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About dzell

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/27/1985

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    central az

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  1. dzell

    Wtb Remington 700 Muzzleloader

    I wasn’t shooting it to 1000 for hunting reasons. I did it because it shot so great out to 600 that I wanted to see how it shot out further.
  2. dzell

    Wtb Remington 700 Muzzleloader

    Yes 1016 yards 8” group
  3. dzell

    Wtb Remington 700 Muzzleloader

    You should also consider the CVA paramount. I picked one up from a guy on here and it shoots sub MOA out to 1000yards.
  4. dzell

    Who uses a bipod?

    I use the hatch out west bipod works great prone and sitting
  5. dzell

    You've got to be kidding me !!

    The sportsman’s on 27th avenue said they were losing $9000 a month to theft on rifle ammo.
  6. dzell


    Sorry for the loss of your son
  7. dzell

    Fs Savage 99 250-3000

    Awesome gun
  8. dzell

    SOLD CVA Paramount Pro .45 Caliber

    I’m interested pm sent
  9. dzell

    6BRM contender barrel or rifle trade…

    Where did you get that stock?
  10. dzell

    Ruger Super Blackhawk Stainless 7.5" - SOLD

    Those grips are beautiful.
  11. I’ll take it if it’s still available
  12. dzell

    Hydraulic rebuilds

    I’ve been having decent luck having Ivan at brothers hydraulics repair our cylinders. Used to be phoenix hydraulics.
  13. I’ve always thought Crusty’s in Camp Verde was good
  14. dzell

    All sold

    I’ll take the rest of it