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Everything posted by BeardownAZ

  1. Problem is , they aren't being used for cartels. I wish they would and should. Look at Boston after the bombing. People think local police wont be used ever in a Martial Law type scenario are fooling themselves. Stop the crap at the border(Feds jobs), as it should be, then you don't need military type equipment for regular police departments. I understand the need in someways but in other ways it seems like it becomes for big government means to push there power. And yes they would(and have) employ local LE to help do it. The average criminal nowadays with our weak minded fool in charge, could literally be a small terrorist network. At that point a police force will not be enough either way. You would have to have military intervention to squash it. AR15s, etc are good. But where does it stop after armored cars and such??
  2. BeardownAZ


    They have one in Tucson too or Marana I should say.
  3. BeardownAZ


    Wow, you've never been to a Sportsmans Warehouse?? I only go in Cabelas or BassPro if I'm in the area to kill some time or if someone accidently gave me one of there gift cards
  4. BeardownAZ

    Colt files Bankruptcy

    Colt sold off its name largely. And thousands drank the kool aid believing they were so much more superior in anything they produced. Its sad but funny at the same time. How can you not be turning a fortune in todays gun market!!
  5. BeardownAZ

    who has the best chinese food in phx?

    Ahso's is Japanese. Completely different but it is good! I love these food posts!
  6. BeardownAZ

    Prices just go up

    Not to completely derail this post from its original topic, but one of the greatest things about being an American is our right and ability to dissent against the powers that be. And that includes when someone wants to know why tag fees keep going up and game numbers seem to be going down. No one needs to be quiet. Questioning game and fish isn't whining or complaining. The game doesn't belong to the game and fish. We don't ask them for permission to hunt. They manage it on our behalf so the ding dongs in society don't eradicate them. So questioning there fees, motives, etc, are perfectly reasonable.
  7. BeardownAZ

    Prices just go up

    "Quit hunting or pay there fees, no matter what they are!" Is the response you'll get on here from the usual few who love the Game and Fish no matter what. Its true, you could quit hunting and complaining or pay the fees. Or you could be a good American and question everything any government entity(state, Fed, local, etc) does! I don't care if you pay $1 mil in gas, food, gear etc. That's your choice and money spent completely separate from tags that u could spend regardless of getting drawn. But if the rate hike for tags isn't on par for what they are supposed to be doing with the money, even if it was $2 a tag, you should call them out. They work for us, not the other way around. I don't like paying more, but I cant say if its justified or not cause I haven't done my due diligence and researched it, so I wont complain....not yet anyway. I don't hate game and fish but I don't live in there hip pocket either.
  8. A plain clothed armed and trained individual(s), with signs at all entry points stating the school is armed at all times should be what ALL schools everywhere should do. Its amazing how many people think posting a no gun sign makes a dam difference. I guess it does make a difference to the armed thug. It announces that there will be no resistance if you choose to take your grudge out on society by shooting up a bunch of innocent children. I love what these people in Idaho are doing. I'd really like to know if anyone on here has had there school district ask to be armed and what there response was??
  9. BeardownAZ

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Sold two guns to Resolute. Was very quick and easy to deal with. Very friendly too.
  10. BeardownAZ

    I blew it . . .

    I think you could study it for a lifetime and still not get drawn when you think you should or are supposed to. Getting drawn is luck regardless the amount of points or whatever. Explain how a guy with 18 points doesn't get drawn for a specific hunt yet a guy with 4 points gets it and it was first choice for both?? And it happens all the time. I put in for what I want to hunt and hope its my turn. I think trying to figure there system out is a waste of my time. If you do figure it out though let me know
  11. BeardownAZ

    Turkey/predator hunting

    Nice. If your out hunting turkeys, most equipment including the shotgun, is predator ready as long as they aren't out of the guns range. Nice lil bonus to have while hunting another animal.
  12. I don't know whats worse, the over all American public sticking its head in the sand and oblivious and unconcerned about whats going on. Or the criminals running the country. And to think what we went to war over to rid ourselves of British rule in our beginning days compared what the government does to us now. Its depressing really.
  13. The system is so utterly broke, it(country) will have to crash and hit rock bottom to change. I hate being a nah sayer but I try and look at things realistically. Its going to get a lot worse before it gets better. The American people don't understand hardtimes like generations in the past and most really don't care. They hold no value in anything important. When voting someone into office based on being a first for some minority group is priority over actual issues and substance, we are lost. And we already went there with Obama and are going to with Hilary. If people would come to the realization of were this country is at and not some dream of where it used to be or would like to be, it may help to change things, but Im not holding my breath.
  14. BeardownAZ

    Tim McGraw Anti-Gunner!1....What a buzzzz kill!!

