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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Dive Boat Incident

    The wheels at NFPA move slow. I'm not a maritime warrior but the crews on these boats just give the passengers a very quick rundown on the safety procedures. You can expect to see some big changes as to what systems are on boats.

    Dive Boat Incident

    I'm sure many of you have read of this by now. It strikes home for me as over the 4th my son and I spent three nights fishing on a boat with the same dimensions. Our bunks were just below the hatch by the bow so we had a possible escape route but there wasn't any instruction on how to use it. Really makes you wonder why it seems that nobody made it out from below deck or if there was any fire suppression system in there. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/04/california-dive-boat-fire-33-bodies-recovered-1-still-missing.html

    Dive Boat Incident

    I read that they believe it started in the galley. Also the owners filed a lawsuit to avoid liability under a law that dates back to 1851. Looking at the boat it looks identical to the one I fished on in July. https://www.foxnews.com/us/conception-dive-boat-owners-lawsuit-liability-rescue-attempts

    Savage 260 rem ackley improved

    If you haven't already done so I would suggest putting it on Savage Shooters Forum.

    Larry Willis Collet Die

    I'm not a fan of bumping the shoulder back on belted magnums, would rather neck size on a bolt gun. Dis you check case length to see how much they stretched and if they need trimming?

    Larry Willis Collet Die

    How many times have they been reloaded and are you bumping the shoulder back too much?


    Yes it is.


    If my son didn't already own this very one I'd buy it. Vitalzone this isn't Craigs List. Either step up or bow out. Like Sue Says. We don't Need No Cheap Arse Monkey!

    Fall Turkey and Acorn Crop

    KInda what I thought Smith since this is AZ and it can rain like heck on one hill and 1/2 mile away gets nada.
  10. PRDATR

    Local Paper Buck

    Just an honest question here. My first event was when the Navajo Nation sponsored one in the mid 90's. The whole intent was to eliminate as many coyotes as possible. There was an entry fee for teams of two and no electronics. How was this not a wack'em stack'em contest? There were 28 teams from six states and if I remember it there were 64, really uneducated coyotes removed from the landscape between sunrise on saturday to three o'clock on sunday.
  11. PRDATR


    23, under the,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  12. PRDATR

    Passwor hacking going on here?

    A few years ago "somebody" hacked his account and changed his screen name to 7-08 on April 1st. It took a day or two for him to notice (after someone pointed it out) and he blew up. Actually it was quite entertaining.
  13. PRDATR

    Unit 9 rifle antelope help

  14. PRDATR

    Blessed NM Pronghorn Trip

    Sounds like a rewarding and very special hunt. Welcome to CWT. I think I have about 20 BP's and at my age with point creep will probably never get one here.
  15. PRDATR

    Passwor hacking going on here?

    That you Lark?
  16. PRDATR

    Whitetail Ridge

    I mostly listen to KRDE since they play more of the old stuff but reception is spotty on the northeast side and parts of north central Phoenix.
  17. PRDATR

    Local Paper Buck

    A Circe was the first call I bought just after joining the Phoenix Varmint Callers before I knew Mesa had a club. I still have a few but prefer the softer rubber calls as they tend to not clog up as much with moisture.
  18. PRDATR

    Whitetail Ridge

    A great song that doesn't get a lot of air play out west.
  19. PRDATR

    Local Paper Buck

    He was one heck of a bear caller and a down to earth guy.
  20. PRDATR


    That's a good deal on a great cooler. I bought mine about two years ago when they were having a blowout sale. I think I paid $153 delivered.
  21. Man I bet that tasted good.
  22. PRDATR

    Walmart ends all handgun ammunition

  23. PRDATR

    New to 6a

    Just click on the members name and you can PM from their profile under "Message".
  24. Didn't know that info was available. I always call the 800#.