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Everything posted by BeardownAZ

  1. BeardownAZ

    Item found in Unit 27

    In the process of getting it returned. My dad should get credit too, he's not a CW member but still. I could not believe what we found. I thought honestly someone was playing a trick on us. But felt weird picking it up. Didn't know if we should leave it or not. Figured someone else would grab it either way if the original owner wasn't close by So we thought we'd post around and see what happened. We just thought how we'd feel if one of us did the same thing, and left something like that. Glad the owner was found
  2. BeardownAZ

    Water fill up-Alpine area

    I've been to that store alot since I was a kid. Never for water fill up though with a travel trailer. I'll definitely give em some more of my business. Thanks
  3. BeardownAZ

    Water fill up-Alpine area

    Just looking to see where you can fill your travel trailer up in the alpine to hanagans meadow area. Thanks.
  4. BeardownAZ

    Water fill up-Alpine area

    Your talking about the Alpine Tackle shop right? Do they charge? Thanks
  5. BeardownAZ

    Behold...the future of our country

    That's funny as heck......but sad at the same time. A lot of people walking around clueless living like her, men and women.
  6. BeardownAZ

    Unit 1/3b fire

    Heres an example whats in OUR best interest as well. Go along or get arrested. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/07/01/medical-staff-warned-keep-quiet-about-illegal-immigrants-or-face-arrest/
  7. BeardownAZ

    Unit 1/3b fire

    I would never want to impede on your rights to go anywhere in this great country, but by that same respect I would like you to value my rights, property, livelihood, and most importantly my family by not starting a fire and causing me and many people like you and me to evacuate because of fire. Whether a fire is caused by accident or purpose, naturally or by stupidity the effects last several lifetimes and will directly effect tens of thousands of people both short term and for many years to come. There is a reason to close the forest not to keep you out, but to keep people in their homes and to keep hundred year old trees at a level more than match sticks. You can always tell when someone has gone through a fire or natural disaster when the emergency broadcast system comes on they listen. I know you would not cause a fire, but their are too many stupid people in the US to discriminate. I respect your opinion, but see it differently. Your same argument or thinking of closing the forest down is similar to what anti gun groups/individuals use when people are killed by firearms. Turn em all in and only police or military should have em. Yet we all know the killings wouldn't stop. You choose to live in the forest, you know there's a risk of fires. Just like hurricanes and tsunamis on the coast. One of the individuals who helped start the Rodeo-Chediski fire worked to put these things out and started it to get work. How do u stop that?? You can't. I understand the emotional connection as well your livelyhood depending on it. But closing it won't stop it. My point is who decides to shut it down, when, and for how long? I simply don't trust the decision makers anymore with that power.
  8. BeardownAZ

    Unit 1/3b fire

    At what point though do we trust the govenrment to say when it should be shut or opened? The land belongs to all of us. Not just those who live there or have fond memories of hunts there. I understand though the ones who work and live there being alittle more aggrevated and on edge. I would be too. You have more legitmate reasons to voice your issues and concerns. But the same bunch we all complain about running this country into the ground, is the same bunch we want to fight forest fires and close public lands. Every year they close Mt Graham usually in Nov-May. Even before the first snow fall. Why??? I know why. They dont like people up there to begin with due to the red squirrel and the telescope but tell us its for our own good so we dont get stuck on the mountain when the snow is too deep. I dont need pencil pushers from a city telling me whats good for me or closing the forest down because they believe they have a monopoly on the power and know whats best. Closing the forest down wont undo drought or idiotic people. Unfortuntely they do shut it down, and it still burns in the summer and people still get stuck in the winter.
  9. BeardownAZ

    rock-n-rollin' earthqqqqquake baby! 10pm on the dot...

