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Everything posted by BeardownAZ

  1. BeardownAZ

    RTIC coolers

    One day sale?? Of course if it was, I missed it!
  2. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Fury Range Finding Binos

    So whats "seeing the light" on vortex? Does seem over priced but don't have one so not sure. At the same time not everyone wants to spend a lot of money on optics either. They(vortex) are, like Nikon and others, even Leupold to a certain extant. They fill a middle of the road niche with a good warranty so some "not" so hard core hunters can have something that works for them.
  3. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Talon HD 8x42 $300

    Still available
  4. BeardownAZ

    Vortex 15x50 Vipers or 15x56 Vulture

    Both are good. Not $2500 good but for the money they work good. But there is a difference due to the fact one has a bigger objective so it gathers more light. I wish the vipers had a 56mm objective. My vultures work well for my kinda of hunting. Good luck
  5. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Talon HD 8x42 $300

    Still available
  6. BeardownAZ

    Toilet Bowl

  7. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Talon HD 8x42 $300

  8. BeardownAZ

    Wife's First Buck! 12AW Kaibab

    Nice buck! So is that unit small with a large amount of hunters or does everyone congregate in the same area(s)? I never understood how some people love to just pack right in next to someone when there(maybe not in this case) so much area to go somewhere else. Of course maybe that's cause theres lots of deer there too
  9. BeardownAZ

    Hunts for Heroes: HELP NEEDED!!!

    Interesting and very cool. Do many outfitters get in on this?
  10. BeardownAZ

    The Empire Strikes back

    A post titled "The Empire Strikes Back" fooled someone into thinking it was a hunting thread?
  11. BeardownAZ

    Election time is upon us

    Let them leave. It wont go the way they think it will. As much as liberals hate conservatives, they have no clue, that the world they live in, is as good as it is, is because conservative working people hold it together despite there attempts to ruin it. Tell them to go to Venezuela if they want to see what there Utopic liberal run paradise looks like when its put into reality.
  12. BeardownAZ

    Election time is upon us

    Liberal hypocrisy is alive and well and on full display. Wow, they are absolutely loosing there minds. And I love it. Yet, were's all the loving, tolerance they always preach? This proves liberalism is a mental disorder.
  13. BeardownAZ

    Election time is upon us

    Had no intentions of watching last night but decided to check right before bed. It was going good for Trump so I decided to watch alil more. That snowballed into a long night. But that's ok! He isn't my ideal candidate of choice but Hillary was never an option. At the same time, I loved watching the epic butthurt on MSNBC, CNN etc once they knew he was going to win. And all the silence on FB. It cannot be overstated how big this is concerning the Supreme Court. We were a thread away from being a socialist nation if she had won.
  14. BeardownAZ

    Election time is upon us

    I just came here to tell Trophy Hunter he was right, I was wrong. This election was hand made for Clinton to win and I thought no way he could win. Well, ill gladly eat crow now. One time I don't mind being wrong. So glad that witch was defeated.
  15. Interesting but true I think. Spikes and younger,smaller forks almost always with does. Older bucks in bachelor herds. I think alot are missing the OPs original idea. I took it as him looking to improve the quality of the deer herd. Never heard him say people who kill small deer for meat shouldn't be able too for those reasons. I have no idea if points restrictions would work or not and am curious to know a real answer to that. I do know however, it seems in some units, there are lots of does to low Buck ratios it seems.
  16. BeardownAZ

    Unit 32 access issues?

    It seems I should of done my homework before putting 32 as a choice. Haven't hunted the unit in years and what a difference it is making. Didn't realize how many areas are closed now. Honestly I may just walk washes in the grassy flats near the chili and corn fields and hope to get lucky, lol. How did it fare last year or two in 32??
  17. The thing about spikes not growing into bigger deer is proven false , as has been stated on here a few times already. If the point restriction was done to help a unit or species gain more in numbers then I'd be all for it. Not because everyone should be forced to hunt trophy only. But it seems most think the restriction doesn't work. And if it doesn't, then lets not do it. Does anyone have any links to any studies done to prove this one way or another? It would be nice as one stated, to have a few trophy units other then just the Kaibab. What about shutting(certain) units down or certain areas in certain units every other year that are low in numbers and or high doe to buck ratios?? I do believe, that regardless of what anyone else says, that Game and Fish first motivation is dollars.
  18. BeardownAZ

    Unit 32 access issues?

    Anyone know a website about right away laws and such? A lot of public land but access is blocked at established roadways. Some state trust is even locked now. Season over. I'll just go back to a unit that doesn't have this issue.
  19. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Talon HD 8x42 $300

    Still available. Buyer backed out.
  20. BeardownAZ

    Venting about sellers

    I've had nothing but good here, even though there may be in a exception in the works right now for me on a buyer but hopefully it doesn't turn out that way. People are flaky, wishy washy animals. Try buying or selling on the Facebook groups. A lot of People have no honor or integrity. Not hard to stand by your word.
  21. BeardownAZ

    Vortex Talon HD 8x42 $300

    Still available
  22. BeardownAZ

    Unit 32 access issues?

    The few decent areas on public land looked like cities. I've seen rv parks with more space between them then what I saw today, no joking. Again, there is some really good deer in 32 but a lot on private ranches. I don't blame them for not opening there land up.
  23. BeardownAZ

    Unit 32 access issues?

    As hot as it is, I'd rather do that right now, lol
  24. BeardownAZ

    This is why some people don't deserve to hunt

    They obviously have no clue. This wasn't a mistake or accidental id error, this is a example of people hunting who should not be.
  25. BeardownAZ

    Lion tag?

    Hyperwrx- So when lions come to the call, How do they usually approach? Similar to a Bobcat or more direct?? Always wanted to call one in.