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Everything posted by PRDATR



    Had a few drops at 19th and Peoria around sunrise this morning. Glad to see some places are getting rain. This year was a dry one for sure.

    Spring results up

    My buddy and I hunted the heck out of the southern part of 29 in the 80's and early 90's. Lots of virgin territory back then. Never saw any turkeys, just a bunch of thick billed parrots G&F introduced.

    Spring results up

    You beat me to it. 5A Turkey for me and my son. New unit for us.

    300 yard stretch of a walk

    What is on the boot?

    Eberlestock Just One J34

    That looks like a very small pack.

    Cards getting hit!

    Congrats that's a cool tag to have.

    Cards getting hit!

    Two Turkey Tags.

    More youth success

    Sorry to hear that his father passed away. He has a strong constitution and became a man sooner than most by his own accord. He'll do well in his life.

    More youth success

    Better than any buck I've ever shot.
  10. Move your post to the Classified section. It will get more views.
  11. PRDATR

    FREE! Brinkman Smokers!

    They work great if you have limited space. I am on my second non-electric one in almost 30 years.
  12. PRDATR

    What keeps you from going?

    The big drawback for me is finding someone to go with. Friends are either too busy or don't want to get up early. If I could retire, and probably could. I enjoy working and at 72 have a lot of energy.
  13. PRDATR


    Great choice and they are extremely accurate. Brass is tough to find.
  14. PRDATR

    13A Advice

    It is tough for those of us who can hike aways when there are roads everywhere. My son and I had tags about 9 years ago in 13B and there were road hunters everywhere. Still, we were able to hike quite a bit and though he had opportunities he wasn't able to make it happen. Best of luck on the hunt. I'll have 11BP's next year and looking to hunt one of the Mule Deer Units.
  15. Looks he was in his prime. Nice color too, congrats.
  16. PRDATR

    2024 Elk hunt

    Very nice bull. Sounds like a fun hunt.
  17. Have you used them to shoot any game with them? How did they perform?
  18. PRDATR

    Interesting overpressure sign

    If you were shooting paper was it on par with the other ones or did it shoot low.
  19. PRDATR

    23 youth camp

    WHere is the camp?
  20. PRDATR

    Interesting overpressure sign

    Did you chrono the load?
  21. PRDATR

    Who's hunting turkey this Friday?

    NIce bird. Were you using a .410?
  22. PRDATR

    ISO 7mm08 ammo

    Cabelas Doesn't have any? Use Ammoseek and order it online. You can have it in days and give you enough time to resight the gun in. When is the hunt?
  23. PRDATR

    Swarovski Z5 3.5-18x44 P BT L 4w - SOLD

    I have the same scope on my 7 Mag and love it. That is a good deal. I ordered a custom turret for it.
  24. PRDATR

    Who's hunting turkey this Friday?

    Good Eats.