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Everything posted by BeardownAZ

  1. BeardownAZ

    Tim McGraw Anti-Gunner!1....What a buzzzz kill!!

    I believe McGraw called himself a blue dog democrat at one point. So I cant say this is suprising. Another well to do celebrity lost from reality who can afford to hire personal protection.
  2. BeardownAZ

    then and now! ?

    I think its easy to say other then north of the Colorado, its gotten worse for mule deer. I literally remember seeing herds of mule deer when I first started going out as a kid in 27. Its pathetic now compared to what it used to be. Could just drive up from Morenci to Alpine and count a 100 or more deer you'd see next to the road without trying. I've done that now and not seen a single one : ( Whitetail on the other hand, like a lot have already said, seem to be in areas I never saw them before.
  3. BeardownAZ

    World record Elk 2010 SCI High fence

    Just cause its law doesn't make it right or moral. And just cause someone hunts doesn't give them a pass to not be critiqued or critized when they do questionable things. Blind loyalty is dangerous and irresponsible. Its whats gotten this country into the mess its in now in all facets. The "antis" will never agree or get on board with what hunting is. Never! So bickering or not, doesn't matter.
  4. BeardownAZ

    World record Elk 2010 SCI High fence

    High Fence??? In other words a farmed elk basically. Its an impressive animal but it shouldn't be in any sentence concerning actual hunting. People are pathetic, anything to brag.
  5. BeardownAZ

    Wildcats done.

    They aren't the offensive jugernauts that Lute had but they are more consistent and better on defense so I guess its a trade off. When they won the title in 97 they were a 4 seed and beat 3 #1's to do it. Its more about team chemistry then talent alone. He'll get one of those teams that just fits perfect and it will lead to great things. This team was really good, just nothing you can do to about a team on fire at the 3 point line. They could almost throw balls over there shoulders and make em they were that hot. To bad it was against UA.
  6. BeardownAZ

    Wildcats done.

    Sean Miller is still pretty young, I think most forget that. He's getting experience on the big stage now consistently and eventually will break through, just a matter of time. Keep making elite 8s and sweet 16s and eventually they will turn into Final4s and title games. Dukes lost a lot of early tournament games but has also been to a ton of Final Fours. Keep reloading and they'll hit the mark.
  7. BeardownAZ


    They weren't soft. When a team hits 10-12 3 pointers in one half, they usually win. No there defense wasn't as good as there first half performance but still wasn't bad. And its not like Wisconsin is a slouch with no talent. I can handle a loss to a team like that, opposed to a Cinderella no name team. Miller will get there eventually, just a matter of time.
  8. BeardownAZ

    Pack goats

    Not trying to hijack the thread but what about Alpacas?? They aren't much bigger and you could get a side benefit of there fleece. Ive been interested in these but not just for hunting.
  9. BeardownAZ

    .223/ 556 hoarding

    That's unfortunate cause it's not necessary. At least not on all 223/556 at this time. Watch people freak out on stuff like this or even worse on Black Friday sales over tvs and other meaningless crap and it sends a scary message as how bad it would get if if really ever hit the fan over real issues.
  10. BeardownAZ

    .223/ 556 hoarding

    They should issue a apology for existing.
  11. Another great policy courtesy of the "jack booted thugs" and there liberal machine otherwise known as the government. Never even thought twice about this ammo, cause it doesnt actually pierce armor as the nitwits claim it does. So Snapshot, whats there next item for restriction or ban?
  12. As far cover scents go, there has been some long discussions on this on PredatorMasters about it. Most the veterans and old timers seem to think most of it is a waste of time. Just dont go out with cologne or perfume on basically. These are guys who kill pretty regularly too. There was alink provided that showed how strong a coyotes nose is and showed you can only fool it for a very brief time if at all. No matter how hard you try. Alot of them liked to use skunk scent because of its strength and how often they probably smell it in the wild when they did use cover scents.
  13. BeardownAZ

    Why are his antlers white?

