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Everything posted by BeardownAZ

  1. BeardownAZ

    Pig Logic

    I just started this year hunting javelina. And the area we are hunting, has been hunted a lot over the years by the friend I'm hunting with and they seem to love the area no matter what. He said he's never not seen javelina in this area despite pigs being killed in the area.
  2. BeardownAZ

    Hunting with Glocks and non hunting pistols(pics page 2)

    How far away would you guess the coati was? How accurate are the 5.7s? Thought that would be an interesting round to hunt with.
  3. BeardownAZ

    Hunting with Glocks and non hunting pistols(pics page 2)

    Yeah I was out using my Glock 20 for the first time. I think flinching or over squeezing and pulling happened. Need to practice more that's for sure. But fun and a lot of learning took place.
  4. BeardownAZ

    Hunting with Glocks and non hunting pistols(pics page 2)

    Your better then me or us Desertmafia, we failed horribly. Made for a lot of good laughs all of us missing with pigs running everywhere
  5. BeardownAZ

    Hunting with Glocks and non hunting pistols(pics page 2)

    yes its a lot of fun
  6. BeardownAZ

    RTIC coolers

    With Ozark Trail making tumblers and coolers(if they were ever in stock), the competition is only gonna put more pressure on Yeti. Once RTIC redesigns the cooler, that will be just another reason tonot pay Yetis prices once again. Good Luck on Yeti spending the coin going against Walmart(Ozark Trail). I have no issue with Yetis other then what I think is a ridiculous price. I guess some don't mind as long they can put a cool sticker on the back of there truck, lol.
  7. BeardownAZ

    RTIC coolers

    maybe yeti will come off there high horse and sell at reasonable prices now that there game has been figured out. I refuse to buy there stuff at there ridiculous prices. But $140 bucks shipped, definitely worth a try
  8. BeardownAZ

    RTIC coolers

    Walmart has the Ozark Trail softpak coolers for $45. I believe they are the 30.
  9. BeardownAZ

    RTIC coolers

    Wow, trump really is making America great again!! lol
  10. BeardownAZ

    SB 1182 Ban of Lion and Bobcat Hunting

    Liberal tool. Not surprised in the least
  11. BeardownAZ

    The new boarder wall

    So this is what winning feels like again?
  12. BeardownAZ

    RTIC coolers

    Never mind, found it. AZbowhntr, pm sent.
  13. BeardownAZ

    RTIC coolers

    One day sale?? Of course if it was, I missed it!
  14. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Fury Range Finding Binos

    So whats "seeing the light" on vortex? Does seem over priced but don't have one so not sure. At the same time not everyone wants to spend a lot of money on optics either. They(vortex) are, like Nikon and others, even Leupold to a certain extant. They fill a middle of the road niche with a good warranty so some "not" so hard core hunters can have something that works for them.
  15. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Talon HD 8x42 $300

    Still available
  16. BeardownAZ

    Vortex 15x50 Vipers or 15x56 Vulture

    Both are good. Not $2500 good but for the money they work good. But there is a difference due to the fact one has a bigger objective so it gathers more light. I wish the vipers had a 56mm objective. My vultures work well for my kinda of hunting. Good luck
  17. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Talon HD 8x42 $300

    Still available
  18. BeardownAZ

    Toilet Bowl

  19. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Talon HD 8x42 $300

  20. BeardownAZ

    Wife's First Buck! 12AW Kaibab

    Nice buck! So is that unit small with a large amount of hunters or does everyone congregate in the same area(s)? I never understood how some people love to just pack right in next to someone when there(maybe not in this case) so much area to go somewhere else. Of course maybe that's cause theres lots of deer there too
  21. BeardownAZ

    Hunts for Heroes: HELP NEEDED!!!

    Interesting and very cool. Do many outfitters get in on this?
  22. BeardownAZ

    The Empire Strikes back

    A post titled "The Empire Strikes Back" fooled someone into thinking it was a hunting thread?
  23. BeardownAZ

    Election time is upon us

    Let them leave. It wont go the way they think it will. As much as liberals hate conservatives, they have no clue, that the world they live in, is as good as it is, is because conservative working people hold it together despite there attempts to ruin it. Tell them to go to Venezuela if they want to see what there Utopic liberal run paradise looks like when its put into reality.
  24. BeardownAZ

    Election time is upon us

    Liberal hypocrisy is alive and well and on full display. Wow, they are absolutely loosing there minds. And I love it. Yet, were's all the loving, tolerance they always preach? This proves liberalism is a mental disorder.
  25. BeardownAZ

    Election time is upon us

    Had no intentions of watching last night but decided to check right before bed. It was going good for Trump so I decided to watch alil more. That snowballed into a long night. But that's ok! He isn't my ideal candidate of choice but Hillary was never an option. At the same time, I loved watching the epic butthurt on MSNBC, CNN etc once they knew he was going to win. And all the silence on FB. It cannot be overstated how big this is concerning the Supreme Court. We were a thread away from being a socialist nation if she had won.