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Everything posted by PRDATR

  1. That's what it's all about. Having a dog is a big plus. I lost a few to the cotton. I was very fortunate to hunt a property that had many doves.

    2018 Dove

    Do you buy the sunflower seeds or just regular bird mix?

    Rifle raffle

    Stinking popup chat window takes up most of the screen and no way to close it.

    Deer harvest success pictures

    So when they harvest deer are they grown above ground like fruit on a tree or below ground like taters?

    Way to many!

    Nice shooting, looking at those teeth I'd say he was in his prime.

    6.5 Creedmoor or 7mm mag

    So I guess you will be passing on anything bigger if you use the Creedmoor?

    Was Benedict Arnold a war hero?

    That's pretty pathetic, even for you. Have a little respect.

    MVUM rant again... Still...

    The only way people know about it is by hearing of it on sites like this and being informed. Maybe 1% of the hunter in this state are on here. Maybe not even that so how is John Q Public supposed to know there is even a travel management plan if it isn't posted with signage? There is nothing I have seen in the Phone Book sized Hunting Regs mentioning it. Not that it would matter since nobody really reads them anyway and why would you, since now everyone puts in for draws online. I tried to follow it the first year or so when maps were out but now I don't waste my time, fine me. I'll see them in court. It the road is marked closed or barricaded I'll comply but that's it. Rant off.

    "Teflon Don"....Lives On

    Congrats Lance that was a great write up and I enjoyed the pictures.
  10. Just came across them. This will be for tent camping so not worried about getting it wet.
  11. PRDATR

    Wtb 12 gauge pump shotgun

    An old Winchester Model 12, Modified. I think it is from the 1930's. Well worn. Let me see if I can't post some pics. Checked, 1928.
  12. PRDATR

    Another Payson Question

    I don't think there is any actual swimming going on there, more like wading in and getting wet. Get the pool.
  13. Yesterdays forecast showed rain Sunday morning now it is Saturday night but we know for sure until Friday. Our weather is hard to accurately predict past 36-48 hours.
  14. PRDATR

    Wtb 12 gauge pump shotgun

    Where are you located?
  15. I have had these for 4-5 years and had to use some tent glue when part of the sole began to come apart two years ago. The plus is they were broken in the first 50 yards and are very light. The downside is even though they are EW they fit me pretty snug and I would like to have more room. Ankle support is good but the soles are getting worn.
  16. Some soles are quieter than others. My Danner Pronghorns are quieter than My UH Bozemans but the UH's have better grip going up granite rocks.
  17. PRDATR

    Notifications POP UP

    Thanks Amanda
  18. PRDATR

    Thompson Center Contender - SOLD

    Any interest in a trade? I have a G22 and 200 in cash. It was recently disassembled and gone through by Glockmeister here in Mesa.
  19. PRDATR

    New Mexico Antelope

    Better than any Antelope I have ever shot. Wait, I have never had a tag. Just 4BP's in Wyoming and 10 in AZ. Maybe one day.
  20. PRDATR

    Where to buy Kuiu

    Is it only available direct?
  21. PRDATR

    Where to buy Kuiu

    davehc130. Please stop responding to any of my posts that I start.
  22. PRDATR

    Playing Possum?

    You may be right. I have heard that also Adam. https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2017/01/22/opossums-in-arizona/