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Everything posted by PRDATR


    1.5 Day Offshore Trip

    I think the boat charged us close to $1 a pound which considering it takes a mate about a minute to do a 20# fish so when you do the math it adds up pretty quick, plus they want a tip on top of that.

    FS Pink Floyd Tickets for Chandler Show

    And the band T-Shirts cost more than the ticket! I'll bite. What is Australian Pink Floyd? Last time I saw them was at a Speedway in Trenton, maybe 73 or so. There were four 40-50' tall speaker walls each about 250 yards apart and a giant video screen. Good ole days of Sex, Drugs & Rock N Roll.

    1.5 Day Offshore Trip

    I do it when needed since the other guys at work still really figured out how to bend conduit but I'm a "Controls" guy since 81 although I still do conduit on and off and the occasional VFD swap out when I'm not bidding or running jobs, doing drawings and submittals or doing field work since we are always a man down.

    1.5 Day Offshore Trip

    You hiring? Our company outing is usually Christmas lunch at Rositas. LOL

    1.5 Day Offshore Trip

    Dramamine didn't work the two times I used it. I used the patch and it worked better then I bought Scopace in pill form and it worked even better adn I still have a few but it isn't made anymore. On our 2.5 day over the 4th I put the patch on in the morning after I got out of the shower and then we drove to SD and boarded the boat at 6PM. The patch last 72 hours and I was fine but the seas were relatively calm the whole trip with just a few 6' rollers in the afternoon when the wind picked up but it laid down by about 6PM.

    Tire update - Nitto's response

    I know there has been at one thread on that subject in the last year.

    1.5 Day Offshore Trip

    What boat? What reels do you have that can cast. Call the captain and find out what the bite has been.

    Job Opening

    Sent you a message.

    Wyoming Archery Antelope Semi Live Hunt

    Good luck bud, you got this.
  10. PRDATR

    sold - thank you Tortoise with habitat

    What Kind? Leopard?
  11. PRDATR

    Tred Barta

    He and I grew up a few miles apart and are the same age. He caught some impressive big fish in his teens and although we never met we fished the same waters off Long Island and he gained some notoriety in local newspapers and publications. He has done a lot to provide fishing opportunities for kids in Florida and was selfless even through his tribulations. A person of integrity and high energy. Never too humble to ask for help. He held a lot of IGFA records. https://www.facebook.com/TheIGFA/posts/10156626616853112?comment_id=10156626718088112&reply_comment_id=10156626941813112&comment_tracking={"tn"%3A"R"}
  12. PRDATR

    1.5 Day Offshore Trip

    Is that a Tiger Shark?
  13. PRDATR

    fake turf installer

    I don't know anything about installation of it but at $10 a square foot a 5ft by 20'ft would be $1000.
  14. PRDATR

    Freezer Conundrum

    I am pretty sure they are. Hands down the very best brats I have ever had and they have a few types and know exactly how to grind the meat so it isn't too fine.
  15. PRDATR

    Freezer Conundrum

    Call these guys. http://www.vonhansonsmeats.net/
  16. PRDATR

    Bear Opener

    If you lived closer,,,,
  17. PRDATR

    fake turf installer

    Is it hunting season yet?
  18. PRDATR

    Taxidermy advice

    The Non-Typical is over 195.
  19. PRDATR

    Taxidermy advice

    What a bunch of skeptics.
  20. PRDATR

    Need utility trailer wheel bearings packed

    I think a few of those fellas on that post are used to packing something other than bearings.
  21. PRDATR

    WTB Swaro ATS 80

    I know but if you don't find one in the price range you want there is always the rental option.
  22. PRDATR

    WTB Swaro ATS 80

  23. PRDATR

    James "Jimbo" Lockery

    I'm sure everyone is different. It took 10 years for my grief to "subside" when my daughter passed at 18 in 2007. Still hard to talk about it without breaking down.
  24. PRDATR

    Electrician in Munds Park?

    You need #10 gauge wire.
  25. PRDATR

    How to make a donation

    So I sold something on here and I would like to donate some of the proceeds to CWT.