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Everything posted by PRDATR


    drought bulls

    There have been some monsters taken so far.

    Self defense shooting

    Use a revolver so you don'y have to search for brass.
  3. Curious with this lack of rain on how the population looks and what the acorn crop is. We had a wet winter and spring so I am hoping we had a good acorn crop.

    WTB Savage axis stock

    Ask these guys. Many of them had gone to a Boyds and might still have one around. https://www.savageshooters.com/forumdisplay.php?104-Axis-Bolt-Action-Rifles

    300 win mag rifle opinions

    You can definitely shoot 500 with a 308 and when I used to shoot High Power Silhouette Matches 308 was very popular and had no problem knocking down Rams at 500 meters. Anyway Magnums weren't allowed and it is a great skill honer to learn trigger control and breathing.

    Short Cow Bison Hunt!!

    Congratulations Stanley that sure beats sitting all day. Did you have help processing it?

    Poverty tag

    He identifies as an Elk.

    12AW Youth Oct

    A cold front is moving in bringing temps of 72/39 for Friday then 7 degrees older for Saturday and 52/28 on Sunday.
  9. I messaged my friend Rob Collins in the UK who has written about 5 or 6 wild game cookbooks and he said either hot and fast or low and slow. I guess he wants me to buy one of his books. LOL I told my son to brine them for 4-6 hours in ice water then drain and soak in milk overnight. Not sure what he did. He said he was going to make squirrel and dumplings so I will ask him later to see what he did for a soup/stew/gravy. Chicken base with fresh peas and carrots and some fresh tyme would make it nice and sweet. Some black pepper would add some zing and canned white potatoes, celery would pull it altogether. As for me I'm making a big pot of Collard/Mustard Greens with carrots, red onion simmered in smoked pork jowell, smoked turkey wings, kilbasa and smoked pork neck bones. Hot sauce, cayeene, white, black pepper, red pepper flakes and some kosher salt. It's been simmering for 4 hours, slowly added stuff. I should have made cornbread instead of biscut's but oh well.
  10. Saw 8 got 4. Could use some info as how to cook them and keep them tender. Brine them? Soak in milk?
  11. I dusted off the Nylon 66. I told my son to take his 870 20 Gauge too. Anyone who has ever hunted them knows what I'm talking about.
  12. PRDATR

    Trump tests positive for Covid-19

    Yes you are. LOL
  13. PRDATR

    New to Arizona

    Yes as Eddie said WELCOME. Nice thing about AZ is there is always something to hunt. Predators (Coyotes) and rabbits are year round. Probably 75% of AZ is public land, either NF, BLM or State Trust Land and it almost never rains. LOL Most big game hunts are lottery/draw system but there are Over The Counter (OTC) for Archery. We have bear, Mule deer, Bison, Whitetail, Turkey, Elk, Pronghorn, Mtn Lion etc. Decent Dove and great quail (3 types). There is low desert (3 of them) and Alpine up to 12,000'. Just no Ocean. Fishing is OK but nothing spectacular. The Deadline to put in for Spring Draw is in two weeks. If you put in for the same species 5 years in a row you bet a bonus point and each time you put in and don't get drawn you get a bonus point. The more points you have the better chance you have on drawing a tag. Oh, and you can open carry and concealed carry without a permit but if you have a CCW it makes buying a firearm a little quicker but we don't have a waiting period and normally the approval takes 10 minutes. https://www.azgfd.com/hunting/regulations/
  14. PRDATR

    WTB 1-4 or 1-6 power scope

    I liked the Nikons, they didn't seem to loose much eye relief as you increased the magnification like the Leupolds did.
  15. PRDATR

    Oversized Cutting Boards

    I'll take one. I'm also near Bass Pro and might be able to pick it up this afternoon. I'll Message you my number.
  16. PRDATR

    New Mexico elk 2020

    Awesome. Looks like some great country.
  17. PRDATR

    OTC Elk questions

    Great question. I've wondered that myself.
  18. PRDATR

    Tactical Naps - It's about time

    Usually from 10 to 11.
  19. PRDATR

    RIP Mac Davis

    Hope I make it that long. Found out today I have prostrate cancer. They caught it early though. Not bad for being 68.
  20. PRDATR

    New Mexico elk 2020

    Good Luck!
  21. PRDATR

    Shipping Rifle advice/help

    ^^^^ This
  22. PRDATR

    First Bull With A Bow

    I knew a guy who worked for a local butcher in Colorado where they also did game processing. Every year be would post pictures of healed over broadheads and various bullets he found while breaking down Elk that they had been carrying around for who knows how long.