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Everything posted by deercrazy

  1. deercrazy

    Game camera regs

    Stands that are attached to trees, and steps that are nailed to trees are fair game for the forest service. I would not consider trail cams as damaging to a tree.
  2. deercrazy

    Thought I would share

    That thing is crazy big. Love to have him on my wall.
  3. deercrazy


    Good wishes for a speedy recovery.
  4. deercrazy

    Boar shot on Friday

    Thats a good lookin bear. And you had a crew to enjoy it with, and help pack him out. Nice
  5. deercrazy

    Orangutan came into my cam

    looks like someone is trying to win the most unusual picture on the trail cam contest!
  6. deercrazy

    Found another in my Yard....

    No hunting trip would be the same without it.
  7. deercrazy

    Concealed Weapon Law

    The bad part of no CCW is that you can't legally carry in another state that would allow you to if you had a CCW.
  8. deercrazy

    We don't have enough wolves?

    This topic sounds kinda familiar. There are lots of things that use to be here, now they are not, and they should have federal help to be relocated back to where they use to be, even if the new inhabitants do not want them.
  9. deercrazy

    Tell us about your favorite movies

    Has anyone seen "Tom Horne"? great movie
  10. deercrazy

    Archery when you were a kid

    Great story. Brings back fond memories of having to blow up something with every firecracker I have even owned.
  11. deercrazy

    Calculating Draw odds

    Resident tag=$120.00 Non-resident tag=$595.00 for the same elk! Something tells me the draw will be rigged to get max dollars.
  12. deercrazy

    Any idea

    Lots and lots of after market stocks available. Check out cabela's and bass pro just to get ideas on price. Can find lots on sale on the internet. Good Luck and have fun with it.
  13. deercrazy

    Best stool for a ground blind?

    My favorite chair has been two milk crates bolted together, with a boat seat on top. It is alittle tall for me, so I dig a spot and make it the perfect height. Very comfortable.
  14. deercrazy

    Blind Question???

    It has been my experience that you can set a blind and hunt it with success as long as you use scent control and brush it out good. Like camo, make sure it matches the surrounding area.
  15. The tabs are combined into one now. I guess that I would take my chances, and cover the fish tail and the turkey legs with the tab. The deer or the elk are to nice to cover. Only a real jerk cop would give you a ticket for that violation anyway.
  16. deercrazy

    THE STORM!!!!

    shoot, and I thought Arizona was just damned hot. All the guys a work think I am stupid for having a full rain suit in my truck until yesterday! They was crying and wanting to go home.
  17. deercrazy

    River and Stream Flows

    Thats a cool link, I will use it to my advantage both a work and for hunting. Thanks for posting.
  18. deercrazy

    New to Muzzleloaders

    I have a CVA buck hunter model, and paid $139 on sale at Bass Pro Shops. I think the muzzleloader is the most fun to shoot at the range because you are not just knocking out boxes of ammo. You have to keep it realitivly clean to maintain accuracy and you can play with the load and powder combos. As in any of the hunting methods, I would purchase the best quality equipment you can afford. There are lots of kits available with everything you need to get started, but they are plastic and not quality. Talk with your buddy's or the guys at the pro shops and buy the right equipment the first time. I also purchased a longer than standard ram rod that I use at the range. It is much easier to use than the ram rod that comes with the gun. If you need to pull a bullet, the longer length is much easier to get hands on. Also, mark your ram rods when the gun is empty, and with a charge so that you can easily check the status and don't double load. Good luck and have fun.
  19. deercrazy

    Desert Monkey

    I was thinking that if you ate it, you could let us know how it tastes. Just throw it in the crook pot with mushroom soup, how bad could it be? Just kidding. Should make a real cool mount, who knows, maybe Cabelas or Bass pro would want it. They have squirels and other little critters.
  20. deercrazy

    J-13 Javalina Call

    I've had good success with mine. busted them up coming over a hill, and was able to call them back for an easy 20 yard shot. The bad thing is that there isn't much time to practice and get a reaction from the pigs. I taped the call from javelinahunter.com and then practiced to imitate in the car on my way to and from work. I got good enough to really annoy my wife and kids.
  21. deercrazy

    Varmint control

  22. deercrazy

    09' Dec bucks

    Awesome looking buck and good pics. Thanks for sharing.
  23. deercrazy

    Payne Brother's 09 Hunt

    That was a great story, and 2 nice bucks. Us empty taggers are very jealous!!!!
  24. deercrazy

    Dec WT

    Thats a great story, and a real nice buck. Something to remember for a lifetime.
  25. deercrazy

    WHAT UNIT ??????????????

    I have been thinking about this thread since I read it last night. I am newer to AZ and since everything is done by draw, doesn't it make sense that you could always say what unit, because of the draw. I seems to me that the number of hunters in a unit is up to F&G, so the only downside to answering "what unit?" is the quality of the hunters might go up in that unit. I am always interested in hearing what unit because I am looking for new ground, but just because someone got a good one doesn't mean that I bank on drawing that unit. Just my humble opinion. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL, AND GOOD HUNTING.