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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Covid, whos had it and how are you recovering?

    And what does that entail?

    Covid, whos had it and how are you recovering?

    Well I hope you are on the road to recovery. Sorry to hear about the heart damage. My son had Afib and had a bunch of heat attacks that landed him in Banner Desert for almost a month nad now has a pacemaker. His heart function had improved from 32% in 2016 to 37% at his last checkup in January. It takes a long time to recover. Anything like going hiking up hill or stair was a no go for him for a few years but he is getting better and hiked Camelback last year.

    Raffle for Junior

    Well in that case Sean put me down for a couple of Benjamins. If you are still working in Tempe I'll meet you at Chompies. Lunch on me.
  4. Garvins is in Payson and might now also be in Rye. https://www.garvinsrv.com/rent/

    Getting goats!

    Shoot Boarman a message. He has quite a few of them and can probably answer all your questions.

    Poker run and guided lion hunt drawing

    The big problem I see with CWT is when I come on the Forum on my phone it does not show the date of any posts which is why things like this happen.

    .308 and .223

    Maybe Stanley can move it.
  8. Also any of you Bunk Eggs?

    1991 Lowe Bass Boat

    Sounds a bit high for a 30 year old boat.
  10. PRDATR

    Raffle for Junior

    Never mind. I looked it up.
  11. PRDATR

    Auto A/C specialist

    Then if it is Switch On The Fly it could be the O Ring Seal on the front hub , or it could also be the hoses going to the hub. With the AC on try switching it in and out of 4WD and see it it has an affect. Make sure to leave it in 4WD for 30 seconds or so.
  12. PRDATR

    Raffle for Junior

    What is the "wingspan"?
  13. OK, so what is the procedure to sell one if you eventually decide to do that?
  14. PRDATR

    Auto A/C specialist

    Give Chris Rollins a call. His shop is attached to the back of Caswells. He has done a bunch of work on my F250 including replacing the whole AC system. His number is 480-221-3384 and his shop is called Rowdy Racks. He is usually open every other Saturday. Sounds like it might be the vacuum pump, which is not uncommon. Is the truck 4WD?
  15. PRDATR

    45 colt (sold)

    I'll go $65.
  16. PRDATR

    White Wings Are Back

    Walked out back and saw one on the wire.
  17. PRDATR


    I hope not but with the current price of loaded ammo going for 3X's what it was selling for 10 months ago who really knows.
  18. PRDATR


    Do they have collector value?
  19. PRDATR

    Hard to Find Sport Optics - Take a Look

    Computer. Working now.
  20. PRDATR

    Hard to Find Sport Optics - Take a Look

    I get this when I click on the links.
  21. PRDATR

    Late Season Archery Bull tag Unit 22N

    Go out now and look for sheds. https://www.azgfd.com/hunting/units/mesa/22/ Elk Overview: Elk numbers in Unit 22 are stable, with a bull/cow ratio hovering around 35 bulls: 100 cows. Generally, good populations of elk exist throughout the northern portions of Unit 22. Unit 22 has been split into two subunits, 22 North and 22 South to better direct elk hunting pressure to areas where elk need to be harvested (see hunting regulations for a full description of subunit boundaries). Unit 22 North is basically the area north of Payson, and it holds the majority of the elk in the Unit. Elk in 22 South generally occur in lower densities compared to 22 North, but nevertheless, elk numbers were expanding in 22 South and few hunters were taking advantage of these elk, so the 22 South hunt unit was created for force hunters to harvest some of these elk. The early 22 North and 22 South hunts occur in warm to hot daytime temperatures, so be prepared to get the meat cooled quickly. For all the hunts (firearms and archery), hunter success will increase with time spent glassing. Unit 22 exists entirely below the Mogollon Rim. Annually, elk from Units 5A, 6A, and 4A migrate into northern Unit 22 when feed in the other Units dries out, or when the snow gets deep enough to make them move. The peak of the winter movement depends on weather to a large degree, but generally occurs by late November of each year. With the increase of elk in the winter months, hunters will also face the inclement weather that pushes the elk off the rim. A 4-wheel-drive vehicle will be required if the weather turns to rain or snow. Temperature will average a daily high in the 40s to a low in the 20s. Late archery hunt success is closely related to the late October and early November temperatures. If rainfall patterns are normal, hunting around tanks from a tree stand will produce good success. It will still be warm enough each day that elk will water in the morning or evening. The September archery hunt success will be higher. Areas: The areas around and in the fire scars under the Mogollon Rim is an excellent place to hunt for all the hunts. Areas inside the burns with standing sections of live trees will hold elk in larger numbers. The burn areas are now in various stages of forage regeneration with some of the older scars being very thick. Good numbers of elk can be found within the burn areas, especially during the later hunts. The Mogollon Rim is a magnet to elk during the late hunts because of the extensive browse that is found along its expanse. There are numerous roads that will take you under the Rim off the Control Road. Take any of these roads during the late hunt and pick a good spot to glass. More than likely you can find elk feeding on or just below the Rim itself. Take a pack frame with you if you hunt in this area because there are a lot of logs that have blown down since the fire and dragging a downed elk or driving to a downed elk is nearly impossible. Hardscrabble Mesa (northwest corner of Unit 22) and the northern end of the Mazatzal Wilderness can be good depending on water availability. The early hunt in Unit 22 South has several good places to check out including Round Valley northeast to the Lion Springs area, and the area around Little Green Valley. The areas west of Rye in the foothills of the Mazatzals is also productive. For cow elk hunting in Unit 22 South, look South of the Payson Municipal Golf Club on National Forest land and in the foothills of the Mazatzals west of Rye. The Payson Municipal Golf Course can be found by going east on Main Street in Payson off the Beeline Hwy. There is access to the National Forest directly south of the golf clubhouse. Just be aware that it is illegal to fire a gun while taking wildlife within a quarter mile of any occupied building. That means both you and your target must be more than ¼ mile from any homes in the area. Do a thorough job of scouting the area prior to the hunt to be sure you are familiar with private and public land boundaries as well as the locations of all the homes.
  22. PRDATR

    New WR Non-typical P&Y

    Looks to be an 8x7. I wonder how old it was, hopefully it passed on a lot of genetics.
  23. PRDATR

    SC Gobbler in the Snow – LONG VERSION

    That's great and an awesome story.