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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Adding inverter to toyhauler

    Campers World? Sounds like it should be basically easy to do with some basic electrical knowledge. DId you think about contacting the manufacturer or looking on You Tube?

    Unit 33 question

    They might but most of the unit is scrub and mesquite. In the past they have issued closures (West Clear Creek) due to potential dead trees falling.


    Buy, Trade or Sell?

    Coming out of the closet

    Hey it's 2020, go for it. 🌈

    Unit 33 question

    I would spend a couple of days driving the roads and also look at having an alternate campsite as some of the prime spots get taken. You can also put a trailer in the campground at Peppersauce but I believe you are limited to 25'. The Youth Camp may be your best bet.


    Great caliber. I shot it for years in Silhouette. Mostly 168 Sierra HPBT Match Kings but also 100gr Hornady HP's for hunting.

    One of those years . . .

    From Mesa it looks like the monsoon is north and northeast of us.
  8. She's a beauty, haven't rode one in years. 1/4 mile time?

    One of those years . . .

    That's great. Good Luck.
  10. PRDATR

    Left Over List

    That might be kinda clicky when the archery tags go to a draw system. It will start with the January OTC Tags. AZGFD did the survey. Do you want quality or opportunity. We all know how that went down. Kaibab Archery used to be OTC.
  11. PRDATR

    Swarovski 10x42 EL binoculars

    nockers. Did you just make that up? Is that like a Door Nocker? I prefer C or D sized knockers myself. But B's will do in a pinch.
  12. PRDATR

    Wanted Quad!

    Well said. A 400/450 is all you really need.
  13. PRDATR

    Archery sale on camofire.com

  14. PRDATR

    Swarovski 10x42 EL binoculars

    What year were they made?
  15. PRDATR

    Favorite Elk Broadheads

    Do the Montecs not penetrate enough?
  16. LOL. First time I heard that term I had to look it up. Teton makes some good stuff.
  17. PRDATR

    Lee's Ferry Walk In Question

    Is it still barbless?
  18. PRDATR

    30x80 Doctors?

    I have 20x80 Steiners and the FOV is pretty small.
  19. PRDATR

    Polles fire (west of Payson) Helicopter down.

    Agreed. Livin life on the edge.
  20. PRDATR

    Remington 700 ADL Gloss/Walnut .243 Win.

    I would but my truck has been in the shop since June 1st. "Supposedly" the part shipped on thursday. I guess I could fake a job walk and take the company vehicle down there but I wouldn't do that. Wasn't there someone on here looking for a 700 SA Stock to cut down?
  21. PRDATR

    GoldenDoodle pups- One Pup left!

    Yup. Just an over priced designer Mutt. Some City Slicker thought it would be cool to do it with Labs too but to each their own.
  22. PRDATR

    Remington 700 ADL Gloss/Walnut .243 Win.

    I'd take it right now if you were up north. I'm in Mesa but not planning to get down there anytime soon. This will not last long.
  23. PRDATR

    Striper guide recommendations?

    I bet that took some doing. DId you fish from sundown to sunup? I bet your children had a blast.
  24. PRDATR

    Unit 1 Turkeys

    I killed my first turkey 30 years ago not far from Greens Peak on a Spring Hunt. I went up on thursday and the wife and kids came up friday afternoon. We slept in the back of my truck in the camper shell and the kids, 1.5 and 2.5 slept in the minni van. They left Sunday and I shot a Jake the next morning.
  25. PRDATR

    .243 for mulies?

    Camo helps break up your silhouette and getting it torn up or blood on it is better than it happening to regular clothes but I hunted for years in the 60's-mid 90's and never used it. Also now we can get high tech camo that is specifically geared to hot weather or really cold weather that will keep you from getting wet when you sweat and wick the moisture away. I've have deer bust me at 300 yards when I had camo on and was moving.