    USGS map shows closest to Duncan. If the spot is correct, I've hunted there a few times. Nice little rumble.
  10. BeardownAZ

    Paul Ryan is awesome

    The change needed is epic. Words cannot describe how bad our system has gotten. Yet its only going to get worse. And unfortunently people are too apathetic and content being lazy for it to change before it takes drastic measures to undo it. I hear people all the time talking this politician and that politician up and I cant believe what I hear. Like sjvcon stated, politicians serve as a career not as a duty to help the country. Look at our financial system! Backed by nothing but debt, cause of lying, corrupt politicians. What happens when the debt holders say no more and dont take dollars as payment cause they know its worth nothing? You dont have to be a Republican or Democrat to see whats going on cant keep going forever. The process can only slug along for so long before it completely stops. But we allow it to happen, and until we demand.....no..... make it stop, things wont change.
  11. BeardownAZ

    Paul Ryan is awesome

    They all suck. And diplomacy and talk arent gonna be what it takes to change things in this country. Just look at what it took to found this country.
  12. BeardownAZ

    Unit 1 - Late Bull Tag

    Nothing wrong with asking questions. Besides whats the difference between hiring a guide who does all the work right? Other than exchanging money for time and info. Tons of elk up there. Just like most non rut hunts for any animal, it gets tougher the longer the hunt goes due to the hunt pressure. Ive known people to kill nice, almost huge bulls up there right off the road so... With that many tags just get off the road and pretty much anywhere you will be fine.
  13. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Viper 15x50HD- Sold

  14. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Viper 15x50HD- Sold

    Sold For sale 15x50 Vortex Viper HD binoculars like new with case and factory box. $500 Pm for pics
  15. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Viper 15x50HD- Sold

    Got a pending sale. They are great glass but my money tree isnt in full bloom this year and theres a 44 mag calling my name
  16. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Viper 15x50HD- Sold

    Back up for sale. Please be sure you want these before exchanging info then realizing you dont want them after all.
  17. BeardownAZ

    Pros and Cons of living in Globe

    What??? Never heard that before. U need to eat at the little hole in the wall El Mesquite in Pima. Much better.
  18. BeardownAZ

    unit 1

    You dont need no guide for that hunt, just get out there. I'm sure you'll kill a good one in that unit regardless. Good Luck!
  19. BeardownAZ

    Remington 1911 R1 45 ACP What would you do

    Second quote is as good a reason to do what was mention in the top quote. Nice guns are great but its hard to use them like they were meant to. Kinda like driving a cherry vintage car.
  20. BeardownAZ

    Anyone remember this?

    Wasnt as long ago as people think. Just so much panic has happened in a short time. If we had a conservative, constitutional minded administration, we wouldnt be having these threads. I say conservative not republican because they are spineless and have no clue on what needs to be done.
  21. BeardownAZ

    Ouch UofA Basketball

    Of course not. They would never resort to name calling or pettiness, only us UA fans are so lowly to do so.
  22. BeardownAZ

    Ouch UofA Basketball

    Yes because you are never sour over anything concerning UA/ASU right?? Classless comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. And that includes Wildcats and Sun Devils alike.
  23. BeardownAZ

    Ouch UofA Basketball

    Should be interesting to see who goes and stays. It's rare in sports of any kind to have defeats like this yet still have legitimate reasons to be optimistic for the next year, years, to be as good or better. Miller has UofA right back where they left off on Lutes strong years. Now to just break through to the Final Four and Title games. Much to be excited about again.
  24. BeardownAZ

    Ouch UofA Basketball

    More than likely. Along with Nick Johnson I'm sure. Hoping Zeus comes back with Ashley they could be really good again. Man not losing Ashley could of put them over the top.
  25. BeardownAZ

    Ouch UofA Basketball

    Yes but only after the Wisconsin player bumped him. It shouldn't be a call period, there was contact on both sides so just let them play. Oh well, fill in the holes from the ones who leave with more top recruits and reload for next year. Side note: That ref was the same ref that called a charge against Syracuse that May have contributed to them losing to Duke that Jim Boeheim went nuts on.