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Everything posted by ElkDeer

  1. ElkDeer

    32 youth hunt

    [PM Sent.
  2. ElkDeer

    WTB - Badlands 2200 pack

    PM Sent.
  3. ElkDeer

    WTB - Badlands 2200 pack

    PM Sent.
  4. ElkDeer

    WTB - Badlands 2200 pack

    That's awesome! Congrats on the deer!
  5. ElkDeer

    WTB - Badlands 2200 pack

    thanks. didn't want to pay full price for the pack at a retail store. Just checked ebay and craigslist and emailed a couple of guys here in Phoenix. Thanks!
  6. Just found out I have to go to Happy Jack this coming Saturday and of course I am not going to leave the house without my gear when entering such a beautiful part of the state. I have always wanted to try and call off the 260 between Camp Verde and the 87. It looks like a good calling area. Has anyone ever had any success in this area? Thanks!!!
  7. ElkDeer

    Coyotes off of 260

    Only had time for one stand and nothing responded. Got a late start due to new baby being up all night.
  8. ElkDeer

    some good stuff for sale

    PM sent.
  9. ElkDeer

    mini 14 ranch rifle

    What is the size and brand/model of the scope?
  10. ElkDeer

    WTB 30.06 and WTS .223

    PM Sent.
  11. I was lucky enough to draw a tag in 32 this year and have a question in regards to coues activity. We usually put in for coues at the end of October but it has been hot that last two times we've been out so we decided to try for a little later hunt and we drew tags for November 9th - 18th. I can see from the Life Stages graph on this website that in November the deer are between the Antler Polishing stage and the Breeding stage. I know that the peak of the Breeding stage is in December/January; however, will the deer's activity change that much from the end of October to the Middle of November. We all ready have scouting trips planned but wanted to see if anyone had any input on this? Two years ago I was playing with a coues-deer grunt call and accidentally called one in about 10:30 AM. Does anyone use a call or antlers for imitating fighting when hunting coues? Thank you for any responses. Have a blessed day!
  12. ElkDeer

    Coues Activity

    Thanks for your comments. I am so excited and cant wait to get out there.
  13. ElkDeer


    Does anyone know of a website or where I can find out more info about hunting the San Carlos Apache Reservation?
  14. ElkDeer


    Which reservation is this and where is it located? Thanks.
  15. ElkDeer

    Any Draw Nees

    I work for Sportsman's Warehouse and we have been told that we will get the new hunting regulations in mid-May so will probably will not get them until the end of May. They are usually available for download on the AZ G&F wesbsite a couple of weeks before they are available on paper so if you have access to a computer keep an eye on their site.
  16. ElkDeer

    Javelina - 36A

    thanks Kphunter. peckl1, I sent you an email.
  17. Does anyone know of any good javelina forums on the web? Thank you.
  18. ElkDeer

    Unit 32

    What river and dam are you talking about?
  19. ElkDeer

    Unit 32

    Just to clarify, you are talking about the Ranch that is at the end of Mercer Ranch Rd. correct? If so, that stinks. We've hunted there for years. I will be calling the phone number today. Wish me luck since the October hunt is already full...
  20. ElkDeer

    Unit 32

    Does anyone have the phone number or contact information for Mercer Ranch?
  21. Hello everyone! I've read a few posts on here about calling in coues but still have a few questions. I have never used any type of calls for any of my hunting and I am determined to learn. I just purchased the Coues Deer call by Modern Call Products last week and have been practicing my grunt. I'm also thinking about buying a fawn bleat call. I have a tag for the Oct 28th - 31st hunt in unit 32. I've looked at the Life Stage of the Coues on this website and can see that during my hunt, the coues will be just starting the breeding season. Is this correct? Does anyone have any suggestions on types and/or brands of calls to try. What about tips on calling this time of year.Any information would be appreciated. I have hunted this unit twice and two of the hunters with us were successful. I am determined to increase my odds by learning to call! Thank you for any information you may have!
  22. ElkDeer


    Drew Unit 32 whitetail and 5B North for cow. Good luck everyone! I cannot wait to get out and scout!
  23. ElkDeer

    Hunt regs due when?

    I was also wondering when the new hunting regs were going to be out so I emailed G&F and here is what the sent: 'Our 2005 Fall Hunt Regulation book will be available around the middle of May. They should be on our Web site by the end of the first week in May. You cannot apply online this year. We will be accepting paper applications only. '
  24. ElkDeer

    Information for Unit 30B

    Well our hunt did not go as well as planned but we had fun. On Friday morning, we saw a doe and her fawn. About an hour later, some hunters walked through the area we were glassing and pushed out one spike and a one 3x3 but all I could see was the tips of the antlers because of the thick Pinons and I couldn?t get a shot off in time. We didn?t see anything the rest of the day. On Saturday, we saw the same doe and her fawn and then sat and glassed all day and only saw 3 doe. I know that buck was there somewhere watching us through the trees. On Sunday we sat in the morning and didn?t see anything so we decided to start hiking around. We spooked one doe but that was it. Finally, on Monday, we walked the flats and only spooked 4 doe. It was frustrating to not get any shots off but it was definitely fun to get out in the wilderness and enjoy the wildlife.
  25. Hello everyone! I was fortunate enough to get a first-come, first-serve white-tail tag in Unit 30B. The problem is that I have never hunted Unit 30B and I am looking for any information anyone can provide? Where to go? How to get there? Who to talk to to get permission for private land access? Scouting reports? Any information would be greatly appreciated! I have read some other postings in other forums and although some people say Unit 30B is shot-out, I am really excited about hunting a new area. There is a lot of talk about the coues white-tail in the Mule Mountains, any truth to this? Thank you in advance for any information you may have. Any hunt is better than no hunt at all!