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Everything posted by PRDATR


    WTB Savage Axis Bolt Handle Upgrade

    I found it a few years ago after I bought an Axis. Mods to date include a Rifle Basix trigger and I sent the bolt to LRI and had it fluted. My goal was to have a lightweight compact 243 rifle for Javi's and Yotes that shot under MOA that I didn't invest a lot of $$$ into and I have achieved that with Talley Lightweight Rings and a Zeiss 3x9 Terra Scope. I have a little under $600 in it.

    Smuggling hides

    Yeah, No Can Do. Has to be commercially labeld with country of origin, type of meat even then it most likely will not be allowed.

    WTB Savage Axis Bolt Handle Upgrade

    Brian, Post this on the Savage Axis Forum. https://www.savageshooters.com/forumdisplay.php?104-Axis-Series-Rifles

    Roosevelt report

    Awesome. Only fished that lake once back in the 80's and caught Cats. Might have to look into a guide and catch some Bass and Crappie this year.

    Spring leftover list

    Here you go. https://www.azgfd.com/leftover-permit-tags-still-remain-for-2021-spring-hunts/

    Proper skinning of a Javelina.

    I think you mean tenderloin.

    Duwane's Hunter Killed a Monster

    What a monster. Congrats to the hunter and kudos to the guide.

    Timney trigger- worth it?

    Do you have a trigger pull gauge you can measure both rifles with?

    Go buy some groceries and commodities

    FBI has already stated that armed protests are planned at all state capitols in and around the inauguration. It never hurts to be prepared.
  10. PRDATR

    Don't think online firearm and ammo sales are safe!

    Just another crackhead with a MeTube Channel looking for attention.
  11. PRDATR

    Interesting finds

    Except they are destructive when they get bigger and will push Bass off their beds. Look what happened to Lake Quemado.
  12. PRDATR

    gun value

    AR15.Com should be able to answer all your questions. Good Luck.
  13. PRDATR

    Music - Songs for the drive

    I am not a fan of an artist doing a remake of anothers music as they usually twist it up but I really like this one. Enjoy.
  14. https://alliedboltinc.com/Poleline-Hardware/Square-Head-Machine-Bolt~31/5-8-inch-X-24-inch-SQUARE-HEAD-MACHINE-BOLT-WITH-NUT~8236 You could also buy a nut close to that and tap it. Check with Copperstate Nut and Bolt tomorrow.
  15. PRDATR

    gun value

    As L Cazador said, condition, model number, pre-ban etc. Prices are very strong right now for these. I would say go on Gun Broker and similar sites and compare what you have. The H Bars were very desireable and IIRC wholesale on them around 1990 was in the $550 range.
  16. I just heard about this on the news today. https://fronterasdesk.org/content/1648805/portions-prescott-national-forest-will-close-campers-2-years
  17. PRDATR


    Looks like fun. I'll take it. PM inbound.
  18. PRDATR

    Cabela's (Meopta S2) 20-70×82 Spotter

    "I upgraded, so this needs to go help pay for 25% of my new buy." Buddy you are outta control. Free bump.
  19. PRDATR

    Name that gun!

    I merely open this thread and did not click on any of the pictures so proceed with caution.
  20. PRDATR

    Build to Fail, Fail to Build.

    Originally when he first started building it I thought it was going to be a chicken coop. Those Kim memes are pretty funny.
  21. It might be the PC thing to do. But. Homeless people need a place to be and with the internet folks can use a lot of references to find a place that is weather friendly and has resources. Something like "There for the Grace of God goes I" comes to mind. More and more people are being born, space/ real estate is shrinking.. The rich are getting righer and the poo are getting poorer.
  22. PRDATR

    Name that gun!

    36" Barrels
  23. PRDATR

    Tripod-Head Recommendations

    What is the max height on it?
  24. PRDATR

    #2 down for us

    Awesome, he sure looks happy.