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Everything posted by BeardownAZ

  1. BeardownAZ

    Ouch UofA Basketball

    Yes because you are never sour over anything concerning UA/ASU right?? Classless comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. And that includes Wildcats and Sun Devils alike.
  2. BeardownAZ

    Ouch UofA Basketball

    Should be interesting to see who goes and stays. It's rare in sports of any kind to have defeats like this yet still have legitimate reasons to be optimistic for the next year, years, to be as good or better. Miller has UofA right back where they left off on Lutes strong years. Now to just break through to the Final Four and Title games. Much to be excited about again.
  3. BeardownAZ

    Ouch UofA Basketball

    More than likely. Along with Nick Johnson I'm sure. Hoping Zeus comes back with Ashley they could be really good again. Man not losing Ashley could of put them over the top.
  4. BeardownAZ

    Ouch UofA Basketball

    Yes but only after the Wisconsin player bumped him. It shouldn't be a call period, there was contact on both sides so just let them play. Oh well, fill in the holes from the ones who leave with more top recruits and reload for next year. Side note: That ref was the same ref that called a charge against Syracuse that May have contributed to them losing to Duke that Jim Boeheim went nuts on.
  5. BeardownAZ

    Wow 2013

    Good sign when a team can win against a good team not playing off there normal strengths(rebounding, staying out of foul trouble, Nick Johnson offense). I'm not sure why SDSU wasnt a 2 seed with there record and teams they beat. Yet Kansas was a 2 and SDSU beat them this year and posted a better record to boot. Mountain West is a decent conference despite what the east coast bias believes.
  6. BeardownAZ

    Wow 2013

    That seems to be all arizona teams in general, including pro.
  7. BeardownAZ


    I've kicked around the thought of getting my FFL also but no way under these thugs. I just don't trust any thing like that any more
  8. BeardownAZ

    Sad Society

    This is exactly how people should treat it. I dont care how loving or sweet an animal is, they have different instincts and triggers that we dont always understand. Its not there fault its just how nature wired them. Dogs and kids together make me nervous. But at 5 years old, I watched a friend get bite badly by my families dog, so i am probably biased. And Yes the dog was killed immediately. Animals are great but like alot of things require responsibility and respect, just like firearms.
  9. BeardownAZ

    Sad Society

    http://www.azcentral.com/community/phoenix/articles/20140311pit-bull-mauling-phopenix-boy-debate-over-fate.html I am not trying to start a debate about Pitbulls and banning them and such as I have heard people talk about. But this article hit a nerve with me. Why, regardless of breed, are people always so determined to keep or side with an animal after it does such horrific damage? Yes I know that animals are not like people in regard as that they act on instict and not evil motivatation. However, in this case, this dog has shown severe aggression twice. Which most places there is law against having an animal that is known to be aggresive. Our sick society has even gone so far to support this dog and its owner that it now has an attorney of its own yet the mother of this child that was mauled is struggling to make it due to caring for her son. I just dont get it. I would never own a Pitbull myself, I just dont trust there instincts, especially around young kids. I do NOT believe though that Pitbulls are evil, like some people do. But I do think they require different handling than an average dog based on what they were breed for, like alot of other breeds. Just like a hound, its not going to howl or bark quieter based on how good you treat it. It may not have as much to howl at in a quiet neighborhood, but the volume is still there and always will be. Just my rant. I cant imagine what a parent of child like this must be going through.
  10. BeardownAZ

    Sad Society

    Wonder how many people actually read the link to the article in my original post??
  11. BeardownAZ

    Sad Society

    I think the most important thing here is the fact that people are more concerned about a dam dog over a human being mauled to near death. It just once again shows where out societies priorites are. Truly is discouraging, but not suprising.
  12. BeardownAZ

    Sad Society

    I think the issue with Pits is that they are breed like little tanks. So when they bite they tend to maul. Theres a difference between a bite of a chihuahua and a larger more physically built animal. Like was said, Thugs have ruined the breed and thus permamently tarnished the breeds rep and blood line in some ways. I have personally known people who like pits just out of the macho factor. For some reason it makes them tough to own a dog like that. Again, irresponsible people creating problems that would not otherwise exist.
  13. BeardownAZ


    That last paragraph sums it all up for us. There was a video link to a Youtube video I saw on AR15.com that talked about how a population can go from being dictated to by a Thug and basically be in slavery by a few to a proud free people who fight back to then back to bondage and slavery again. And it showed the steps and phases. Right now we are in the content and complacency phase of "As long as my tv and petty luxuries are still there, I dont care." It was creepy to watch. You can see exactly how it all happens and look to turning points of each phase, that this and other nations have or are going down now and in the past.
  14. BeardownAZ

    Want to buy .22 ammo!

