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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Heritage Rough Rider SOLD

    Seconds if it doesn't work out with AZ Yugo please.

    Turkey calls- What do you like?

    A box call by Little Creek. Made on 4-20-14 and I bought it when Ammon did a seminar I believe at Sportsmans in Mesa. He had a few on the table and I liked the sound of this one.

    Turkey shot size question (Updated)

    Only once have I called one in that strutted, drumming about 6' away it was pretty amazing. Walked right past me and the landowner down in Sonora. Disappeared into a wash and my friend was able to take his first turkey just as the sun was about to rise.

    2024 pig

    Don't be a pussy. A Mans Gotta Do What A Mans Gotta Do. Pickles would expected you to do the same thing.

    Alignment shops on the east side of town?

    Good thing Chris noticed that. I have put a lot of different tires on my 2000 F250 since 2-19-00. BFG's were ok and I got 40K out of them the only time I ran them. Nittos wore better but eh Falken's beat them both.

    Turkey shot size question (Updated)

    Cameron what shells are you looking at?

    Auto ordinance “United we stand “1911 .45

    This model came out in 2021. What is the date of manufacture on the one you have? Reason I ask is they have a one year warranty.

    Weatherby Range Certified 6.5 Creedmoor

    Here you go Russ. "Range Certified rifles are hand picked and test fired at the factory to ensure that you receive only the highest quality rifle. The end result of this process is a rifle with a factory shot target signed by Ed Weatherby certifying the rifle passed the most rigorous accuracy test's with flying colors. Furthermore the hinged floorplate of the rifle will sport the Range Certified engraving for all to admire." So basically hyperbole. A gimmick. Big question is which model is it? Old Roy is probably laughing his butt off.

    Turkey shot size question (Updated)

    It really gives the smaller gauges like the 410 a leg up. The last Rio I shot was at 7 yards. TSS, 12 g. Bang Flop. Extra Full Choke.
  10. PRDATR

    2024 pig

    What the heck Nate. Sounds familiar to my solo Javelina hunt in 16A about four years ago when I broke both bones in my ankle. I hope he is on the mend. Congrats on the Pig.
  11. PRDATR


    Well Rick I would say that's a great group for that twist and bullet weight. Wish I had the time and powder to work up a load.
  12. PRDATR


    Do you know what the twist is?
  13. PRDATR


    I have one I bought from a member here years ago and took it apart to refinish it and lost interest. If I can find it you can have it for $50. Give me a day to pull it together.
  14. PRDATR

    4B OTC elk

    It's posts like these that screw it all up. Whatever happened to just getting a tag and going and not needing someone to hold your hand like a child and spoon feed you info?
  15. PRDATR

    Alignment shops on the east side of town?

    Rock, meet Hard Place.
  16. PRDATR

    Kodiak Canvas Flexbow 10x14 Tent

    Great Tent. It takes me less than 10 minutes to setup by myself.
  17. PRDATR

    Help ID Rifle

    I believe that is 7.9 with the letter i for "Infantry". What is the headstamp on the ammo?
  18. PRDATR

    Utility trailer 16x6 sell or trade

    Take the plate to DMV and they will look up the title.
  19. PRDATR

    4B OTC elk

    A very popular hunt for guides. They took quite a few elk last year.
  20. PRDATR

    Long Range Pig

    Heck of a shot. I have shot a friends Savage and it def has some kick and is very accurate. That should still be over 1600 fps at that distance.
  21. PRDATR

    So how much of a pig do you take?

    Gutless for sure. I have done both. It just depends on how far I am from camp, time of day etc but now that I'm in my 70's I find it easier to pack out 15# of meat than a gutted Javi. Back in the early 90's I shot a Mule Deer in New River just below Table Mesa, maybe 50' from the top shooting from the flats below. I was hunting solo and packed out three quarters, loins, neck meat and the head in one trip about a mile back to camp and that was tough. I was in my early 40's and in top shape. A few years later on a late hunt in 29 I shot a 3x3 WT maybe a mile from camp but I was 1500' above it. I decided then that I wasn't taking any bones and boned the whole thing out and decided I had enough meat and there wasn't anything in the cavity I wanted. My first gutless method long before anyone coined it. I also did a Bear and a Caribou the same way way back then. The Doc hasn't given me the long face yet but I'm not fooling myself and hope I have another ten or so years left of big game hunting.
  22. You need more than one? Any commercially loaded ammo is $$-$$$. @ $6 a round compared to the cost of gas to go scouting, gas, food etc to go hunting it seems like a bargin,,,, but if you can find other less expensive shells than gobble them up. "If" that is what the OP is going to do with them. TSS is nothing new and has been around for a long time. Read up on it, tight patterns, retained weight which equals to extended range over lead ammo. Practice with anything but then go pattern with one or two shells. "if you are lucky,,,, a hunter "may" get to squeeze the trigger, be successful and have a couple of rounds left for the fall hunt.
  23. PRDATR

    Draw results are up in the portal

    Hunt the southern part of the unit.
  24. PRDATR

    SPF: Tikka T3X Superlite Left Hand 6.5 Creedmoor

    That was quick. Smart buy.