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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Watch out for this guy mariana1

    Sorry for your misfortune. My guess is you are very young.

    30 Day Magdalena Countdown

    As it turned out 12 of us ended up going out on the Posideon. We stayed close the first 36 hours due to high winds. I'll upload pics tomorrow

    30 Day Magdalena Countdown

    Caught this one on live mackerel at about 75' down in 200' of water. Letting the bait down the line stopped. I waited 10 seconds and did a slow retrieve setting the hook and it was on. After 15 minutes and help from Hunter we got it over the rail. About 40 + pounds was the estimate.

    NL Pure

    Has anyone looked through these yet? Looking to move up from 10X EL's.

    30 Day Magdalena Countdown

    Thanks Lee. We are sitting in Sky Harbor waiting to board to LAX.

    Poverty tag

    We had wind and 30 seconds of rain at 2am this morning in Mesa than two more brief showers that only lasted 20 seconds or so each at 3 and 4:30. Good luck the weather will get them fired up.

    Carport to garage

    WW. My laundry room was detached at the end of the carport. I had half of the carport enclosed and the wall to the house knocked out expanding the dining room. Made a den and made the laundry room part of the house. Added a window in the den a mile as the crow flies from Brians house.

    Carport to garage

    Brian, You will need to show approved plans and that a permit was pulled when and if you ever sell it. PLUS! Any yahoo with a hammer and a truck can build it, but the plan submission to the city will check the structural calcs and the electrical circuits. Insurance/Insurance/ INSURANCE!!!!! Let me talk to a friend who flips houses and another who built houses for 40 years. Remind me in a week when I get back from my fishing trip. Call me anytime if you want to talk about it. You can probably do some "Sweat Equity" yourself. I can help you with the electrical,, For some Javelina Brats. LOL I don't leave until Sunday morning.
  9. My office just told me that the Department of Unemployment sent them a letter that I filed for unemployment however it wasn't me. Anyone have their identity stolen? I am trying to contact unemployment now and am on hold but I sent them an email.
  10. PRDATR

    Private gun sale prices soar with Biden win

    Republicans "may" loose the presidency but will hold onto the Senate.
  11. PRDATR


    Fantastic group. I will be happy with 1/2 MOA when I have mine built.
  12. I contacted all three credit agencies, and had a Credit Freeze put on.
  13. PRDATR

    Spring draw

    I did.
  14. PRDATR

    Spring draw

    Mine still shows pending.
  15. Spoke to unemployment so they are aware of it.
  16. PRDATR

    Credit card hits tomorrow ??

    Yup, same here. I just might end up as a Spectator/Glasser this year. Not that I would be opposed to it. At least I could pass on my knowledge and help out another hunter and get to camp.
  17. PRDATR

    Credit card hits tomorrow ??

    It was done probably in an hour on Friday morning. But, as some cards get declined that drew a tag the tag will get assigned to the next person in line over the next few days.
  18. PRDATR

    Roosevelt report

    Tony it's all about having the right speed, depth, presentation which is as important as the bait or lure size, action color etc especially when trolling for pelagics as it is deciding to use cowbells verses a panther martin, crickhopper or other lure on our high mountain lakes.
  19. PRDATR

    New to Turkey

    I have not used them here but my buddy used them a couple of years ago when I went to OK to hunt Rio's with him on a morning hunt and they worked ok and I too a nice Tom at about 25'.
  20. PRDATR

    2021 Goulds Tag or NOT!

    So, as it turns out what I thought was a Pending $50 charge for Turkey was actually for Javelina which I had thought I only put myself in for since my son won't hunt them anymore. I guess I'll break it to him when we are fishing in Magdalena next week.
  21. PRDATR

    30 Day Magdalena Countdown

    We are fishing some Reef/Ridge 85 miles out.
  22. PRDATR

    30 Day Magdalena Countdown

    Sure am. Except the wind reports are showing 17-20.
  23. PRDATR

    Oversized Cutting Boards

    Send Jeff a PM.