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Everything posted by muleskinner

  1. muleskinner

    You can run but you can't hide!!!

    I view the constitution in much the same light as i do the Bible. You can't pick and choose the part you like and disregard the rest. Either take it all, and do your best to uphold and honor it, or it loses its effectiveness. To go on a rant in support of the 2nd ammendment, and then minimize other portions of the document, is hypocrisy! I will be the first to say that, at times, it seems very frustrating to see our law enforcement honor the rights of people who are total idioits with no regard for the order of law. Once they are proven guilty, they need to suffer the maximum penalty!! Some laws do need to change. The way we coddle convicted criminals is a shame. This guy in Boston should pay the ultimate penalty for his crime. And it should'nt take years for that to happen! Ultimately what matters is what he did...not why he did it!
  2. muleskinner

    Gay Marriage

    Homosexuality and abortion are moral issues. This country will not prosper economically or any other way when it officially sanctions things that God calls abominations and perversion. The Bible states that , "...the nation that forgets God will be turned into heck!" How does a nation forget God? Just look around at our nation...murder innocent babies by the thousands...embrace and sanction perversion!! If you think you can ignore these issues and expect this nation to prosper, i'm afraid you are in for a rude awakening! This nation is weaker morally, financially, and militarily than its ever been in my lifetime. Not a coincidence!
  3. muleskinner

    Does Obama get it all?

    John McCain ran one of the most pathetic campaigns in his bid for the presidency, that I have witnessed. If he would have let Sarah Palin call the shots, he might have had a chance to win. Now, he still thinks that people care about what he has to say. He has no relevance. I wish he would just shut up and retire into the sunset down memory lane. Thanks, John, for your service to our country. Now do all conservatives a favor and just go away!
  4. muleskinner

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    A little more info....this box was from London...it got put in some kind of abandoned shipment holding area in the airport, due to it not being declared as having money in it. Supposedly shipped from London by a diplomat. This guy scanned the box and discovered that it contained money. He is assuming that it is 2-3 million. I haven't responded to the email or the cell phone. Obviously it is a scam, and at some point he will ask for money to be sent to him somehow. I would love to bust this dude if I knew how to lead him on far enough. Most likely he will end up being somewhere unreachable. Just wondered if this was a new scam, or if someone else had been approached also.
  5. muleskinner

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    I have an email today, from a guy claiming he is the inspection director at the Hartsfield Atlanta international airport. Supposedly, he has a box with my name on it. Inside the box is a metal trunk containing 2-3 million dollars. Don't have time to spell out all of the details, but he is proposing that he will get it shipped to me, pending verification of name and address, and we will split the money 30% for him and 70% for me. He prefers to keep it private, so he gave me his personal email and cell phone number. Anyone had this one pulled on them?
  6. I have a strong hunch that so called, homeland security, is gearing up to protect the almighty government against the private sector. They are anticipating civil unrest, which will give our moron president a reason to declare martial law. I feel like we are facing the suspension of our constitutional rights under the guise of maintaining order. Very disturbing to see what is happening. I'm convinced the only security they are concerned about, is that of the elite ruling class in this country. Homeland security is not our friend, i'm afraid!
  7. I want to buy a good, compact, durable, decent quality camera to carry in my saddlebags. Any suggestions?
  8. muleskinner

    Digital camera for still photos

    Appreciate the info...looked at some reviews and it looks like a pretty good little camera...do u know if walmart carries these cameras?
  9. muleskinner

    Wow 2013

    Don't know how the pac12 stacks up against the other conferences in men's bball, but it is extremely competitive within the conference. Anyone can win/lose on any given night. Should be good prep for March madness. Wildcats have some disturbing issues when it comes to shooting the ball, which is surprising considering the talent they have. Don't know how many games you're gonna win in this conference only scoring 58 pts. That puts a lot of pressure on the defensive side of the ball.
  10. muleskinner

    Questioning the afterlife

    Seems like human lives have seasons that come and go...winter comes and things die, so that there can be new life...God may be preparing you for a new, fresh, faith...don't give up, there is another season of life that will come and with it, new understanding!
  11. muleskinner

    Service dog dies

    Apparently a service dog died while doing a security sweep in preparation for Joe Biden in New Orleans... Sad... Country would be better off with the dog and without Biden... Tragic waste of a true public servant !
  12. muleskinner


    Looking forward to a great year for the Arizona Wildcats mens basketball team. Hoping for a deep run into the March madness tournament. Glad to put politics aside for awhile and enjoy the all out effort these guys put forth everytime they play. Go cats!!
  13. muleskinner


