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About CouesPursuit

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 12/02/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mesa, AZ
  • Interests
    Coues - Crappie
    Decoying Ducks

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  1. CouesPursuit

    WTB Kids ATV

    I cleaned out some messages, thank you.
  2. CouesPursuit

    WTB Kids ATV

    I have a couple kids that love to ride and one has a birthday coming up. I'm looking for a used or new ATV in the 50-90cc range. Any leads or feedback on what to look for or avoid? Thank you very much!
  3. CouesPursuit

    Kill shot video

    I always enjoy your posts and this just adds to the excellent collection. Congratulations to your kids and great job, Dad!
  4. CouesPursuit

    1997 Toyota 4runner 4x4 mileage 221,xxx

    If it is sticking from rare use, remove the panel from the rear hatch, a swift tap on the motor while someone is touching the switch usually fixes. I put the rear window through a cycle every time I refuel and it never stuck again. Glws.
  5. CouesPursuit

    Donate javelina meat or give it away

    You're missing out.
  6. CouesPursuit

    How bout them Devils!

    Should have just let Skattebo kick the 68 yarder.
  7. CouesPursuit

    BBD - 2024 hunt

    Excellent! Added: I love seeing deer like this still exist and always hope their genetics were thoroughly planted. Congratulations to your son on a buck of many lifetimes.
  8. CouesPursuit

    Local Reloading

    I know of but hadn't been in Brunos. Sounds like they are the local reloading authority without much, if any competition. Exactly what I needed, thank you both.
  9. CouesPursuit

    Local Reloading

    Happy Sunday, I need a .310" Redding Type S Bushing and was curious if any store in the valley supplies these in stock? To all's benefit, which suppliers have the most components like these on their shelves? Thanks!
  10. CouesPursuit

    RV on cold hunt question

    I don't own a trailer. Mr Buddy running low on a large tank a dangerous/bad idea? Yep!
  11. CouesPursuit

    Guess The Score !!

    One of my favorite lines I've read here before, nets are for fish. That is an incredible buck and I know you'll have a perfectly symmetrical 105+ next to him on the wall some day soon!
  12. CouesPursuit

    2 elk and a Kia forte, long read ahead...

    Great job team!
  13. CouesPursuit

    3 years curse

    Great job dad and son!
  14. CouesPursuit

    More youth success

    So happy for the young man despite his tragic loss. No doubt he had some extra support on that mountain and I hope he remembers it forever. Good on you for being there and great job in the toughest of times, gentlemen!
  15. CouesPursuit

    More youth success

    Great deer, would love to hear the story of the deserving young man and his trophy.