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Everything posted by dzell

  1. dzell

    Bear hunting with dogs..

    No Dinks you have truly started one of the dumbest most useless topics I have ever seen on this website. You just dont have a clue. Hunting bears with dogs isnt for everyone my guess is that your affraid you would wet yourself in all the excitement of the dogs baying and the bear popping his jaws and charging you and the dogs. Just cause some of these guys with dogs might be more successful at hunting bears than you are doesnt mean you should go trash talking the dogmen.
  2. The reasons these organizations get there way is because they show up intimidate there vocal they dont back down and they will dang sure protest. We all sit around and talk like there a bunch of sissies and idiots. Guess what these sissies have us all running scared they've obviously out smarted us because they have enough people snowed to believe there rite to the point that even when they lose it doesn't cost them a penny. The old timers a lot of the time like to blame the younger generation for this type of crap but where the heck was everyone when the country started moving this direction probably not doing something about it. So hears the deal this crap gets approved everyone makes a half effort at fighting it and lose again and then they have a big gay parade out in the woods and they watch the wolves be released take pictures feed it to the t.v. they look like hero's while we the losers sit at the computer crying about all the wolves. When what should happen is everyone who can show up and not let them basterds out of there vehicles. They would do it to you they've done it before. If you think game and fish aint for this wolf crap I will call you a fool tell they prove other wise fishing in the area I live was destroyed by them and these organizations for some minnows and sucker fish they want all the bass and other game fish gone to the point that they killed all the fish in the cow tanks on the mountain that feeds fossil creek so they can have fish that your not allowed to catch except for 2 or 3 months out of the year hows that for increasing opportunity and recruting anglers. Dont kid yourself enough is enough and its time to step it up and fight to win instead of fighting to say we fought if we would do that maybe good things could happen.
  3. dzell

    Quality all purpose knife for field dressing?

    I have an old single blade folding kabar I found in the road full of elk hair a few years back its a great knife by far the best ive ever owned.
  4. dzell

    Law vs. Ethics

    i believe that the over abundance of laws get in the way of properly teaching ethics. more rules would just make things worse if you cant see that then your just another sheep in the flock
  5. dzell

    does anybody know this person?

    I just wish I could get a bull tag 17 years and ive never had one. The bad part is I live 10 minutes away from all kinds of elk hunting and get to watch a bunch of grown men that act like highschool maybee middle school cheerleaders come up and hunt elk thats what truly makes me sick wipe your snot noses and dry your eyes and go kill a bull do something other than cry this is pathetic. By the way Im pretty sure I dont know either group of people.
  6. dzell

    dead rockies

    ya its to bad about the sheep but it was a cool find and they got to keepem cant beet that
  7. dzell

    dead rockies

    I wonder if there going to get to keep the heads
  8. I am looking to replace the wood stock on my Browning A bolt .270 does anyone know where I can get a quality synthetic stock the only ones I can seem to find are made by ramline and bell and carlson and I havent read that many great reviews on either company thanks for any suggestions
  9. dzell

    Winchester model 70 300 win mag

    It will shoot five shots at just over an inch with 180grain remington corelokts and five at a inch with some 150gtain ballistic tips that I have loaded no muzzle break. Bore is in real good condition couldn't tell you how many times its been shot never counted
  10. dzell

    Winchester model 70 300 win mag

    I have a burris 3-9x40 with balistic plex reticle that I will throw in with the rifle if anyone's intersted.
  11. dzell

    Almost GO time

    Good luck coach
  12. dzell

    Unit 6a

    with all the attention 6a is getting it looks like i need to hunt further from home any sweet spots you guys want to throw out there
  13. dzell

    AR500 steel

    has anybody tried 600 plate
  14. dzell

    Winchester model 70 300 win mag

    I believe its a push feed it looks like a regular bolt
  15. dzell

    Swarovski bino's

    I bought mine a few years ago from ross equipment rentals they rent them out and i got a pair of there rentals at a discounted price with the warranty customer service was great and the 15's looked like they had never been out of the box
  16. dzell

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    6a muledeer oct 28-nov 3
  17. mayor espinoza should be tried as a traitor and a terrorist
  18. dzell

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    7/22 at 10:45
  19. dzell

    forrest service litter

    I just got back from the shooting range up the road and was surprised that all of our little pull offs to go shooting had road closed signs in the middle of them but whats even better is they piled boulders in the road behind the sign and they also put a shot up t.v. with the boulders now if we was to move litter from one place to another on the forest wouldnt we get a littering ticket. so my question is how does a guy go about writing these clowns a ticket.
  20. dzell

    forrest service litter

    I wish I knew how to put pictures on here its pretty obvious that it wasn't somebody that was pissed it was about the sorriest road block I have ever seen and that t.v. has been out there for a while so instead of hauling it off he just put it in the middle of the road to keep somebody from driving over his rocks
  21. dzell

    243 wssm?

    I bought a 243 wssm model 70 for my wife that thing shoots like a dream only problem is it doesnt load very smooth
  22. dzell

    Night Hunting proposal

    it would be cool till you called in a lion or a bear and then you mite get yerself in a jackpot im not to sure on this one seems a little iffy but it would be cool to try it
  23. dzell

    Wallow Fire Poem

    Another thing the loggers used to fight all the fires and maintenance the forest service roads now you see billions spent watching our forests burn and you need four wheel drive or a quad to go where my grandad would drive his car. Fire them all an confinscate them ugly green trucks send the enviromentalists and animal rites activists to california and make a longer border fence there as bad as the illegals
  24. i am right handed and left eyed and only ever shot right handed rifles off of a rest i think a right handed rifle is way more convenient for my left handed shootin but thumbhole stocks are pretty much out of the question
  25. Hey IM looking to buy a ground blind looking for one that two people can sit and have room to move my biggest problem is everyone I look at getting has shoot through mesh or zipper/velcro windows trying to get my wife into bowhunting and trying to get set up with the rite stuff to help her be successful thanks for any input