Its getting close boys,better have ur battle plan ready..These are not mule deer ,road hunting wont cut it..I spent alot of time of there lately n still can get more info on those litte grey B@$T@&d$......Have some info for u mule hunters,so if someone want to throw da DOGG a bone i have a few scooby snacks 4u.............!!!!...ARARARARUOOO
I been hunting there my whole life...Great unit but lots of yahoos,hes right get a way from da peeps...i have a early coues hunt there,been scouting seen both types....Found a prettyfresh mulie shed that would blow ur mind,If i didnt know any better i would of thought i was in da kiabab......
Ill be up there myself ,just be patient and the mountain will move..ROUGHER THE CANYON BIGGER THE REWARD....There not mule deer you need to get off ur 4wheels.........!!
Im leaving wed.Ill be on the north of the 260 in the big canyons where the big smart grey ghost lives....TO rough of country for road hunters..Ill start partying when casper hanging.....Shoot whom i fooling wheres the bourbon n hotcoco at.....Whats the weather going to be like anyway.....? "ARARAROOOOOOO"