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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Brake/Suppressor Thread's

    My son and I were at the G&F Expos a few years ago and he paid a vendor a few bucks to shoot a full auto in 5.56 and halfway through the mag the suppressor blew off and went about 30' downrange.

    Brake/Suppressor Thread's

    It's probably been 15 years since I took my brake off, maybe even 20. Took it off, cleaned the threads and put some Kroil on the 28x1/2 threads. Put it back on.

    Wtb Lever Guns

    Are you looking for pistol calibers?

    Anyone else freeze drying?

    The blue one posted is 304 which is fine. Why would you need one rated for natural gas?


    That IS a sweet scope.
  6. Free Components Too. It'll be a long time before another one like this comes up Rick.
  7. What Load Range are they? FYI, When I bought mine used I took them to Discount Tire and for $25 they mounted them on my truck and gave me their typical Road Hazard Warranty which came in handy a few years later when one had a sidewall puncture.
  8. Casey I think the cooler temps and rain have slowed their migration this year.

    Whirlpool Refrigerator

    Let me know if you need a hand Russ.
  10. PRDATR


    You can easily see them across a field at 3-400 yards.
  11. I have them on my F250 and love them. I bought them probably four years ago used with rims from an guy stationed down at Davis Monthan. They are super quiet and wear like iron.
  12. PRDATR

    Tis the season

    I was referring to the picture by Pirogue.
  13. PRDATR

    Tis the season

    Looks like a Mojave to me also.
  14. PRDATR

    Stevens 22/410

    Poke around over here. https://www.savageshooters.com/forum.php
  15. PRDATR

    Tis the season

    I appreciate the offer but I won't be heading south anytime soon.
  16. PRDATR


    Yup. G&F sent out a memo yesterday morning letting everyone know.
  17. PRDATR

    Tis the season

    I'll take and skin them if you are in metro phoenix.
  18. PRDATR

    Ruger no.1 4570

    Got a hankering for one of those? I always wanted one in 375 or 458. My hunting buddy back in the 80's had one in 25-06. Wore the rifleing out about partway down the barrel. He would still manage to shoot AA in HP Silhouette with it though. Just something about Big Bores that gets my blood flowing.
  19. PRDATR

    Glock 41 $375

    Not likely.
  20. Post the pics in Jpeg or just upload them so they are embedded in the post. Don't worry about whether they are posted correctly as most pictures get posted sideways.
  21. PRDATR

    Happy Easter

    To those who celebrate with family or alone have a peaceful day.
  22. PRDATR

    Happy Easter

  23. WOW! Sure looks like perfect sheep country.
  24. PRDATR

    ISO inexpensive 22 revolver

    You can get a new Heritage Rough Rider for $149 at BP.