kids college. She couldn't handle the stress and wanted to make a go of it again but I told her the train has left the station and I just had no emotion left for her and felt really betrayed. Crazy.
  18. PRDATR

    Home A/C help

    Too late now but I would have asked for an itemized bill for the extras from them and to see the insurance co statement declining to pay for those parts. Still not too late to ask for that info from both parties. Insurance fraud is serious stuff and you can file a complaint with the Registra of Contractors where you can look up the company and see what type of license they have.
  19. PRDATR


    I have the same rifle and it shoots 3/4 MOA with factory ammo.
  20. PRDATR

    General OTC Bear

    I think some people just get excited and don't know how to judge a bears size.
  21. PRDATR

    Monsoon report

    I drove up to Flagg from Mesa over the weekend and it was nice to see some areas greened up.
  22. PRDATR

    Drop Tine Coues

    Have never seen on in the field. Does anyone remember the double drop time Muley an archer took on the Kaibab many years ago? It was on the cover of a few magazines and was still in velvet.
  23. PRDATR


    Seemed like they were brighter when I got them back from being serviced.