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Dan H

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Everything posted by Dan H

  1. Dan H

    Nov hunt pics

    We saw a pack of 15-20 coati's in unit 32 in Nov. I never knew they ran in that high of numbers. Iv'e always only see 3-4 in the past. It was cool they were making this like barking sound and dropped right of the edge of this huge canyon right near dark. I was gonna shoot 1 but some does and fawns ran right past me while I was watching them. Figured na a buck may be close by in the canyon. For Scottyboy, those coati's love mearns quail eggs. They are 1 of their biggest threats in the chain. So you want to start hunting them in your spare time also. When they are in numbers they look like monkeys crossing the hills. Have fun Dan
  2. Thanks, I got a digital camera last nite,....finally for taking photo's thru my bino's and scope. I'm excited. No more walgreens disposables producing those black circles. Age don't bother me I'm just glad to be alive and kicking. Dan
  3. Tines, You definetely vented on that post. Sorry to break the news,....But,...Thats what is gonna happen with all the people moving to Az. Thousands of people with different hunter ethics are here now. Get used to it. It isn't going to go away. Just be yourself and respect your fellow man. You have to remember major hunting seasons will always over lap. Thats why it's always easier to have a light camp (minimal valuables left behind to get stolen) and pack it in in the morning dark and come out in the evening dark. Or back pack it in and stay in where the majority of people fitting your description won't ever be. Gettin back to a truck (camp) for a couple beers and good meal is always killer. Most dedicated hunters need a good nites sleep. I know I do. I can sleep thru music even cumbia and rap. Gun shots around other camp at nite I would not tolerate. You should have called the law if you felt threatened. Be happy,...your able to hunt with your dad. I never got the chance. Have fun. Dan
  5. Dan H

    32 misery

    Az Hm,.. how was the water situation in 32? See a lot of hunters tag in the area you were in? I have the 32 Nov,...can only do the last 4 days. Have a 6a ML Bull for 1st week. Planning on packing in under the full moon 3-5 miles wed's nite the 16th I hope. Or Thurs a.m. There are a few monsters in there every year. From the weather in 22 this past weekend it seemed to be pretty nice weather for this years Oct hunt. Wasn't it? Still better than working,..just being out there right. Thanks, Dan
  6. He's jumping out of that tank that's cool. Dan
  7. Dan H

    I got one too

    Bret, find any sheds in that 10 mile trek? Looks like primo area for sheds. Nice bull Dan
  8. Dan H

    Friday Night

    There are a lot of them up at Roosevelt/Apache lake area I usually see atleast one every Easter out there. When we were kids we actually caught 3 of them over the years in Mesa on Lehi road and Center near the river bottoms. They would always end up coming down the salt when water was released. We kept one for a little while in an aquarium before letting him go and it actually ate chicken eggs on occasion. Swallowed them hole with out breaking the shell like a snake. They look really cool right after they shed. I think the biggest one I ever saw was on Red Rock it was huge. Probably all of 3 feet long or more with a serious attitude. Dan
  9. Yea hopefully they approve my setup, we built a huge mound and den in the corner of our yard today, and put up a 25' picket fence with 1/4 inch wire 16" under ground to obtain approval. The den looks really cool. I'm sending in the pictures and application tommorrow. I'll post a picture of turtle masrahall and the turtle when I get one if it happens. Thanks, Dan
  10. Amanda, always wondered about your photo. It looks exactly like the range as your heading down that last stretch into Deer Creek trailhead. Unit 32,...Am I correct. Any other takers. Dan
  11. Rembrandt, Oh yea you also knew the range from looking at the picture. Even by mtn range name. Nice work. I owe you an atta boy. I am going to order a personalized license plate holder here real soon. When I do,....I will order 2. Tell me what you want yours to say. I can tell you from experience many a cold mornings in the dark blazing over that ridge and up deer creek trail. Thats how I recognized it looking back from the truck after the long treks. Nice chattin I have to get back to building my desert tortoise den in my back yard. Were going to adopt one from AZGFD. Dan
  12. Ernesto, most of the forest roads up north Sitgreaves anyway requires quads to be street legal now. Forest service is really cracking down because the high volume of fast quads every where now in AZ. Majority are not street legal. They will ticket you. The RV plate they give you when you buy them really means nothing. MC plates are the way to go. Dan
  13. Quote; Does the first hint of the cool fall air find you longing to be in the mountains of the southeastern Arizona. I think everyone who goes outside in the early morning lately can feel it. Sure makes it tough having to go to work instead every day don't it. My wife tells me every year your not even listening to me me I can tell your "Changing Gears". From fishing mode to hunting mode. Very well said what I quoted Amanda. Thanks, Dan
  14. Dan H