    I believe McGraw called himself a blue dog democrat at one point. So I cant say this is suprising. Another well to do celebrity lost from reality who can afford to hire personal protection.
  15. BeardownAZ

    then and now! ?

    I think its easy to say other then north of the Colorado, its gotten worse for mule deer. I literally remember seeing herds of mule deer when I first started going out as a kid in 27. Its pathetic now compared to what it used to be. Could just drive up from Morenci to Alpine and count a 100 or more deer you'd see next to the road without trying. I've done that now and not seen a single one : ( Whitetail on the other hand, like a lot have already said, seem to be in areas I never saw them before.
  16. BeardownAZ

    World record Elk 2010 SCI High fence

    Just cause its law doesn't make it right or moral. And just cause someone hunts doesn't give them a pass to not be critiqued or critized when they do questionable things. Blind loyalty is dangerous and irresponsible. Its whats gotten this country into the mess its in now in all facets. The "antis" will never agree or get on board with what hunting is. Never! So bickering or not, doesn't matter.
  17. BeardownAZ

    World record Elk 2010 SCI High fence

    High Fence??? In other words a farmed elk basically. Its an impressive animal but it shouldn't be in any sentence concerning actual hunting. People are pathetic, anything to brag.
  18. BeardownAZ

    Wildcats done.

    They aren't the offensive jugernauts that Lute had but they are more consistent and better on defense so I guess its a trade off. When they won the title in 97 they were a 4 seed and beat 3 #1's to do it. Its more about team chemistry then talent alone. He'll get one of those teams that just fits perfect and it will lead to great things. This team was really good, just nothing you can do to about a team on fire at the 3 point line. They could almost throw balls over there shoulders and make em they were that hot. To bad it was against UA.
  19. BeardownAZ

    Wildcats done.

    Sean Miller is still pretty young, I think most forget that. He's getting experience on the big stage now consistently and eventually will break through, just a matter of time. Keep making elite 8s and sweet 16s and eventually they will turn into Final4s and title games. Dukes lost a lot of early tournament games but has also been to a ton of Final Fours. Keep reloading and they'll hit the mark.
  20. BeardownAZ


    They weren't soft. When a team hits 10-12 3 pointers in one half, they usually win. No there defense wasn't as good as there first half performance but still wasn't bad. And its not like Wisconsin is a slouch with no talent. I can handle a loss to a team like that, opposed to a Cinderella no name team. Miller will get there eventually, just a matter of time.
  21. BeardownAZ

    Pack goats

    Not trying to hijack the thread but what about Alpacas?? They aren't much bigger and you could get a side benefit of there fleece. Ive been interested in these but not just for hunting.
  22. BeardownAZ

    .223/ 556 hoarding

    That's unfortunate cause it's not necessary. At least not on all 223/556 at this time. Watch people freak out on stuff like this or even worse on Black Friday sales over tvs and other meaningless crap and it sends a scary message as how bad it would get if if really ever hit the fan over real issues.
  23. BeardownAZ

    .223/ 556 hoarding

    They should issue a apology for existing.
  24. Another great policy courtesy of the "jack booted thugs" and there liberal machine otherwise known as the government. Never even thought twice about this ammo, cause it doesnt actually pierce armor as the nitwits claim it does. So Snapshot, whats there next item for restriction or ban?
  25. As far cover scents go, there has been some long discussions on this on PredatorMasters about it. Most the veterans and old timers seem to think most of it is a waste of time. Just dont go out with cologne or perfume on basically. These are guys who kill pretty regularly too. There was alink provided that showed how strong a coyotes nose is and showed you can only fool it for a very brief time if at all. No matter how hard you try. Alot of them liked to use skunk scent because of its strength and how often they probably smell it in the wild when they did use cover scents.