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Everything posted by PRDATR


    One ugly critter

    Marlin Perkins did a show about them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civet

    A Halloween herp

    Is that a Puff Adder Morph?

    WTB Pump or Semi auto Shotgun

    I have a Mossberg 500 from the eighties. Beat to crap. $900 LOL Delivery extra.
  4. The only one I have seen was back in about 1989 in Unit 29 and it was all black.

    WTS Weatherby Vanguard S2 Stainless .257

    His Avatar shows Tempe.

    12aw late

    I don't remember what year it was but a storm dumped so much snow people couldn't get RV's and campers out and had to leave them up there for the whole winter.

    Clover's First Elk

    Great hunt Doug. Congrats.

    Swavely kids 2020

    Great Story. Lots of memories for sure.

    Frustrated newbie seeking advice

    Catfish will be jelly.
  10. PRDATR

    Frustrated newbie seeking advice

    I think you have it figured out. Just keep at it.
  11. PRDATR

    Roosevelt report

    Well I have seen Sea Lice on Silver Salmon in Alaska.
  12. PRDATR

    Roosevelt report

    Lake Lice? What is this of you speak?
  13. PRDATR

    7mm Remington sendero $1400 -sold

    How much does it weigh as it sits?
  14. PRDATR

    12-b early hunt

    Not many bucks until the weather gets cold and the snow pushes them down. Same thing every year.
  15. I am going to head out in the morning to try some new spots between Rye and Payson that I have been eyeing the last few years.
  16. PRDATR

    Mechanic Recommendations in Payson

    What kind of truck? Those sensors are usually just bolt on's the exterior of the block.
  17. PRDATR

    What size of rim do I need for my truck?

    https://wheelssize.com/wheels/mazda/b3000/ If that doesn't work call Discount Tire.
  18. I think I still have some left. Powders like T-5010, 20 and 70's were very slow burning, It was quite a ride from the east valley to go get some. The 8202 was pretty popular.
  19. PRDATR

    Crown King Fire

    I have lived here since the mid 70's and this is the driest year I can remember. Here in Mesa we have only gotten 4.21" and most of that was in February and March with just .45" during the monsoon.
  20. PRDATR

    In Need of Swarovski Adapter

    I have the tall one and it works just fine. https://outdoorsmans.com/products/outdoorsmans-binocular-adapter
  21. PRDATR

    Baja/Sea of Cortez pandemic Autumn

    One of the more tasty sharks, especially when they are that young.
  22. Might be the biggest buck of his life. Looking forward to his first solo hunt when he is old enough to apply everything he has learned thus far.