    Should probably post this in the classified section, might get more bites
  15. Any thoughts on the current Russia-Ukraine conflict going on? I really cant say I'm suprised. I think anybody who sees the direction we are going and the directions the Russians(Putin) want to go is very different. Putin being an ex KGB colonel wants nothing more than to see them as a world superpower again opposite of us. I believe right now, our current administration and society in general is handing it to him to do just that. Obama can flap his jaw all he wants about sanctions but Putin isnt scared of us. Alot arent anymore. Besides whats the UN gonna do if we get them involved? They allowed countries like Russia in and they have veto power on top of it so it pointless, as the UN always has been. Just think we may be watching an attempt or actual resurrgence of the old Soviet Union.
  16. BeardownAZ


    Thats the problem to a T! People dont have the stones to do whats needed. By the time they did, it would be to late. But I do agree with the article that even our great military could not beat a radical population in guerilla warfare. What cop or soldier wants to know everytime they go out, they have no idea who or where the enemy is with people all around them to hide amongst? The defection rate would be high I would like to believe.
  17. BeardownAZ

    Return of the Soviet Union

    Pine Donkey's article was very interesting. Not hard to see some of it playing out right now without even getting into more intricate details.
  18. BeardownAZ

    Return of the Soviet Union

    I doubt anything happens out of this other than Putin getting strategic ports from the Ukraine under his terms. Which I believe is part of this little rumbling. The worlds countries don't object to him enough to make any difference. Not enough united. Yeah some sanctions will probably happen but it won't deter him enough to not get just enough of what he wants.
  19. BeardownAZ

    Return of the Soviet Union

    What western powers will have enough influence? I hope your right but I dont think being "western" carries the stock it used to. Its not like they need us for oil and those type of resources, Venezuela and the likes also back them up so they're good there. We dont export like we used to so I guess maybe we could import less and hurt them there?? Like cheap steel cased Russian ammo . That would suck! From what I understand, its pretty split in the Ukraine between people wanting to be influenced by either Russia or Europe. Which is what suprised me the most. I would of thought it wouldnt be close considering they broke away from the USSR. I see us stomping our feet and yelling and thats about it. Kinda like when they rolled over Georgia and Bush did nothing really.
  20. BeardownAZ

    Boquillas Ranch Closed

    Can someone educate me on this, State Trust land belongs to the state of Arizona correct?
  21. BeardownAZ

    Signs you might be a D-bag

    Hmm a tag lasts one year or one hunt and a rifle will outlast its original owner easily if taken care of. 6 tags equal one good rifle but they expire the rifle does not. I like the rifle argument side more but nothing to get sideways about, just opinions. And people who treat public land like a drunken sailor in a w#$%house...might make someone a d-bag
  22. BeardownAZ

    Girls and Hunting

    Tried getting my wife to go but shes not into hunting or shooting but I aleast likes the camping so Ill take that. My daughter may be the hunter as she is now at the age I can get here mind to focus just enough to understand what we are doing plus she enjoyed shooting the AR once so... My son on the other would just rather look for empty shell casings or play with the campfire .
  23. BeardownAZ

    Whats in your holster ?

    Glock 20 or Sig 226 in 9mm
  24. BeardownAZ

    Wow 2013

    If ASU is going to capitilize on this they have to do it now and make a tourney run. They will at least lose 3(seniors) of there 5 starters for sure if not 4 depending on what Carson does. UA on the other hand could have all 5 starters back plus Brandon Ashley and Gabe York, should none leave early. Right now Gordon would probably leave but not sure why, he isnt playing as good as he was hyped up to be. The way there offense is playing, they need another year. I think despite the lose and not such good play overall lately, most would be glad to be in UAs shoes over where there current programs are and going. UA is more talened with Sophomores and Freshman then almost everyone else with veteran Senior and Junior led teams. Also why they choke sometimes too. No experiance. The lack of technical foul call is now irrelevant. No reason to of not played good enough to win in regulation and not mattered.