    Qoute of the day

    You're right, AZG I feel it cause,.. I know a bunch of my friends are on the way archery elk hunting and that is a good starting point. Dan
  15. Dan H

    Qoute of the day

    QUOTE "Qu" dang typo's every time. Dan
  16. Dan H

    Burro MT sheds

    dang, you must live on a golf course the grass looks perfect? Nice sheds. All in 1 day? Gettin th fever. Dan
  17. Dan H

    G R O U S E

    Scott, Never hunted Grouse are the males colorful like pheasant? And females dull? Birds or no birds the trip,experience and area looed awesome. Cool dog. Dan
  18. Dan H

    Pictures through Binos

    Josh, man thats a nice picture. Are they bugling full time in your areas yet? Dan
  19. Dan H

    wal-mart vs local shops?

    Vari X II can be repaired by dealers. The Rifleman can not. Read into the Leupold manuals at Sportsman Warehouse you will see this. Dan
  20. Dan H

    family reunion

    Thats hilarious,.... just think if they were in it and had no way to let you know once you started driving down the road. They would have shoot. Honey did you send off that monthly payment I gave you. Good one. Dan
  21. Josh, you guys bring ice chest with on these hunts/ How do keep everything from spoiling in the heat/ Those are killer pictures. Must have been fun. Dan
  22. Dan H

    2nd Day Buck

    Man, how high up in that tree are you? the elk looks like he's way the heck down there. No wonder you talking tree stand safety. Awesome archery deer. Dan
  23. Dan H


    Might have to start riding my grandpa quad to work to save gas for the weekends. Dan
  24. You guys are all guessing around Amanda's home town because you know she patrols that region often,..., what if she stated she lived in New River would you all be saying unit 21? Ha Well it least I finally posted something people actually replied to quite a bit. That was cool for me. Dan
  25. Allright, a have a nature story. We were archery cow unit 7 back in the early 90's for 19 days in a makeshift tent (tarp) w/canals around it actually. After a week or so we were gettin ripe. So we figured all america truck stop in flag for $2.50 and some laundry was in order. My buddy is a big boy we call him Rhino. He's a trucker so as were pulling into flag down 180 he's talking to his truckin buddies on the cb and there's 3 of us in the cab in his 2wd ford. He's laughing away chattin on the cb and all of a sudden he's laughin so hard he spews and spits select brand cheapy cola all over his dash and cab spittin and gaging were thinking what was so funny. I didn't here any joke or funny comments listening in on the conversation. Now his speech is getting splurred as we suddenly rear ended the guy in front of us at the stop light. In a mercedes type fancy butt car. The guy steps out and he's huge w/his car in park Rhino's trying to roll the window down and explain spittin out the words a ^%**&in bee stung me, In the Inside Lip. As the guys standing there he continued to hit him a second time it was awesome seeing to big guys argueing over what the heck was going on and one of them was crippled by a little bumble bee in his soda. No seriuos damage to either vehicle but his lip sure was swollen for atleast 4 days until the dead skin started peeling off. We now call him Big Lip. Dan Dan