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Everything posted by BeardownAZ

  1. BeardownAZ

    Apparently we’re doing it wrong

    Anybody else notice the bucks not hanging with the does??
  2. BeardownAZ

    cats and cages

    Ever been sprayed?? Whats your normal bait for bobcats?
  3. BeardownAZ

    My unit 31 Veterans Day buck

    It was cool right before the hunts, and then got warm the week of the first hunt......figures. I had the 31 muley hunt and it was in the upper 80s low 90s first 2 days, and rained and got cold the 3rd day . I swear game and fish has weather machines, Nice buck!!
  4. BeardownAZ

    Got lucky in 28

    I'd swear his neck looks like a rutting buck. Good job
  5. BeardownAZ

    Cats live and die by their kicker

    Still way better right now then anyone expected. Freshman qb and rb?? With 8-2 record? I'll take that anyday. So would most schools, even ASU, but they'd never admit that.
  6. BeardownAZ


    I knew it was a dangerous game for ASU but still didn't think they'd actually lose. Now all the SEC Kool aid drinkers will say the Pac is weak.
  7. BeardownAZ

    Not shure what to think

    I agree with this completely. Alot of good advice though pretty much from everyone. Shoot what makes you happy. The question you need to ask yourself is if tagging out is the most important thing or not? Im too the point with deer that I no longer want to shoot the first spike or 2 point next to a road or 100 yards from camp. But it has nothing to do with what others think. I am really starting to appreciate the challenge the bigger bucks(not necessarily trophys) offer and am ok not tagging out. But whatever you do, do not........do not, do what others tell you to do. Ive done that before and it is alway a big mistake.Just be happy with whatever choice you make.
  8. BeardownAZ

    Mule Deer range

    I was following a nice 2x3 before the season. Then the season started and gone. No idea if someone ever got him or what. Of course with the youth hunt and a whitetail hunt prior, all the traffic probably pushed him into the flats or deep canyons.
  9. Exactly. That's the problem. We get rid of one type, inherit another. Weak Republicans, bat s#&t crazy Democrats.
  10. BeardownAZ

    Mule Deer range

    I would love to see a big buck as well as some does and smallbucks tagged with trackers and see during a year period what there patterns are. I bet it would be pretty interesting.
  11. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Optics: A Question

    There binos are good not sure about the scopes. For 1/4 the cost of the Swaros, they are great! I know peope who have spent $4000 on a custom rifle, $3000 in binos, only to shoot 2 or 3 point average bucks. I actually know alot like that. Most can do that from the road with Tascos or Bushnells. It seems some of the optics companies are good at one thing but not the others. I like Leupold scopes, but there binos I dont and I USED to own a pair.
  12. Not likely, there still politicians. But at least I dont fear quite as much my gun rights being trampled so badly for a few more years. Not trying to sound like a debbie downer, i just dont have faith in people in office anymore. Ill take my chances more though with this election then if it had gone the other way.
  13. BeardownAZ

    Is This a Nightmare?

    What everyone saying is true. Its easy to get on a website like this or others and see all the good things, like people taking huge animals, etc. But what alot of times you dont see is there personal struggles or how many years its took to get such a animal or even get drawn. I too have to remind myself of this and think I'm lucky to be able to worry about things that really are trivial in the grand scheme of it all. Hang in there and things will work out. Maybe just cruise roads(road hunting but not road hunting ) with your dad(if he can do that) and enjoy time with him. Good Luck
  14. BeardownAZ

    Mule Deer range

    I've heard big deer are lazy,not sure if that's true, but if terrain is flat and easy walking, makes sense they'd wander more. The desert flats are vast, deer could be everywhere and be hard to find. Let alone a few wandering miles before coming back to the same area. I'd like to understand deers movements in open country more, or anywhere for that matter, better. Interesting topic.
  15. BeardownAZ

    Friendy coues doe

    Feed some Coues at Ft. Bayard NM when I was a teenager. About 3 does and a small buck. Very cool
  16. BeardownAZ

    a pistol

    For hunting or for personal protection during rifle and or archery seasons?? I think they used to say no but rescinded that. Always thought that was a stupid rule. If your gonna poach or do it illegally, those rules arent going to stop you.
  17. BeardownAZ

    Is this a legit way to hunt?

    I think he meant to type female youth you sicko Youve never been on AR15.com before have you?? They do ask for pics on there of any and all females and mean it. Back to the topic at hand JohnnieBlaze is right. Doesnt matter what your hunting, Its only gonna get worse
  18. BeardownAZ

    Is this a legit way to hunt?

    It's all about bragging and filling tags anymore. People, some guides included, could care less about anyone or anything else but filling the tag. Not surprised in the least.
  19. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Vulture 10x56 hd's NIB

    Did the same with mine. 1 1/2 behind the house and could tell what people where and even see small to medium size dogs. Really good glass for the price. Seen other binos double the price that werent any better. I bet these 10s are great!
  20. BeardownAZ

    Where to buy good TOPO maps in Tuscon?

    This. They seemed pretty good. Gila Outdoor has gone down hill bad. Customer is the worst part. Went in there once in last year. Wont go again.
  21. BeardownAZ

    Blaze Orange

    Really?? Actually shot at? People are idiots. Tell that story.
  22. I was wondering too. I ended up buying a pair of Vortex Vultures 15x56 based on reviews and price instead but still curious. Was this the Nikon 5s?? Nikon generally pretty good.
  23. BeardownAZ

    ASU "Forward Thinking"

    Best way to conforn to there idiotic new politically correct policy is for everyone to were the opposing teams colors and apparel!
  24. BeardownAZ

    Best lightweight tripod head.

    What you did there? I see it!