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Everything posted by PRDATR


    swarovski nl pure


    They are Hitting Cards

    Not at all but the more points the higher the chance you may draw. I met a guy and his wife while on an Elk hunt in the late 80's and she drew with 0 points. She ended up taking a nice Ram with a 357.

    Sad news- Hoghunter

    Of all people why Mike? Just not fair and I'm going to miss our dove hunts. Prayers to his family. Mike O I left you a message.
  4. I can see that the front shock is a Bilstein if that helps.

    Savage axis rifles

    My 243 will shoot MOA with factory ammo. One of these days I'll set my reloading stuff back up. I did replace the factory trigger with a Rifle Basix but other than that it is still the way it was when I bought it. A lot of people replace the plastic factory stock with a Boyds but I bought it for varmints and Javelina as a 100 yard rifle I could carry around all day and shoot offhand. If I were to buy another it would be a 6.5 since I don't own anything in that caliber.

    Glassing chair for big dudes

    You won't find it at a better price than this. https://www.novzon.com/folding-comfort-55-stool---large-walkstool

    Savage axis rifles

    David, Walmart has been putting the Axis on sale across the country now for six months. I have an Axis and I see this get posted on and off in the Savage Axis Forum.

    Only 1 hour until cards start getting hit

    Did the app fee show up later? Mine were posted right away as are 98% of the charges to DSCFU. Sometimes if I make an online purchase it shows up as Pending while it is getting processed.

    New rifle build question

    I bought a Weatherby not knowing it had a 2 Stage trigger. Sold it soon after.
  10. PRDATR

    New rifle build question

    Good trigger
  11. PRDATR

    Bush Fire Destruction.

    It is supposed to get real windy tonight and very windy tomorrow so I hope they can jump on it right away.
  12. PRDATR

    Help with unit 20 B Deer!

    Good Luck Bob.
  13. PRDATR

    My Lion mount

    Congrats that's a dandy. Hand call or electronic? Were you targeting anything specific? Looks like good bear country that might also hold a fox or two.
  14. PRDATR

    Bush Fire Destruction.

    That can't be good.
  15. PRDATR

    Bush Fire Destruction.

    Found dead or alive?
  16. PRDATR

    Bush Fire Destruction.

    I remember when the Mazatzals burned. It took a long time to green up but the habitat that was there will never come back as it was. A few spot fires are ok but fires like this destroy everything.
  17. PRDATR

    HR. 51

    From what I have heard the votes are there to make it happen.
  18. PRDATR

    Son #3 Grandson #9

    Top notch work.
  19. PRDATR

    5B wolf

    Their howls are very different. I've heard them a few times near 4 Drag in 27.
  20. PRDATR

    ISO hunting rifle

    Go buy a Savage Axis. No reason to buy something used when you can get a new great accurate rifle in that budget.
  21. PRDATR

    Looking for an AR

    Just do a search. Plenty of them out there for legal buyers. No need to come on to a hunting website and make that your first post.
  22. PRDATR


  23. PRDATR

    Where's the Beef? Here! FS

    I might be down if we do it here in Mesa. Two more?
  24. PRDATR

    Only 1 hour until cards start getting hit

    Waiting. I only put in for Sandhill Crane.