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Everything posted by out4blood

  1. out4blood

    water sources in 24b

    Unit 24b contains: 188 springs/seeps 168 tanks 9 water catchments Source: USGS & AZGFD Shoot me a PM with your email and I'll help you out.
  2. out4blood

    24a Rut Activity

    Heading out next week for a couple days and just wondering if anyone is seeing any rut activity in 24a? Also curious as to how dry it is? I haven't been able to scout so I'll just be headed out and hoping for the best. Thanks Ed
  3. out4blood


    I am debating the purchase of a decoy for my up coming early archery bull hunt. I'm curious If anyone here has used them in the past and what the results were like. I don't wanna purchase/carry something that isn't useful. Also, what decoy did you use? Thanks.
  4. out4blood

    Big Buck Down!!!

    Nice work!
  5. out4blood


    Thanks, looks like I'm getting a decoy. I'd really like to hear more about the tactics you guys used and the different ways your decoys were employed.
  6. out4blood


    I've always enjoyed using decoys and am anticipating the senerio you described. Do you remember what model decoy you used? BTW, I beleive we ran into eachother turkey hunting this spring. I took pic's of the tom you shot. My name is Ed, I was with my buddy Jason. Ed, thanks again for the pictures! We had the broadside cow decoy. What unit is your tag in? My brother and I drew 4a. Did your wife end up getting her bird?
  7. out4blood


    I've always enjoyed using decoys and am anticipating the senerio you described. Do you remember what model decoy you used? BTW, I beleive we ran into eachother turkey hunting this spring. I took pic's of the tom you shot. My name is Ed, I was with my buddy Jason.
  8. out4blood


    I have a cow blind from my antelope hunt last year. I haven't thought about bringing it but I probably will now. Could be useful as a blind on tanks.
  9. out4blood

    Good meat processor

    I plan on doing my own. I've done deer in the past, but never ground anything. How serious of a grinder should I have?
  10. out4blood

    Good meat processor

    What is the necessary equipment a guy would need for processing his own elk.
  11. out4blood

    Browning Custom Meats in Payson

    I was wondering if they are still in business. I tried contacting them via the Ph# on their facebook page and it was disconnected. Let me know if they have new contact info. My brother and I wll be in 4a for early archery bull and he is driving out from Wisconsin. Just looking for a reputable processor in the area who can quickly cut, package, and freeze his bull for transport back to Wisconsin...if he shoots one Thanks
  12. out4blood

    Browning Custom Meats in Payson

    Thanks for the replies. Does Millers process right out of their refrigerator truck in Forest Lakes? Because that would be really convienent.
  13. out4blood

    mule deer unit searching

    36a has a good deer population.
  14. out4blood

    it starts today!!!>>>

    I got billed $77.50 today. Looks like I'll be chasing speed goats in 19a this August!
  15. out4blood

    AZGFD Archaeologist???

    AZGFD has officially gotten into the Archaeology business, they have just hired their own staff archaeologist who has been tasked to build their archeology department from the ground up. My question is, what does archaeology have to do with wildlife management? Apparently AZGFD is going to be pouring resources into starting their own archaeology department. Sounds like a huge waste of money to me considering the state already has plenty of archaeologists and archaeological research requires thousands of man hours and hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars. Wouldn't this money be better spent on habitat and water improvement projects or law enforcement? I'm going to be sending an email to them to voice my disapproval. I encourage everyone to do the same.
  16. out4blood

    Velvet Bucks

    Has anyone seen or shot a muley during the early archery season that has rubbed off its velvet? I'll be hunting up north this year and want to know my chances of seeing bucks with hard horn. Thanks
  17. out4blood

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    Winchester M70 Stainless .338 Win Mag, Leupold VXIII 4.5X14 50mm Winchester M70 Laminate .270 WSM, Leupold VXIII 3.5X10 40mm
  18. out4blood

    Unit 9 early archery bull elk hunt

    There are 26 AZGFD Water catchments and at least 279 tanks in unit 9. The hard part is getting one to your self.
  19. out4blood

    Hunt Unit Map

    I can make you a custom map. PM Sent.
  20. out4blood

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    No tags, just points. Guess its off to Colorado for elk this year.
  21. out4blood


    I've bee researching a few of the mapping websites that produce "hunting maps". It seems that most of them produce the same products. I work as a GIS analyst and have at my disposal the most widely used and advanced mapping software available (ESRI ARCMap), as well as a wealth of data related to GMU's, terrain, vegetation, hydrology, roads, trails, land ownership, public land survey, topographic maps, aerials, DEM, and hillshade. I am always collecting data so let me know what you are interested in and I will take note. I am also a Grad student at ASU and am contemplating building my own mapping website that is Arizona specific. I know what I like to see on the maps that I make for my own hunts, but I would like to know what kind of things you would look for or would deem useful. I am thinking of starting this project in January with the hope of having it done by mid summer. I'm thinking of offering annual memberships, with the ability to print as many maps as you want. You would also be able to purchase individual maps. I'm certain I can create better maps that any existing sites. I'm grateful for any feedback you can give. I prefer 1:24,000 Topo as my background, what does everyone else like? I can create an example if anyone is curious. (I will need to email it to you) I'm grateful for any feedback you can give. Please reply if you have any questions or an interest in a site like this. Thanks
  22. out4blood


    I hope the maps can help with your hunt. I sent the pics to your AOL email. Let me know if you didn't get them. Good Luck on your hunt.
  23. out4blood


    Sent you a PM
  24. out4blood


    I will have to make the maps, What Unit?