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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Son's first javelina

    Spending time with them is what it's all about. Killing is icing on the cake.

    Taking UTV across to Mexico

    Go to the Coues Deer Hunting Facebook Page. There is a lengthy discussion going on there that started yesterday.

    Help from NC

    If you hunt hard in any unit that has a decent population you will find deer. I have used Optics 4 Rent for probably 15 years and they are great to work with. Get a tripod for the 15's or even for 10's when glassing. The stability they offer can't be duplicated even with 10's. An extended weekender before the hunt would be invaluable to understand the type of hunting and nuances of desert hunting. Many of us would be happy to take you out and explain the country to you so you can understand things you won't read in a book or learn from a website.

    Savage stock

    Lots of guys on the Savage Shooters Forums use Boyds stocks.

    Any big buddy heaters for sale ?

    Worth their weight in gold

    Browning Left handed A-Bolt 7mm rem mag

    Why so cheap?

    HSM 7mm Rem Mag ammo

    I'd buy it if you were in Mesa


    Only camera I would have had back then would have been a disposable one. Even if I had it out a pic would have been pretty hard to get at that distance considering I had my spare rifle in my hands. Not sure if they had even begun to get reintroduced back then.

    2019 bounty

    Everything goes great with Dos Equis. Guessing the lion is on the plate?
  10. PRDATR

    Trade: 30-06 for 30-30

    Can you post a picture of it? How old is it and how many rounds have been shot through it?
  11. PRDATR

    Colt Python is Back!!!

    Ones in really nice condition start at $3K and go up from there. The newer ones will be mass produced and without the individual fitting that was done with the originals. Still though they will sell even at that list price but time will tell how well they are put together or sell but retail will be lower.
  12. PRDATR


    I saw one in the early 90's in 29. I was back at camp in December after slipping in the snow on my way to Pothole and the scope hit a boulder the same time a clump on snow fell from a Pinon and got into it clouding the scope. I was eating a sandwich near a spot called Mexican Camp when I heard what sounded like a dog fight. I looked up and about 300 yards away on the opposite mountain here comes a black wolf running out from behind a truck sized boulder. He took off and was out of site in about 15 seconds. The year before I spoke to another hunter who also saw it.
  13. PRDATR

    Lifetime licsense!

    Good Luck Bob I hope it all works out for you her.
  14. PRDATR

    Hungry Mountain Lions

    So many conspiracy theories. Kinda wonder if some of you even leave the house if the sun isn't shining.
  15. PRDATR

    Spring Bears

    I always though they had a tough go of it in the spring and had more to eat in the fall when there were acorns, prickly pear fruit and manzanita berries. It seemed that there wasn't much growing yet in the high country.
  16. PRDATR

    Ziess 10x42 conquest binocular

    Good Talking with you. See you tomorrow.
  17. PRDATR

    1st Archery Kill.

    Really? That's great. I rather hunt pigs and doves more than anything. Good deal Chris, if you boned it out brine the meat twice for 4-6 hours each time in a bucket of ice water then drain it in a sift or collander for a week and rinses it off every day. Makes it really ternder.
  18. PRDATR

    Ziess 10x42 conquest binocular

    I'll Take them. I'll send you a PM,
  19. "Extinction Probability The small population of white-tailed deer in the Ajo Mountains possibly contained only two breeding females in 1978. With any population of this size, there exists a definite possibility of extinction occurring. Rosenzweig (1975) lists four causes of extinction: (1) its fundamental niche might disappear; (2) it may become involved in overexploitation; (3) it may be outcompeted; and (4) it may be a victim of an accident. All four of these causes may be operative with white-tailed deer in the Ajo Mountains, including the very real possibility of the whitetail's fundamental niche disappearing. Hastings and Turner (1965) concluded that a climatic change has been occurring in Arizona since the 1870's,' leading to dryer, warmer conditions. Average rainfall may have decreased 3 in (7.6 cm) and caused an upward shift of vegetation zones of 1000 ft (300 m). A continuation of this trend would bring lower desert conditions to the top of the Ajos and likely eliminate white-tailed deer habitat."
  20. PRDATR

    My late rifle buck

    Takem when you can. Congrats on a mature buck.
  21. PRDATR

    Tonto FS road closure plan

    Unfortunately is is not just AZ and CA and over the last five years has gotten more publicity it has been on the table for a very long time. https://www.fs.usda.gov/science-technology/travel-management
  22. PRDATR

    Wtb concealed carry pistol

    Nice thing that is often overlooked is the spent shells stay in the gun instead of staying behind, who knows where, as evidence.
  23. PRDATR

    New Smoker on the market

    I also have the old R2D2 Brinkman. A bunch or work for sure.
  24. PRDATR

    Draw odds

    This is the way I have understood it also. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I've only ever put in for Bull hunts over the years or just a BP if I knew I would be able to hunt that year. I'm up to 9 going into the next draw.
  25. PRDATR

    How often do you see this

    You can't just post a picture like that without a story.