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Everything posted by BeardownAZ

  1. BeardownAZ

    Is This a Nightmare?

    What everyone saying is true. Its easy to get on a website like this or others and see all the good things, like people taking huge animals, etc. But what alot of times you dont see is there personal struggles or how many years its took to get such a animal or even get drawn. I too have to remind myself of this and think I'm lucky to be able to worry about things that really are trivial in the grand scheme of it all. Hang in there and things will work out. Maybe just cruise roads(road hunting but not road hunting ) with your dad(if he can do that) and enjoy time with him. Good Luck
  2. BeardownAZ

    Mule Deer range

    I've heard big deer are lazy,not sure if that's true, but if terrain is flat and easy walking, makes sense they'd wander more. The desert flats are vast, deer could be everywhere and be hard to find. Let alone a few wandering miles before coming back to the same area. I'd like to understand deers movements in open country more, or anywhere for that matter, better. Interesting topic.
  3. BeardownAZ

    Friendy coues doe

    Feed some Coues at Ft. Bayard NM when I was a teenager. About 3 does and a small buck. Very cool
  4. BeardownAZ

    a pistol

    For hunting or for personal protection during rifle and or archery seasons?? I think they used to say no but rescinded that. Always thought that was a stupid rule. If your gonna poach or do it illegally, those rules arent going to stop you.
  5. BeardownAZ

    Is this a legit way to hunt?

    I think he meant to type female youth you sicko Youve never been on AR15.com before have you?? They do ask for pics on there of any and all females and mean it. Back to the topic at hand JohnnieBlaze is right. Doesnt matter what your hunting, Its only gonna get worse
  6. BeardownAZ

    Is this a legit way to hunt?

    It's all about bragging and filling tags anymore. People, some guides included, could care less about anyone or anything else but filling the tag. Not surprised in the least.
  7. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Vulture 10x56 hd's NIB

    Did the same with mine. 1 1/2 behind the house and could tell what people where and even see small to medium size dogs. Really good glass for the price. Seen other binos double the price that werent any better. I bet these 10s are great!
  8. BeardownAZ

    Where to buy good TOPO maps in Tuscon?

    This. They seemed pretty good. Gila Outdoor has gone down hill bad. Customer is the worst part. Went in there once in last year. Wont go again.
  9. BeardownAZ

    Blaze Orange

    Really?? Actually shot at? People are idiots. Tell that story.
  10. I was wondering too. I ended up buying a pair of Vortex Vultures 15x56 based on reviews and price instead but still curious. Was this the Nikon 5s?? Nikon generally pretty good.
  11. BeardownAZ

    ASU "Forward Thinking"

    Best way to conforn to there idiotic new politically correct policy is for everyone to were the opposing teams colors and apparel!
  12. BeardownAZ

    Best lightweight tripod head.

    What you did there? I see it!
  13. BeardownAZ

    Scouting 101

    I'm gonna assume part of this is directed at me considering I'm the only one in this post that mentions anything about college. I'm gonna also assume you stopped reading after I mentioned I'm in college so it's hard to scout with lack of time and money and I didn't say that I "can't come up with a day or two on a weekend to scout" I actually said I ask for a little help so when I do find that weekend or two to scout its worth while. Perhaps he'd like it even more if Game and Fish enacted a policy stating you may not get drawn for a unit you live more than 75 miles from that way we wont have a bunch of people roaming all over the unit trying to learn it or god forbid, ask someone for info on it that's hunted it before. It's not hard, If you don't want to give advise don't. If you don't want people knowing what and where you hunt and how, keep off public websites advertising your stories and kills. If I know an area and someone else wants help, I give it. I don't learn an area for them, but if I gain knowledge and can help some else, what's the big deal. I wouldn't give a trophy location away and wouldn't expect anyone else to either. Either way, the person hunting and asking for help still has to get out there and hunt, do the work and there are still no guarantees even if I gave every intimate detail about the unit, that they'd be successful.
  14. BeardownAZ


    The fact they were in it playing like they did, was a miracle. USC was definitely bigger and more physical but not overly impressive, except there running back. Recoup, come back and beat Washington State.
  15. BeardownAZ

    Guides-and using them

    Maybe when I'm older and breaking down, I'd hire a guide. But right now I'm young enough to do it myself. No reason not too. If work or life has me strapped for time, and no scouting time, I guess I'll just hope for some luck. There are worse things then not tagging out.
  16. BeardownAZ

