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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Looking for a new career

    Adam that could be a great opportunity.

    Presidential debate is tonight

    They are both a couple of tools. Sux there isn't a better choice. Column 1. The Potato. Doesn't know where he is from day to day. Leads you wonder who is pulling the strings on this marionette. Sends big bucks overseas like there is a bottomless pit. NATO is milking him. Open borders for the most part. I can't put my finger on a thing he has done to boost the economy. Putin would ride him like a Circus Pony. Column 2. The Narcissistic. Bully. Big Promises. Orator. Motivator of the masses, Sketchy. Has a hard time getting support. in government. Throws anyone close to him under the bus, eventually. Scares the crap out of NATO and their weak economies (they need to be slapped). Needs to lay down the law to China, Russia, Iran and NK aka the not so Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea where they use human feces for fertilizer. Orange Man will get my vote. Maybe this time someone will put a boot in his arse and he will get something done and actually fill all his cabinet positions. Oh and get us more Coues Tags. LOL Thoughts?

    Looking for a new career

    Sales can be tough. I have faith that you'll find something with less BS and stress. You deserve that.

    7mm PRC

    Save your money. They are designed to grenade at 3-4" of penetration. Very Very accurate but they blew up on a Coues at 200 yards and on a friends Elk at 500.
  5. He already said he has hunted them before. It's a very big unit, I've hunted it since the mid 90's. My reference to a 105 was his comment about a 125. KIlled a few but none over 100. OP, buy a lion tag.


    I'm sure they had a lot of them back then.


    What a nasty assignment that must have been.

    Unit 23 Nov 1 - Nov 7 Muley hunt

    The SE part of the unit is a great place to start.

    AZGFD Portals Updated

    I like the lower elevations just because I can glass further but there are Coues mixed in with them too even in the lower places FYI.
  10. PRDATR


    I saw an UZI like that over the weekend at the gun show in Mesa. GLWS
  11. Sam, I'll take them all and will message you my contact info.
  12. Shoot the first thing you see over 105. There used to be a Campground in Peppersauce. Or you can continue on the road for a mile or two and find some flat ground. Chances of someone messing with your camp are extremely low. You can expect freezing temps at night. I don't have to tell you that you have a really good tag. There is probably a BNB or two in Oracle, Catalina isn't too far away either. 30 years ago even with lots of tags there were places that didn't get much pressure. Get in shape and GTF far off the road before sunrise, stay out all day. Lots of Coati's down there too.
  13. PRDATR

    Early 12a west

    What are the dates for that hunt?
  14. PRDATR


    6" for GRC or IMC. 18" for PVC. No Romex, wire in conduit needs to be XHHW or THWN.
  15. PRDATR

    Remington wood master price drop !

    If you have any connections in the north like Michigan, Wisconsin, NY Maine these are really popular there.
  16. That's a dandy. Congrats.
  17. PRDATR

    24 Texas Rio- Cool video

    Nice work. I've that pleasure twice. Once with my son and once with a friend.
  18. PRDATR


    Getting a few sprinkles in Mesa.
  19. PRDATR


    Usually about two weeks. Info is on the website.
  20. PRDATR

    12 Gauge Turkey Gun

  21. PRDATR

    Wanting to test new binos today

    I have seen them from the Marina with the naked eye. You shouldn't have any problem using 15's on a tripod.
  22. PRDATR

    Bro getting married - gift from me - charter boat?

    My son and I flew into and out of Loreto and used a soft sided Cooler from AO. I think they were 48qt. We each had a little over 45 pounds in ours and they went in as checked bags. The fish was vacum packed but not frozen and it kept them cold for 10 hours. The people weighed and checked each bag at the airport and it was no big deal. https://aocoolers.com/products/canvas-cooler-48-pack
  23. PRDATR

    Hiking Machu Pichu

    In funny hats and they are as big around as they are tall.
  24. Happens in the Phoenix area and the east valley too almost every year when it is dry before the monsoons gear up. Usually starts with fire restrictions and as it get drier they implement no target shooting and it can eventually lead to them closing off roads around Sugar Loaf and to Four Peaks. We have already had seven fires with ones happening before Memorial Day.
  25. Plan to fish from sundown to first light. You will sleep during the day and to and from. Many boats will want you to bring your own bedding/pillow. Meals are usually sparse so bring plenty of snacks, high protein stuff like jerky, trailmix. Go to your doctor and get a prescription for the patch. Put it on 12 hrs before you go aboard, it will last 72 hours. Nothing worse than getting SS and not being capable of standing at the rail.