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Everything posted by BeardownAZ

  1. BeardownAZ

    What binos?

    That's something to be proud of I guess? Nice work. Good job. Real thumbs up. Oh boy, not this s%#@ again. Why do all these threads turn into pissing contest every time anymore. There's a thread already covering what happened on that one.
  2. BeardownAZ

    What binos?

    None. Maybe a pair of 10s but most of the time none. I hunt flats and washes.
  3. BeardownAZ

    Javelina highway

    Found this today just cruising around with the kids. Couldn't go walk to far to see what it turned up but it dumped into some thick washes. That trail is all pig track and fresh too. No cattle anywhere. Too narrow and shallow for cattle or anything bigger anyways. Man I wish it was Ham hunt time already!
  4. BeardownAZ

    Anyone HAM hunting?

    Dilly dilly
  5. BeardownAZ

    Spypoint Link Evo Verizon

    Curious about these as well or any of the cellular cameras. Have you used yours yet?
  6. BeardownAZ

    How bout them Devils!

    ASU should make it. But keep losing to these conference teams like they are, and they won't. What they found out is, when your a good team, all the other teams start bringing there A game cause they know they have to. Lets face it, no one gets up for bottom of the barrel teams, which is why they get an occasional upset over good teams. The good teams let there guard down. ASU doesn't have any size so if there outside shooting goes cold, they are in trouble. Conference play is tricky as everyone knows what everyone brings each game.
  7. BeardownAZ

    Simply awesome Javelina Youth hunt

    Your a better man then I. Its always lion season, always, lol!
  8. BeardownAZ

    Javelina highway

    That's not a bad idea, however I am not driving that far just to do that. If it was closer by I might try that. Id just hang a trail cam( if I had one) down in the wash were the trail goes for a week or so and watch the times. They are around there. Those tracks are way to fresh and that trail is beaten to good not to be used regularly for them not to be close by. Its just a matter of how many are in that group.
  9. BeardownAZ

    Javelina highway

    I’d be willing to bet they are using this trail late night to water or feeding grounds. It was warm last year during our ham hunt and they seemed to be in the washes most of the day so that’s were we hunted them. Probably be the same this year.
  10. BeardownAZ

    Javelina highway

    The trail goes to a huge thick wash and goes across the flats to another wash that has a tank just a little ways away. Definitely a promising looking area.
  11. BeardownAZ

    Javelina highway

    Oops, lol. Yes, it was like straight up and down
  12. BeardownAZ

    Handgunners-What gun, What bullet?

    The HAM hunts are just around the corner. Gonna use a stainless Ruger GP100 4" in 357. Not sure what grain or bullet or even caliber(38 or 357) I'll go with. The gun shoots the 38 special and 357 158 grain soft points really good. Gonna try and find some good hollow point ammo in one of those two calibers or stick with the lead soft points I'm using now. What are you all gonna use?
  13. BeardownAZ

    Now What . . .

    I say go after it as best you reasonably can without getting hurt. Its not like you intentionally put yourself or the animal in this spot. Either way, film it, in case in becomes comical....for us, lol
  14. BeardownAZ

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    Never invite "the man" into your life. Unfortunately you are learning that the hard way now.
  15. BeardownAZ

    Handgunners-What gun, What bullet?

    I found some 38 Special +P 125 Semi Jacketed Hollow points that shoot great! Very accurate at various ranges. Roughly 1000 fps. I'll be trying those. Seems 45 Auto and 357 really have a following for pig. Nice guns in here!! Cool to see people change things up from the ordinary.
  16. BeardownAZ

    Handgunners-What gun, What bullet?

    What caliber and what grain?
  17. BeardownAZ

    Handgunners-What gun, What bullet?

    Friend suggested same thing. Think I might
  18. BeardownAZ

    9mm carbine

    I can attest from bad experience that proper bullets are a big deal in any caliber. Bigger isn't always necessary just good expanding bullets in whatever you use. They are a small and not heavy animal so not much room or time for a bullet to dump energy. A good 9mm hollow point would be great I would think.
  19. BeardownAZ

    Eletronic call

    Icotec. For the money they are better then the FoxPro. I have both. FoxPro sounds are good and plentiful but the remotes are terrible compared to others.
  20. BeardownAZ

    Anti-Hunting Article in the Republic

    Unfortunately people like her are not to be taken lightly. The public is going to listen to idiots like her and vote to ban Lion and Bobcat because our society is run by a bunch of emotion based retards that cant reason or understand facts. I really fear this is going to get voted on and passed.
  21. BeardownAZ

    223 factory loads??(pics pg. 3)

    Sorry but shooting 300RUM for coyotes is a little to rich for my blood, lol. I like to keep it cheap when I shoot them trash eaters. But it would be good deer and elk practice.
  22. Whats everyone using? Got an AR but am going to get a bolt gun for coyotes, etc. I've got enough FMJ 55 grain that shoots great but am looking at hunting rounds that are accurate, somewhat cheap and good explosive characteristics on impact. Like Hornady Vmaxs or Fiochhi 50 grain, along those lines.
  23. Don't fool yourselves, if the general public can vote on this, they'll pass it, not understanding what the truth actually is. Emailed them my displeasure.
  24. BeardownAZ

    Grimaldis Pizza hosting antihunting fundraiser

    It's a fundraiser not just a large dinner party. Can't imagine they don't know what's going on.
  25. BeardownAZ

    Grimaldis Pizza hosting antihunting fundraiser

    I've been thinking the same thing. The other cats are not even a talking point on this as you mentioned, federally protected. But it just goes to show that they will lie and manipulate to get what they want. This is solely about mt.lions and bobcat. They know the other 3 aren't the issue or concern.