    My buck I shot this year was very light almost but not as light as that one. The smaller one with him was light like the one you pictured. It too was grassy open terrain. Probably the rubs or lack of like others posted
  14. BeardownAZ

    Problem with neighbor's dog

    But it was a great dog... until this. "But but If you raise em right......"
  15. BeardownAZ

    Problem with neighbor's dog

    Well done on raising your dogs right! I had a buddy in a similar situation, his were great dogs too. Then one day he forgot to close the gate, and those two great dogs ate up the neighbors dog that was on a leash and tore into the neighbor pretty good when she tried to stop them. Good dogs though. Another friend had a good one also, until a friend came over with his young child (3-4) and that good dog for no reason chose to rip the face off of his buddy's daughter. It was a good dog too, very well trained with excellent manners. I usually avoid these conversations on this website, but you got my attention when you said "If you did your research you'd see that there is way more reports of dog bites from labs, cockers, German shepards and dalmations than pits." You're wrong buddy, check out the research conducted over the last 30 years. http://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/dog-attack-deaths-maimings-merritt-clifton-2013.pdf . While I hope you would read the full report, if you just want to scroll real quickly through the pages checking out just the first and second columns that will suffice. Sorry for hijacking the thread, but I thought others might enjoy the 'research.' Yup, famous last words of many. "But he was a good dog". Difference with dogs built like pits, is they don't just bite, they maul. As well as a good dog with the family it knows can be deadly around everyone else. So yes, it may be a good dog until an instinct we don't understand, triggers it on a unknowing victim. OP you sound reasonable with your neighbors, they are not obviously or they'd respect your attempts to resolve it in a mature manner. Keep out of trouble and do what needs to be done. You gave them there chance. Lots of funny, good and not so good advice on here. This is a great thread.
  16. BeardownAZ

    LION Down!

    That cats huge! What shot were you using? and what size of shell??
  17. BeardownAZ

    Win over ASU

    Universities and colleges are for partying and doing drugs...the education one gets at these institutions is sub par and closer to indoctrination. Sports are the only thing good these days coming out of the universities. But give it time, and and they will screw up the sports too. And indoctrinating liberal views in young impressionable minds
  18. I dont think the board opposing it means you cant hunt on it. Its just them whining out loud from what I understand. But im not sure on that. The PredatorMasters convention( which is the reason they are all lathered up) this weekend isnt even a competition or hunt for that matter anyway. Its a convention. With some members getting together to go hunt the local areas during that time. All these nitwit college brainwashed liberals never step foot outdoors yet know everything there is about wildlife biology. That is until there precious poodle becomes a pile of crap in the nearby wash, then its off with there heads for the coyote. Typical liberal hypocrisy
  19. BeardownAZ

    YOUR FIRED!!!!

    I could handle the loss better if New England just stuffed the run and won it. Its hard to swallow though when your own team, coaches especially, work against you by making an easy decision over complicated. Oh well. More important things in life. Fun season either way
  20. BeardownAZ

    YOUR FIRED!!!!

    Sick, just sick
  21. Its political so get your minds out of the gutter http://www.sportsmenslink.org/policies/federal/sportsmens-packages-of-the-113th-congress
  22. BeardownAZ

    iSpy Spotting Arm

    Thats very cool!! Whats wrong with glassing from the road as long as you arent blocking anyone?? Especially dirt road or even more so, jeep trails. I want one, and I dont even have anything to use it on.
  23. BeardownAZ

    what did I do wrong?

    I agree with the too loud theory. You can always start low and go up. But once you spook them, you can't go back. Live and learn
  24. Anyone else notice the dogs are getting harder to call right now? Anyone been using howls and coyote vocalization right now with any success? Distress doesnt seem to be peaking there interest as much for me. Figured they are starting or getting ready to rut.
  25. BeardownAZ

    sold please remove
