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Everything posted by PRDATR


    12AW Road Closures

    IMPLEMENTATION 1. This Orderwill be effective on September 16, 2020, at 8:00 a.m., and shall remain in effect until November 20, 2020, or until rescinded, whichever occurs first.

    Input wanted - Hunting with a 10 year old

    Been there Done That, X2. Be patient, try to not put too much emphasis on the hunt. Get him as much trigger time as you can get. Have him practice shooting standing too, go hunt some rabbits. I have seen kids shoot from triclawps and they can do well, but I also watched a kid take half a dozen shots at an Elk too.
  3. 30+ years ago I was sneaking up a small rise one morning south of Flagg doing that when I slipped on some wet leaves and fell forward in the blink of an eye. I had my finger tabs on the string, my left hand on the riser and the bow did a 180 just as I hit the ground. The broadhead came within 1/2 of my neck as I fell on the bow. That was the last time I ever did that.

    No longer for sale

    90% MU from a few months ago isn't bad for those not in the know. Surprised it isn't more.

    West coast fires

    That I do not know but according to Vance he had to dig down farther to hit it at the time so my guess is it has been on the decline for 50 years or so. In the last 20 years we are getting more of a handle on emissions on fossil fuels. Heck even 20 years ago the emissions from a car were way less than vehicles from the 60's and 70's. We now have much cleaner fuels, catalytic converters, fuel injection and computer controlled engines. Spark plugs now can go 100,000 miles instead of being replaced every 10,000-15,000 miles. When was a kid I would go visit my grandparents who moved from their house to an apartment less than a mile from JFK Airport. The soot from the jets would build up on the kitchen window sill and was thick and black coming out of the engines. This was 1959. Today when you watch a jet leave Sky Harbor there is very little soot at all.

    Anyone use cell phone booster for rv

    Lance would know more but from what I have heard 5G Cells are a lot smaller which work fine in populated areas but won't have near the coverage of 4G which will extend farther into more remote areas. I have a Wilson I bought two years ago for traveling and when I camp. I'm not sure if it is 5G capable but then again if you are that far away from 4G you are not even going to have a 5G signal.

    Best Tripod for the money???

    I have a Manfretto 290 and it works great for standing and glassing.

    AGFD - Don’t forget the non-lead ammo

    In the early 90's I started loading 120gr Barnes X Bullets for my 7 Mag with slow powders north of 3350 and they never failed to do the trick. I loaded the whole box and they lasted me until a few years ago. I would just shoot one bullet each year to verify zero before a hunt.

    Unit 22 mule deer hunt

    Well I've got a plate and screws holding it together now which will be permanent. I was walking on it after two months but I had to keep my foot pointed to the right for a couple of months before it was flexible enough to face completely forward. My right ankle bone is still about 2" bigger around than my left and I have about 20% less range of motion. I just bought bonus points for this fall knowing it wouldn't be in my best interest to do much hunting considering I mostly solo hunt.
  10. PRDATR

    West coast fires

    There is a lot of info out there showing the rise in CO2 Levels. I sent my cousin one earlier this year of the rise in the Phoenix area and yes it has been very steadily rising globally. Most people though are unaffected by it in their daily lives and tend to scoff at it when a colder than usual cold snap hits and it is months out of season. In 92 I was in Northern Alaska and was talking to a guy who moved there 20 years prior and told me about how there was less permafrost then compared to when he first moved there.
  11. PRDATR

    Unit 22 mule deer hunt

    I broke my ankle on 2/15 and was basically off of it for two months. I am about 60% on it now but still careful about how I put weight on it. I can hike and go up and down on a ladder but stairs are slower going, especially going down. I have only driven in there once but didn't hunt it.
  12. PRDATR

    AGFD - Don’t forget the non-lead ammo

    I would call first before making the drive as there shelves are pretty bare.
  13. PRDATR

    Anyone use cell phone booster for rv

    If your close enough to get 5G you probably won't need a booster.
  14. PRDATR

    Unicorn Bull

    Up Periscope.
  15. PRDATR

    NL pure 12x42's

    I wouldn't think so. Sportsmans Outdoorsmans does not have a disclaimer about it and they have been offering that service for a long time.
  16. PRDATR

    NL pure 12x42's

    Thanks. I see that Sportsmans Outdoorsmans can add the stud, which I had them do on a pair of EL's, so I will probably go that route.
  17. PRDATR

    NL pure 12x42's

    I hope they come out with a tripod adaptor.
  18. This will give you some general areas for each unit. If you don't have OnX it is a great tool along with Google Earth. Sorry, I forgot to add the link. https://www.azgfd.com/Hunting/Units/
  19. PRDATR

    anyone see this

    Uhm, because little kids don't need to see that. If it trips your trigger I'm pretty sure there are tons of graphic videos on You Tube to quench your thirst.
  20. PRDATR

    That Day Some People Did Some Things

    You were probably too young for it to have made an impact on you to remember. You can twist it anyway you want to play that card. NYC is my hometown. Lost a lot of friends that day and a few years later. It's not a joke to be made fun of so STFU.
  21. PRDATR

    Rut Activity

    Love 6A.
  22. PRDATR

    Rut Activity

    Are those catfish?
  23. PRDATR

    Rut Activity

    My guess is he was probably not carrying a tag all 9 times.
  24. PRDATR

    Tundra oil change.

    I'm fortunate in that I have a lube shop close to me and the guy is great. I take my oil and filter to him and for $20 he does it and greases the four zerks. It saves me from having to dispose of the old oil and filter. I also take my company vehicle to him. Super nice guy. He is the only one who has made a go of it in this spot and has been there for about 5 years. I run Mobile 1 in my truck and it takes 15 quarts so it is worth it to me.