    Guides-and using them

    This is just a straight honest question. Why do people use guides? And this applies to any and all types of hunts, both trophy(whatever that is) and regular hunts, any animal. Is success that important to have someone else make sure you find a animal of certain criteria in order to be happy, or what, what is it?? If Im an out of stater and know nothing about an area, that makes sense, But what about AZ residents who use them for AZ hunts? Im sure Ill get flamed big time on this but its not a bash on either guides or the ones who hire them. Really its not. Im just curious. If someone offers me $5000 or more to point them to an animal and have them shoot it, of course id take it!! I understand that part but my question is more for those who hire them. If your from Az and you draw a tag, cant you go spend that same amount of money on optics and gas scouting said area and be successful on your own? Or is there something different in a hunt with hiring a guide? Again, not a dig just a curious question. I have eaten tag soup before and its not fun but its not everything either nor did it make my hunt less memorable or fun. I hear some much talk on here about needing to be succesful as its once in alifetime, this and that. Is that what drives one to hire a guide? I know to each there own, just was wondering for those who use them, have used them, why?
  17. BeardownAZ

    Guides-and using them

    I gather 3 things from the opinions on here. One, some people want more than anything just to be able to fill there tag regardless if its them doing the work or someone else. Two, some people want the experiance of the guide to learn off of and pay the money for a "apprenticeship" kinda learning. Three, Some places require it to hunt there. I like the idea of number 2 the best. Learning is something that pays back for years to come. Number three is a requirement in some instances so no opinion on that. I guess I see experiance coming from participation not hiring someone to do it. You cant buy real world experiance. It has to be lived. A guide has that experiance from going out, scouting, hunting. I like the idea of the scout for you thing I seen awhile back. Cheaper, and gives you a starting point that still requires you to do the work and ability to practice your hunting skills while not having to be gone every weekend if work or home life is a little too busy to get out. Utlimately I will always be a DIY as thats where I get my satisfaction from. Unless I go to to Alaska, or Africa(after the Ebola apocalypse).
  18. BeardownAZ

    Guides-and using them

    This is exactly me. The reward comes from me doing the work and then getting the animal. Someone else doing everything for me, then me walking up and just shooting it, does not appeal to me in the least. I hunt cause I like to hunt. Not just kill. But if someone is so inclined to do so, thats ok. Just not my cup of tea.
  19. BeardownAZ

    Guides-and using them

    No judgement here, just asking why people use them. I highly doubt I will ever use one. I feel the same way mattys281 feels. For me to spend that coin on one hunt, I cant justify it. But thats me. Not saying that for eveyone else. The other side of it is, I know alot of people who do judge those who dont kill only trophys or spend the money on guides and such. I agree, if someone wants to spend the money, have it. Its your money, your right. I spend alot on things others wouldnt so again, to each there own.
  20. They dont seem to know, or be telling us the truth. Not sure which. But how you contract it seems to change daily. I dont trust our government one bit, especially this bunch but not sure how serious this is or isnt either. Telling us that stopping travel in or out of infected countries won't help, but could be worse! Really??? So whay quarantine anyone to a house then either. Absolutley nuts!!
  21. BeardownAZ


    If the SEC beats each other up, its cause there a really good strong conference, but if the Pac-12 does it, its cause there weak. The fact that Oregon beat Michigan State and has the same record now yet ranked ahead of them proves the bias. Its obvious. No I dont think the Cats can go undefeated but the conference talent wise is alot more level throughout, minus Colorado, then its ever been. Even Washington State has come along way. Hard to tell who really is good and who is not right now.
  22. BeardownAZ

    Kowa Highlanders

    Might wanna put this in the classifieds section of this forum
  23. BeardownAZ

    My first bear!

    Never understand why people want to camp, hunt, fish etc, right on top of each other when there are thousands of other places to go. Glad you got you one! What's the story on the house cat though? Found that funny
  24. BeardownAZ

    Nikon Monarch 5s

    Kaibabs are nice but I'm one of the ones that they don't fit my eyes/face very good. Anyone know if Sportsmans in Tucson or Phx have any Monarch 5s on to try?? And......Beardown Arizona
  25. BeardownAZ

    Nikon Monarch 5s

    Anybody tried these? They have 16s and 20s. Just curious if they are worth the coin for there price. I usually like Nikons optics considering there price range