    Crazy conference. Wildcats beat the living daylights out of the Sun Devils...UCLA holds on to beat the Wildcats...Sun Devils beat UCLA...must have totally depleted UCLAs resources to get the win in Tucson. Bruins probably thought they could beat ASU on a 1/2 tank of fuel, and would have if they had played them ahead of the Wildcats. Sooo...Sun Devils owe a vote of thanks to the Wildcats for helping them beat the Bruins!
  14. muleskinner

    Heli Hog Hunting

    I have seen, first hand, the damage these hogs can do. Huge financial burden to farmers and ranchers in some areas. I would also participate in hunting them. However, any living creature deserves respect, and should be dealt with in a humane fashion. Making a clean kill is only right. I have eaten feral hog, and found it to be delicious. Why waste all of that meat by leaving it to rot? Animals that are'nt suitable for human consumption could, at least, be used for dog food. Coyotes and wolves are very cruel killers. They will eat on prey that is still alive. Coyotes will feed on a calf that is being born while it is still being delivered by the mama. Hopefully most of us don't have coyote in us!
  15. muleskinner

    Heli Hog Hunting

    I know the hogs are doing unbelievable damage, in Texas particularly. I have questions about this type of hunting. Do they go back and gather up the dead hogs? How about the ones they hit with less than a killing shot? Are they left to a slow death or what? Just think we need to have respect for whatever animal we are pursuing...for our own benefit as well as the benefit of the animal! Maybe someone knows how this deal works and can answer my ??
  16. This public display of excess is obscene! It is a direct insult to the American taxpayer. Has there ever been a more blatant, arrogant, gesture, by a bunch of eletists in our lifetime? Our nation is bankrupt and on the edge of economic collapse, and these people are spending millions upon millions of dollars to celebrate the rule of a would be dictator. Sounds more like a third world country, than the greatest nation on the earth. Where is the outrage by the media? Why are we not marching on Washington DC, and hanging these fools from light poles? God will judge this nation for its total lack of anything that even looks like morality! The slow burn is turning into a raging flame! God help us!
  17. muleskinner


    Doesn't matter where the $$ comes from...any responsible leadership would refuse to participate in this kind of gross misuse of money! Especially when they're talking about tax increases! I also seriously doubt if private donors are paying the total bill for this shindig. Are they paying for the increased security...secret service...local police...etc.? I would like to see an accounting of all the expenditures for this deal. Might be surprising. Once again, this nation now has an elite ruling class. "Nero fiddled while Rome burned".
  18. muleskinner


    "promise to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States"...When did they start doing that? Too bad lying while taking the oath of office isnt a felony offense? Oh well, gas prices are down!
  19. In a speech at Texas A&M, this idiot claimed that the 2nd ammendment originated to protect slave holders from slave revolt, as well as protection from native americans who had their lands stolen. How do people come up with stuff? Their really is no cure for stupidity...and it apparently is highly contagious. It can be contracted by repeated contact with democrats and other liberals!!
  20. muleskinner

    Help a young girl get a service dog

    I'm going to ask each of my employees to donate to this, along with a donation from my business. I would like to come up with $1000. Maybe some other business owners on here could do something similar. it would be awesome if CWT members could take care of the $7000! Brave little girl. I have 5 granddaughters and things like this make me thank God for their good health!
  21. 22 homicides in Obamaland(Chicago) since Jan. 1. At least 2 were teenage boys. Gun restrictions are doing the job! Apparently the idiots on the left don't value those 22 lives...not much being said. Why do I think human lives are not really their concern? Couldn't possibly be about control by the elitists! Another note, adult identical twins were euthanized by drs in Belgium after learning they were both going blind. If you can kill em in the womb, why not kill em anytime its convenient? This was at the request of the 2 twins by the way.
  22. muleskinner


    If u lined em all up and shot em in the head u wouldnt hit a vital organ!
  23. muleskinner


    "...Thrill going up my leg..."? This guy and Obama may have more in common than we know! New levels of stupidity are being achieved by these people every day. How much can one society stand before there is a revolt?
  24. muleskinner

    New Member Map - try it out!

    Worked on my i-pad just fine.
  25. muleskinner


    Forest guardians and others like them, work to prevent proper mgnt of the forest because of concern for the spotted owl...then the forest burns down and a lot of spotted owls with it. Never hear any of them bemoaning the fact that owl habitat just went up in smoke. Gun control interests start yelling for more gun control...gun sales skyrocket and now more guns on the street than ever. Apparently its not about the spotted owl or guns...its about control over other peoples lives. Dyed in the wool liars and hypocrits!